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Last Hour's Results: Division 5

Games: Piece of Cake

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Top scores over all divisions last hour:

1. rahul0 [D5] (983 pts)   2. Indonesia129 [D6] (982 pts)   3. Lodger_Moore [D5] (979 pts)  

Player LevelTeamCorrectTimeScore
1.  rahul0 160 CLIQUE-KICKERS 10 17.43 983
2.  Lodger_Moore 118 The Moops 10 20.75 979
3.  George95 222 Triviamanic 10 22.43 978
4.  Xanadont 223 The Internationals 10 23.37 977
5.  sam388 232 The Calculators 10 23.67 976
6.  ssabreman 227 Funsters 10 25.69 974
7.  saratogarox 198 Old Farts 10 26.43 974
8.  Govannon8 151 The Usual Suspects 10 29.26 971
9.  TropRock 107 Retired And Loving It 10 32.87 967
10.  SatchelPooch 160 The Regal Beagles 10 33.43 967
11.  Eruditio 132 Dream Weavers 10 59.06 941
12.  cardsfan_027 261 Phoenix Rising 9 37.09 863