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Quiz about The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5
Quiz about The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5

"The Walking Dead" Season 2 Episode 5 Quiz

The fifth and final quiz of mine, finishing off the second Season of "The Walking Dead" for the PS3, PS4, Xboxes, and mobile devices, and covering the final Episode of Telltale Games' masterpiece.

A multiple-choice quiz by cavalier87. Estimated time: 7 mins.
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7 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
9 / 15
- -
Question 1 of 15
1. As most players likely would have predicted, this final Episode is a direct continuation of what Episode Four ended off on, as the group is found in the midst of a very heated conflict with the Russian mob. Whether or not the player chose to kill Rebecca, the baby AJ is found lying right in the middle of the battleground, in plain sight, which is really not a great place for anyone, let alone a baby, to be. What ultimately happens to AJ? Hint

Question 2 of 15
2. After being shot by Vitali, Luke is exposed in plain sight, and nearly meets his end before someone shoots Buricko, thus saving Luke's life. Who is Luke's guardian angel in this scenario? Hint

Question 3 of 15
3. With the Russian Mob done for, Arvo ends up staying behind to mourn the loss of his dead sister Natasha, as she turned into a walker during the conflict, being put down by Clementine. How does Kenny treat Arvo during this scene? Hint

Question 4 of 15
4. After the conflict, Clementine and Jane once again get alone time with which to discuss the current state of affairs. What is their primary topic of discussion? Hint

Question 5 of 15
5. After a while of travelling, something bad happens to Luke. What happens? Hint

Question 6 of 15
6. In this episode, Luke has a brief moment to talk with Clementine, and he uses this time to express a negative emotion. What is the emotion, and why is Luke feeling it? Hint

Question 7 of 15
7. While not the most ideal way to spend such a day, later that night, Luke proclaims that today is a special personal day for him. What is Luke celebrating today? Hint

Question 8 of 15
8. After Mike tries to console Arvo with a bottle of rum over his sister's death, Arvo will proceed to yell at Mike in an effort to be left alone. How does Kenny react to Arvo's outburst? Hint

Question 9 of 15
9. As the group finally reaches Arvo's safehouse, they are forced to cross a frozen lake that is clearly not stable. Unfortunately, things are complicated when walkers show up to crash the party, forcing the group to advance through the frozen lake faster than they should or would want to. Things get even worse when Arvo sees it as an escape opportunity, running through the frozen lake with Kenny giving chase, which only makes the lake even more fragile. All of this would combine to lead to the demise of one of the group members, a death which angered the game's fanbase significantly due to how it was written. Which fan favorite ends up meeting their doom? Hint

Question 10 of 15
10. With Arvo in a predicament himself, having fallen through the ice, Kenny is the only one who can reach him, as he dangles off of a piece of ice in the chilly waters. What does Kenny do? Hint

Question 11 of 15
11. The morning after they reach the safehouse, what do Mike, Arvo, and Bonnie (if still alive) decide to do? Hint

Question 12 of 15
12. The final showdown, the climax of the entire Season, the biggest decision one could possibly be made in the rest stop towards the end of the Episode. After being attacked by walkers at a rest stop, Jane tells Kenny that she had to leave AJ behind in order to escape a herd of walkers. Kenny finally hits his breaking points, as he tackles Jane to the ground and begins to choke her, while also holding out a knife, getting in position to stab her, as she lies on the ground, helpless to do anything. The player must now make a monumental decision on what to do, as they hold a Glock in their hand. Regardless of what the player decides to do, what cannot happen in this scene? Hint

Question 13 of 15
13. After the conflict, what does Clementine, with or without Jane and/or Kenny, discover? Hint

Question 14 of 15
14. Ultimately, how many ways are there for the Season to end? Hint

Question 15 of 15
15. Of all the possible endings, which one does TellTale Games reveal was the one players most often came to? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. As most players likely would have predicted, this final Episode is a direct continuation of what Episode Four ended off on, as the group is found in the midst of a very heated conflict with the Russian mob. Whether or not the player chose to kill Rebecca, the baby AJ is found lying right in the middle of the battleground, in plain sight, which is really not a great place for anyone, let alone a baby, to be. What ultimately happens to AJ?

