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United Star Wars Fanatics
Group Number: 4501, Team Leader: citrus19

  There are 151 members. 2 are considered active.

  Jedi or Sith, it matters not. Join us and bring balance to the Force by playing trivia. Star Wars movies, animation, books, Legos, etc. Star Wars in any form is what this group is all about. The Force will be with us . . . Always!

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: kenzie918

This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For May we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Daily Game   Easy Hourly   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailNewEasySmrt Score

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Feb 29, 1:03 PMcitrus19 Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 5 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:03 PMkraytkiller Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 5 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PMDanWay07 Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PME.Grievous Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PMZebes Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PMbarrissoffee Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 25, 11:31 AMstarwarsgirl30 Brain Twisted
score 60 perfect brain twists
Newest members: rabbitsavior (Aug 13 23) squall180 (Sep 20 21) jasongro9 (Mar 05 17) hot6a6m9192 (Feb 01 17)

United Star Wars Fanatics are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly --- --- --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
kraytkiller Pontefract UK26054727579
citrus19 Connecticut USA17686935244
starwarsgirl30 Algona USA33552924238
E.Grievous Cumberland UK749198149
Patquiz Cheyenne USA1114747125
barrissoffee Michigan USA518273101
DanWay07 London Canada448987100
Jedi_Sith North Carolina USA38684481
Zebes Yorkshire UK17130458
kenzie918 6405230

You can create your own group here, and invite your own friends / family / co-workers to join it.

Your Membership: You are not a member of this team.