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Subject: A tribute to Advice For Bachelors

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Apr 24 12

That was the funniest thread we've had all year.

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13LuckyLady star

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Regarding Daver's comment that television is for women..

I've been making notes.

Unfortunately, television is just as biased against females as those who believe we are a blight the minute we are conceived.

Don't think so? When males riot for their sports team, they are considered as showing support. When they yell, they are considered to be an authority.

When a woman is less than compliant, words such as 'acting out', 'being difficult', 'crazy', 'acting like a child' and so on begin.

Gentlemen, as I advised a father who refused to pick up his female child as she was only 'throwing one of her fits' and 'seeking attention' while 'acting out'....

would you prefer to show your daughter how she should be, and deserves to be, treated in this world....

or would you prefer some dude who has only his best interests in mind to show your wonderful daughter how he believes YOUR child should be treated.

I could treat men based upon the way I've been treated due to the fact I am determined, strong, intelligent and know what end of a screwdriver to use. Yet, I won't....far too many intelligent men in the world to lump them with the others.

Yep, destroying each other is so easy. Building each other up....that's the tough one...but ever so worth it!

Reply #1361. Sep 06 16, 8:05 AM
daver852 star

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I don't think you would have liked "The Man Show." What do you think about "Married With Children"?

Reply #1362. Sep 06 16, 8:57 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Oh, please! The husband is portrayed as a idiot and the wife as an empty-headed dolt!

Until men are scantily clad and jumping on trampolines, I have no interest. I've considered opening a restaurant called "Cheeks" with men servers in extremely tight short shorts and only a bowtie. They will be expected to flirt with the customers and if they should be touched, groped or anything else..the same rules apply as the other restaurant I will not name.

Did you know there are new food products out with the brand name of "The Man Cave"?

Being taken seriously starts when you are born...not after you've bounced yourself all over the place.

What do you think of shows where men are portrayed as the most foolish, ignorant creatures that ever roamed the earth?

To me, they are as dumb as those who portray women as fluffy, gold-digging property rather than the human beings they are.

Daver, what do such television shows prove about writers?

Little imagination and the pleasure of showing their gender (male or female) in the worst possible light is their motive.

Daver, if you like me or accept me as an equal matters little to me. If you prefer we avoid each other, no harm, no foul on my part.

Have a great week, Daver. Perhaps someday someone will be able to explain why women do so much.

Should we return to allowing men to do it all? Mow the lawn, drive us to the store and other venues? Take care of the children's doctor/dentist/sports appointments by driving them and being there in support.

Female could then sit home, do our nails...oh, we are supposed to be representing our 'men', only the beauty shop will do. Nails, hair, new dresses and shoes, jewelry and all the rest....waiting for our men to come home and need us.


Reply #1363. Sep 06 16, 2:17 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
By the way, the comment about having interest in men jumping on trampolines....

I only have eyes for my husband and after all these years, he remains the smartest guy I know.

Reply #1364. Sep 06 16, 2:41 PM
brm50diboll star

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In Peggy Bundy's case, it was sit on the couch, eat bonbons, watch Oprah, and never cook, but ask Al for money so they could go out to eat when he came in from his shoe salesman job.

Reply #1365. Sep 06 16, 4:13 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
If she doesn't cook, would you want her in the kitchen?

House flambe' anyone?

Odd how in sitcoms...people rarely say 'no, we can't afford it' or 'I'll cook instead'.

I guess it's funnier to create situations that, in all truth, are rarely comic.

Did Al ever move up from shoe salesman?

The dogs were nice...first Buck and then Lucky ;).

No offense is meant by any of my comments. Trying to learn as much about the world and people as I can.

Reply #1366. Sep 06 16, 4:57 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Al didn't want Peg in the kitchen. In fact, Al didn't want Peg anywhere. He married her right out of Polk High School because he "had to", if you get my drift. Peg was the one who was holding on tight to Al, not the other way around. Al's life was downhill after high school. The peak of his life, as any regular viewer knows because it was mentioned repeatedly throughout the series, was the game where Al scored four touchdowns. After that, it was all downhill. And no, Al never moved up from shoe salesman (although he did hold other jobs temporarily in the show, but they always went bad in some spectacular way.)

Reply #1367. Sep 06 16, 5:43 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
The plot thickens.....

Al appears to be his own worst Kelly was 'unplanned'? A moment in haste....

Reply #1368. Sep 06 16, 6:27 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
One episode focuses particularly on the "shotgun wedding" aspects and Peggy's hillbilly relatives, the Wankers, from "Wanker County". I suppose I should be ashamed to be such a fan of such a coarse, lowbrow show, but I'm not. It was hilarious.

Of course, I'm just as willing to discuss my interpretation of Laurence Olivier in "Henry V", but I have broad tastes.

Reply #1369. Sep 06 16, 6:50 PM
daver852 star

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The show lasted 11 seasons! THat's a tribute to its comedic genius!! My favorites were the "NO MA'AM" episodes.

Reply #1370. Sep 06 16, 6:50 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
Daver, comedic genius?

Al didn't need to marry Peg. He made his choice. "No, ma'am" could have been replaced with laundry, grocery shopping, housework and all those fun chores so easily. If he wanted to leave, he is not restrained from doing so. He remains, complains and blames.

Night all, it's time for this luckylady to play FT....


Reply #1371. Sep 06 16, 7:01 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Haven't commented here for a while as it's disheartening always to be treated like another species but that's the point of this blog isn't it?

Reply #1372. Sep 11 16, 12:54 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
The times...they are a changing...

Family attended a book sale this week. The house looks like a library.

Has anyone read anything by Umberto Eco?

Reply #1373. Sep 11 16, 2:21 PM
C30 star

player avatar
There ARE basically just TWO different sexes amid we humans as rough rule of thumb, neither really understands the opposite sex.................damn good job there ARE only two - imagine what it would be like were there three or even four! Lol

Reply #1374. Sep 11 16, 2:23 PM
jabb5076 star

player avatar
Read "The Name of the Rose," when it first came out, many moons ago. I remember liking it, but not much more than that.

Reply #1375. Sep 11 16, 3:46 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
Thanks, jabb5076!

Reply #1376. Sep 11 16, 3:57 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
I've read "The Name of the Rose". I enjoyed that. It works on several levels.

I've also got "The Island of the Day Before" sitting on by bookshelf but I haven't read it yet.

Reply #1377. Sep 12 16, 12:02 AM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
C30. People are human beings first. It's tedious to be treated always as if we conform to sexual stereotypes.

Reply #1378. Sep 12 16, 12:04 AM
pjmjlm star
First, I want Peggy Bundy's job.
And I loved The Name of the Rose. Foucault's Pendulum was a
bit more challenging, but I enjoyed it as well.

Reply #1379. Sep 12 16, 12:48 AM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
I had to look up Peggy Bundy. I notice that her maiden name is Wanker. Did Americans or TV networks know what that means in the U.K or was it some kind of private joke by the scriptwriters I wonder.

Reply #1380. Sep 12 16, 1:41 AM
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