Answer: Clementine or Luke get to AJ and take him to safety behind cover

Thankfully, either the player or Luke values AJ enough to risk their neck to go out in the open to get him. As Clementine is knocked to the ground, the decision that determines who saves AJ is whether or not Clementine should go to AJ, or join Luke behind cover as he frantically waves Clementine over to do so. If the player decides to save AJ, Clementine dodges multiple gun shots, nearly getting shot herself, but is otherwise able to safely and successfully get AJ and join Luke behind cover, to which he is grateful for, having been unaware of AJ's position. If the player decides to join Luke behind cover instead of immediately saving AJ, Luke will quickly notice AJ's position and go out to save AJ himself. Unfortunately for Luke, he does not do so as safely as Clementine does, as he is shot in the back of the leg by Vitali, a member of the Russian Mob. If you were looking to shield Luke from being shot with this decision, don't bother; Vitali will shoot Luke in the back of the leg either way. If the player decided to save AJ themselves, keeping Luke from doing it, Vitali will simply end up breaching their cover to shoot Luke before being killed by Clementine or Luke shortly after.
2. After being shot by Vitali, Luke is exposed in plain sight, and nearly meets his end before someone shoots Buricko, thus saving Luke's life. Who is Luke's guardian angel in this scenario?

Answer: Kenny

Kenny intervenes at the last possible second, planting a shot clear in the middle of Buricko's eyes, right as Buricko was going to do the same to an unsuspecting Luke, frantically trying to get back to cover. Kenny ends up being the "MVP" of this conflict, as he is also able to take Arvo hostage, threatening the Russian mob with killing Arvo if they do not back down. Arvo's importance seems to be very high to the mob, as this defeats them completely, as they would agree to Kenny's terms and retreat.
3. With the Russian Mob done for, Arvo ends up staying behind to mourn the loss of his dead sister Natasha, as she turned into a walker during the conflict, being put down by Clementine. How does Kenny treat Arvo during this scene?

Answer: Violently

Kenny ends up ripping Arvo off of his dead sister's corpse and beats him senselessly, before Mike and Luke intervene and restrain Kenny. Kenny does not stop either, as he takes his Glock out and waves it threateningly at Luke and Mike. This is Kenny's irrational anger in full force, startling the group.

This is also about the point where Kenny's emotions reached their climax; he may have been angry and violent to this point of the season, but as you will see later in the episode, he truly turns it up a notch this episode.
4. After the conflict, Clementine and Jane once again get alone time with which to discuss the current state of affairs. What is their primary topic of discussion?

Answer: Kenny's mental state

Jane expresses increased concern over Kenny's mental state, as a result of his backlash at Mike and Luke. If the player watched Kenny kill Carver instead of walk away earlier in the Season, Jane will express concern over Clementine's emotional state at having seen Kenny commit so much violence.

While the subject of leaving the group does come up, it is clearly a minor and secondary aspect of their overall discussion.
5. After a while of travelling, something bad happens to Luke. What happens?

Answer: He collapses

Luke's gunshot leg finally gives way, and Luke says this is due to him putting too much weight on it. Arvo once again comes into trouble, as he does not hear the commotion going on, and continues to walk as the group stops to rest. This upsets Kenny, who suspects Arvo is trying to sneak away from the group instead of show them to his supply filled hideout. Kenny once again hits Arvo, and is once again restrained by Mike.
6. In this episode, Luke has a brief moment to talk with Clementine, and he uses this time to express a negative emotion. What is the emotion, and why is Luke feeling it?

Answer: Disbelief that he is the last of the cabin survivors

Luke feels very remorseful over the deaths of the cabin house survivors. No matter how much the player tries to console Luke, he is adamant in his belief that all of it is his fault. The only way Luke will actually get angry is if the player overtly agrees with him on it being his fault, but this anger is at Clementine for being so harsh, not for their current situation.
7. While not the most ideal way to spend such a day, later that night, Luke proclaims that today is a special personal day for him. What is Luke celebrating today?

