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Subject: Llamas and Pirates

Posted by: AnneBonney
Date: Oct 28 08

Welcome to the Llama/Pirate Halloween party. Anything goes here....anything appropriate for this site, that is. :)

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_Morpheus_ star
Come on people it's FFFFFFFFFFFriday!

Let's Hooooookey Pooooookey! Tear it UP!

Reply #121. Nov 07 08, 10:59 AM
1. Cured sausage - The ..... Project (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments).

Cured? No-one told me it was sick!

2. The academic discipline, and its supporting body of knowledge, that involves the study of such concepts as quantity, structure, space and change./Royal male head of state.

I'm guessing that dynamics is the discipline that involves the study of such concepts as quantity, structure, space and change.

Martin Luther was an academic so, in honour of this week's historic events, the answer is ... the dynamic Martin Luther King.

3. Viking-themed melodic death metal band from Tumba, Sweden.

This must relate to the news that Abba are reforming as a death metal band. The first single - The winner takes a duck's head off with a chainsaw - is available to download from Friday.

Or if you can't wait, try here

4. Character from The Wind in the Willows who 'simply hates society'.

The Willows is a rather nice vegetarian Chinese restaurant not far from us here. I once got wind in the Willows but on that occasion it was society that hated me. :(

5. Information highway poultry

I've heard this one before ...
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Al Gore : Because I designed the Information Superhighway so that all chickens, especially American ones, can cross under our benevolent supervision.

6. A character from Star Trek Next Generation (one letter) plus two Spice Girls

I nominate B to be my one letter + Captain Paul Rice as the STNG character + Two Spice Girls

Come to think of it, it was that same combination of Menu B (Rice and two vegetables) that caused all the problems in the Willows.

7. Diving polar explorer.

Diving polar explorer could be a walrus or a polar bear but ... there can only be one winner :

Now a threeway of bear, walrus and Scubascott would be worth paying money to see.

8. Ultimate Ninja experienced in battle.

The ultimates of Ninja are Ja and n. E stands for experienced and is also in battle so the answer must again be the lovely Lady Jane.

9. A make of car and its owner.

Give me some credit. I've cottoned on to the fact that all these answers are Chain Gang related. Thus, I need to find someone with the appropriate maturity, life skills and experience. It can only be Captain Ryan O'Rion.

10. This editor is definatly not dead.

No he/she's resting, stunned, pining for the fjords and shagged out after a prolonged squawk.

Anyway from an epistemological point of view (look it up Morpheus) how do I know whether said editor is alive or dead or that this virtual world beyond my laptop is real and not just a figment of my erudite and unhinged imagination? And how do YOU know that I exist and am not just a figment of your imagination as, if I didn't exist, you would have to invent me? And in conclusion, Your Honour .. that is precisely why the Law should allow a man to pretend to be a woman pretending to be a cat pretending to be a llama.

Reply #122. Nov 07 08, 11:48 AM
_Morpheus_ star
Sounds good to me he/she/it. I'll have you know, I'm a refined man of letters and my vocab would put yours back in Shakespearean rehab ;b

Reply #123. Nov 07 08, 12:03 PM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
I rest Jabberwok's case, that is definitely silly. ;P

Reply #124. Nov 07 08, 12:04 PM
Mopheus - apologies to you, my friend. It was Scubascott who couldn't cope with the long words.

Reply #125. Nov 07 08, 12:35 PM
_Morpheus_ star
No need, no need, Glenda. Everything I say here is tongue in cheek. I'm having fun fencing with y'all. I admire and respect your whimsical talents.

Reply #126. Nov 07 08, 12:44 PM
cyberhen star
Once again, Glenda, a very good effort. I know you are not a figment of my imagination because I couldn't possibly think up such strange answers to my quiz questions.

I am still convinced that you are the re-incarnation of Les Dawson as this short video will illustrate -

I am a bit worried about the chainsaw threat though.

Reply #127. Nov 07 08, 1:19 PM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
I'd be more worried if I got invited to the Willows.

Reply #128. Nov 07 08, 1:58 PM
cyberhen star
I don't know , Flopsy, at least they don't eat ducks there.

Reply #129. Nov 07 08, 1:59 PM
My most worrying thought is that I quite like the metal Abba.

Reply #130. Nov 07 08, 2:04 PM
Re-incarnation of Les Dawson? It was me wot taught him everything he knew, Jem.

Reply #131. Nov 07 08, 2:23 PM
cyberhen star
Especially dress-sense eh?

I've written a quiz especially for you and your wonderful team.

1. Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

minus cy.



4. Of, resembling, or characteristic of a fox. Cunning; clever.

5. He comes from Columbus.

6. Viscount Ely was knighted by him in Dublin in 1604.

7. He operates the roundabout on 'The Magic Roundabout'

8. This one is covered in fine cracks

9. Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, Asia - where a rodent belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae lives.

10. South American camelid pack animals getting their own back.

Reply #132. Nov 07 08, 3:05 PM
_Morpheus_ star
My word Lady Jane, you have been a busy bee! Yet another cleaver thematic quiz for all to enjoy.

Oh, before I forget and I've come across a most curious video....of......drum roll.... Yes indeed, glendathecat. The lighting isn't exemplary to say the least and I suppose I should seek approval before posting this gem?

Reply #133. Nov 07 08, 3:37 PM
cyberhen star
I've seen that too, RJ, while I was doing my research for the latest quiz. I think you should show it to demonstrate Les's expert skills as a camera-cat/llama.

Reply #134. Nov 07 08, 3:39 PM
_Morpheus_ star
I'd rather get an OK Lady Jane. I'm not sure it was meant for a general audience. Sounds like they were having fun messing a kick out of the accents.

Reply #135. Nov 07 08, 3:52 PM
cyberhen star
They sounded American to me. Please educate me.

Reply #136. Nov 07 08, 4:10 PM
_Morpheus_ star
Trust me, Lady Jane. Those are not voices you would here on this side of the pond. Pronunciation is way to precise and clipped.

Reply #137. Nov 07 08, 4:32 PM
cyberhen star
Ah, fake Americans then.

Reply #138. Nov 07 08, 5:41 PM
fredfrank star
It's so confusing. I'm not sure who anyone is anymore.

Reply #139. Nov 08 08, 2:52 AM
scubascott star
You be nay th' only one Danny! If I stay away a tide I be havin' t' wade through these posts t' be seein' what`s happened an' be seein' that glendathecat be dissin' th' scuba!

Reply #140. Nov 08 08, 3:01 AM

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