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Subject: A tribute to Advice For Bachelors

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Apr 24 12

That was the funniest thread we've had all year.

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13LuckyLady star

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You mean those 'behind your back comments'?

They are on purpose as demeaning females is sport to those who refuse to believe in evolving. It's easier for them to condemn or belittle females as they are perceived as weak. Plus, then those fellows can avoid looking at themselves and discovering their failings. You know, the ones which are so obvious to everyone else.

Imagine if those they profess to love or be related to knew EXACTLY how they were perceived. For example, annoying, childish, etc.

It's time women stop loving the unlovable and let them go on their way. If no one loves or cares about them...they made their beds of thorns and should be satisfied with it.

Why do women get into relationships they should never be in? I believe it is due to the fact our capacity for compassion is so strong. I cannot recount of the number of times I've heard "but if I don't love him, no one will" or "but he said he loves me".

Regarding why women remain in relationships where they are beaten...try being told you are worthless due to your gender and then try to believe you don't deserve what you get. Then there are the guys who believe it is their right to tell females exactly how little they matter. The perfect female is what they want yet they don't realize they, themselves, are not perfect.

I propose any boy who feels women just aren't worth the effort spend the next 30 days not dealing with women. No interaction at all.

It's easy to use and dispose of a tissue when you are done with it.

People are not tissues and if you can't treat them with respect, they are not obligated to treat you with respect. They get to treat you exactly as you treat them.


Reply #1381. Sep 12 16, 9:26 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
Thanks for the info on Eco! The only book the library didn't have was The Name of the Rose. I have all the ones mentioned.

It was amazing! Many bookers were selling sets of books. For example, the entire works of Hawthorne in hardback.

The first day was so active, they ran out of books two days early.

Needless to say, I was having a fantastic time with the other bookers. I mentioned to husband I was seeking a certain author. A kind booker brought me 8 books.

Book sales seem to bring out the best in others.

Reply #1382. Sep 12 16, 9:31 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
Daver, if you dislike your female relatives so much, why do you allow visiting...going and receiving?

You could restore peace to your house by denying them access.

I wouldn't want to be in the home of a family member if they didn't want me there.

Reply #1383. Sep 12 16, 9:33 AM
daver852 star

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It's a societal obligation. I'm sure your male relatives would do the same for you.

Reply #1384. Sep 12 16, 10:07 AM
13LuckyLady star

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My male relatives would do the same for me?

You mean put me down to others while being put out due to an inability to speak their minds?

You do not know my relatives..male or me, they speak their minds and if they do not enjoy being around certain members of the family, or society, rather than insult them, they treat them with the courtesy they would treat any other person.

I cannot remember anyone stating they disliked a member of the family simply due to gender.

Daver, I am certain if you spoke your mind to your female relatives, they would accommodate you and find other venues to visit instead of your home.

I know, you don't want to hurt their feelings....

We are not made of glass...

Reply #1385. Sep 12 16, 11:08 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
Perhaps your female family members are also engaging in a "societal obligation" when they would rather...well...not.

Have a wonderful day, Daver.

Hello to your family. I hope their visit is awesome!

Reply #1386. Sep 12 16, 11:12 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I feel it might be overstating it to say that Daver dislikes his relatives and I feel sure he doesn't want to hurt their feelings. We can all feel a little irritated at times by people we care about but if it's trivial stuff we don't always feel the need to tell them. It's just part of life isn't it and getting along together? If the implication is that it's only women who are irritating because of female traits I wouldn't agree with that.

Reply #1387. Sep 14 16, 4:23 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Society does not dictate that we must endure our relatives.

For example...the ones in my family who fear me...avoid me.

The rest find me to be a joy and quite helpful and insist on hugging the stuffing out of me.

It is possible Daver's feelings toward his female relatives may not be as well hidden as he believes. Perhaps those very relatives visit as they cannot discern what they have done to cause Daver to feel about them the way he does. They could think they do not do enough to show Daver how much they care about him and wish to have him a part of their lives.

Human nature is often to blame oneself when someone is not kind to us...when in all reality the blame lies with the party not being kind.

Reply #1388. Sep 14 16, 9:16 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Daver, I am not saying you are being unkind. I am saying your family may not understand your discomfort and feel they are not doing enough.

Reply #1389. Sep 14 16, 10:30 AM
brm50diboll star

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I don't like to comment on something until I have the facts first. It took me awhile to find the statement daver made that has attracted do much comment. It was in the Tell a Story Thread where he says he is annoyed by the bad habits of his visiting mother and youngest sister. He is annoyed by their habits, not that they are female. No where in that statement does he say he dislikes his female relatives because they are female, or that females only have annoying habits. So I will side with daver on this one because, yes, GMA is truly awful. It is completely insipid. If you are a visitor in someone's house, you don't just watch whatever shows you want.

And yes, the writers of Married...With Children knew exactly what Wanker meant when they gave Peggy that maiden name. It is somewhat obscure (for Americans), but that sort of inside joke is part of the brilliance of the comedy writers of that show.

Reply #1390. Sep 14 16, 3:02 PM
13LuckyLady star

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If you are a visitor in the home of someone and believe you are welcome to watch or do as you please as the host or hostess hasn't expressed their preference, what is a guest/visitor to do?

Bad habits? Like what? Not asking permission?

Reply #1391. Sep 14 16, 3:44 PM
13LuckyLady star

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Wanker...somewhat obscure....afraid's a word frequently used...with gusto!

Reply #1392. Sep 14 16, 3:45 PM
daver852 star

player avatar
Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, free at last.
My relatives left today. I have returned to a state of splendid isolation.

Reply #1393. Sep 14 16, 4:43 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
Congratulations on your liberation!

Reply #1394. Sep 14 16, 5:56 PM
Referring to a post made in another thread isn't helpful, and is, I believe, frowned upon in the corridors of FT.

I used to love Married...With Children - Peggy was my hero and role model - but I never knew what her maiden name was. O joy! It's an endlessly useful word, but hasn't travelled well outside Great Britain. I can't think why! :p

All sympathy, Daver - I saw some relatives at the weekend, and was indescribably grateful to get home again. They think they're something special, and I think they have a lot to be modest about.

Reply #1395. Sep 14 16, 8:01 PM

Mixamatosis star

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BrB50Diboll. My statement about the female thing was prefaced with "if".

If you are keen on facts you might have noticed that.

Reply #1396. Sep 15 16, 5:47 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
I won't use the term if. I will say clearly what I really mean without trying to hedge later. People who pay attention to facts can spell brmdiboll50 at least close to accurately.

Reply #1397. Sep 15 16, 5:58 AM
brm50diboll star

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brm50diboll. Or maybe 50brmdiboll. Something close.

Reply #1398. Sep 15 16, 5:59 AM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Sorry about your name. I typed and nothing showed up to begin with so I started typing again and made a typo. My eyesight's not great and my typing skills worse. I would have edited it but once posted it can't be edited.

In using the term "if" I wasn't avoiding saying what I meant, I was theorising - the thing scientists do all the time as part of their quest for knowledge.

Reply #1399. Sep 15 16, 6:15 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
No pRoBlem.

Reply #1400. Sep 15 16, 6:35 AM
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