Answer: None of these

Bonnie, having a makeshift "present" for Luke on his birthday, promptly handles him a half-filled bottle of rum she has been saving. Upon hearing this news, the group takes time to tell stories of their lives before the apocalypse over a campfire in an effort to enhance the morale and mood of the group.
8. After Mike tries to console Arvo with a bottle of rum over his sister's death, Arvo will proceed to yell at Mike in an effort to be left alone. How does Kenny react to Arvo's outburst?

Answer: Violently

Once again, Kenny's barbaric ways come to blows with Arvo. However, this time Kenny outright knocks Arvo unconscious before Mike is able to restrain him once again. Arvo would end up waking up later, before continuing to mourn the death of his sister.

At this point, everybody except for Kenny (and Clementine depending on choices the player makes) seems to have forgiven Arvo for what he did, and seems sympathetic at the loss of his sister. Kenny, on the other hand, has a very tense way of expressing his feelings towards the situation.
9. As the group finally reaches Arvo's safehouse, they are forced to cross a frozen lake that is clearly not stable. Unfortunately, things are complicated when walkers show up to crash the party, forcing the group to advance through the frozen lake faster than they should or would want to. Things get even worse when Arvo sees it as an escape opportunity, running through the frozen lake with Kenny giving chase, which only makes the lake even more fragile. All of this would combine to lead to the demise of one of the group members, a death which angered the game's fanbase significantly due to how it was written. Which fan favorite ends up meeting their doom?

Answer: Luke

Bonnie, Clementine, and Luke make their way through the frozen lake together. While initially, all seems to be going well, the ice Luke is stepping on begins to crack, forcing him to stop moving. Bonnie and Clementine take a few steps forward before realizing Luke's predicament. Bonnie begins to try to assist Luke, but stops when he asks her to stay put.

As the walkers are now beginning to catch up to Luke, Luke begs Clementine to shoot the walkers while he tries to move slowly forward. Things get worse, as the ice Luke is standing on cracks.

His injured leg falls into the hole, as the situation goes from bad to worse. Here, the player can choose to try to help Luke get his leg back above water or shoot the walkers. If the player chooses to help Luke, the ice both are standing on cracks, causing Luke and Clementine to completely fall underwater. Clementine will try to swim to the surface, but will find the icy ceiling in her way.

As Clementine attempts to break the ice by hitting it, a walker underwater will intervene and try to attack Clementine.

It is there that Luke meets his end, going out like a hero, as he grabs the walker and takes it away from Clementine. Unfortunately for Luke, the struggle between himself and the walker does not go well, as the walker ultimately drags Luke underwater, sealing his fate. It does, however, give Clementine enough time to break the ice and, with Jane's help, get back above water. If the player chooses to kill walkers, Bonnie eventually ends up letting anxiety get the best of her, as she goes to help Luke. Predictably, they both fall underwater when the ice breaks. This particular death scenario is what angered the fanbase so much, as Clementine is essentially forced to watch Luke drown to death. Here, the player can try to break the ice to bring Luke above water, but doing so will prove futile, as Luke will drown before the ice is broken. However, it is still worth your while in breaking the ice for a choice, as if you do not, Bonnie will join Luke in drowning underwater, a fate which can in fact be reversed by breaking the ice.
10. With Arvo in a predicament himself, having fallen through the ice, Kenny is the only one who can reach him, as he dangles off of a piece of ice in the chilly waters. What does Kenny do?

Answer: Kenny pulls Arvo above water, saving him

Surprisingly, Kenny saves Arvo's life, despite having abused him as thoroughly as he has. The camaraderie doesn't develop too much further, however, as Kenny will once again beat Arvo when they reach the house, as Kenny is upset with Arvo for running through the ice, believing that Arvo is to blame for the death of Luke and Bonnie (if Bonnie also drowned).
11. The morning after they reach the safehouse, what do Mike, Arvo, and Bonnie (if still alive) decide to do?

Answer: Steal the truck Kenny found

Mike will explain to Clementine, if prompted, that the trio (or duo if Bonnie is not present) is growing increasingly concerned about Kenny's instability, to the point where leaving him while they can is the logical course of action. In this scene, Mike will either end up shooting Clementine in the shoulder with a rifle if the player decides to draw a gun on him, or Arvo will end up accidentally (or purposefully if Clementine went through with robbing him earlier) shoot Clementine as the truck is pulling away, either of which will render Clementine unconscious.

At this point, Kenny angrily emerges from the house and gives chase to Mike, Arvo, and Bonnie (if alive) but is too late, as they escape with the truck as Clementine passes out.
12. The final showdown, the climax of the entire Season, the biggest decision one could possibly be made in the rest stop towards the end of the Episode. After being attacked by walkers at a rest stop, Jane tells Kenny that she had to leave AJ behind in order to escape a herd of walkers. Kenny finally hits his breaking points, as he tackles Jane to the ground and begins to choke her, while also holding out a knife, getting in position to stab her, as she lies on the ground, helpless to do anything. The player must now make a monumental decision on what to do, as they hold a Glock in their hand. Regardless of what the player decides to do, what cannot happen in this scene?

Answer: Both Jane and Kenny survive the conflict

There are a number of ways this scene can be played out. To cover the 2 most simplistic, the player can decide to save Jane's life by shooting and killing Kenny, while the player can also allow Kenny to kill Jane on the spot. If the player lets Kenny live, you can also decide to shoot Kenny as he approaches Clementine after committing the act. If the player shoots Kenny before he can kill Jane, he will eventually bleed out from the gunshot wound, but before doing so, he will finally realize the regret he has over all the violent acts he has committed, and thanks Clementine for finishing him off before finally bleeding out. If the player lets Kenny kill Jane, and then kills Kenny after, he will realize what he has done wrong before Clementine shoots him, and will borderline beg the player to shoot him, realizing he has nothing left to live for, before Clementine obliges. Alternatively, the player can allow Kenny to kill Jane, and can then just leave Kenny be. If the player chooses to shoot Kenny before killing Jane, Jane's survival is assured, as there is no option to shoot Jane yourself. No matter what, however, both Jane and Kenny cannot survive the ordeal; one of them, or both, must go.
13. After the conflict, what does Clementine, with or without Jane and/or Kenny, discover?

Answer: AJ is still alive

As it would turn out, Jane flat out lied about AJ's condition, as she actually left AJ in the car and feigned his death to Kenny. If you chose to save Jane, she remarks on how the ruse was a test to see how Kenny would react, so that Jane could prove Kenny's insanity to Clementine once and for all.

It is very understandable to be upset with Jane at this decision, and TellTale Games provides the player with a way to express this feeling, as you now have the option to take AJ and abandon Jane at the rest stop, leaving her behind forever if you choose to do so.
14. Ultimately, how many ways are there for the Season to end?

Answer: Five

Clementine can end up entering Wellington with AJ, leaving Kenny behind, Clementine can refuse to leave Kenny behind and go with him and AJ elsewhere (ending the Episode and Season), Clementine can end up with Jane back at Howe's Hardware Store, where you can accept the joining of another survival family, ending off with five total survivors, or you can have this ending involve turning them away. If the player killed Kenny and killed/left behind Jane, then Clementine is spotted walking through a blizzard, killing a walker and using its guts to mask AJ and Clementine's scent, before proceeding through the blizzard, and watching the scene fade to black, signaling the end of the Season.
15. Of all the possible endings, which one does TellTale Games reveal was the one players most often came to?

Answer: Alone with AJ

The top five choices were actually widely contested, as there was a difference of just 4.3% in players who ended up alone with AJ and being with Kenny and AJ, being with AJ, Jane, and the family, and being with AJ at Wellington. 25.7% of players ended up alone with AJ, signaling that a little more than 1/4th the fanbase chose to kill Kenny and kill/leave behind Jane. Amazingly, the other three options on this question were all explored exactly 21.4% of the time apiece, creating a bizarre three way tie between the three.

It is worth noting that these statistics are finalized, as TellTale Games stopped keeping track of these choices upon the release of Season Three.
Source: Author cavalier87

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