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Subject: Celebrities I Have Known and Met

Posted by: mnbates
Date: Aug 19 06

Suggested by Lemmyrules, IndieQueen, satguru and others. A thread for people to post their stories about meeting famous people. I will start with one of the first celebrities I have met. Ian Hendry, the actor, I was walking down the train from London to Swindon, carrying my suitcase on a trolley when I heard someone say "You know if that had wheels you could pull it along", there wasn't enough room to do this, I turned to give this bloke a few choice words and saw that it was Ian Hendry, so I sat opposite him and we chatted.
He consumed large numbers of gin miniatures in the hour from London to Swindon, but it didn't seem to affect him. He said he was visiting his mother in Bath (I was visiting my father in Swindon). We talked about films, books and families, a very pleasant bloke. I was saddened to hear of his death on Christmas eve, 1984.



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redwaldo star

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I had a drink with Russel Crowe in Armidale,New South Wales in 1994 or 1995; and NO, he wasn't 'difficult', just an ordinary bloke!

Reply #141. Apr 01 10, 6:47 PM
scottishrose44 star

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I also met former President Jimmy Carter

Reply #142. Apr 03 10, 5:31 AM

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Brad Pitt still hasn't given me back my lawnmower !

Reply #143. Apr 03 10, 7:44 AM
cag1970 star

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Last summer, I got to meet Alex Trebek, the host of "Jeopardy!". He's a pretty good guy, but he has his moments. I also got to meet Stefan Goodreau, who recently came in third in this seasons Tournament of Champions. Very intelligent young man and very nice.

Reply #144. May 30 10, 7:07 PM
smoked with afroman
and met barrack obama

Reply #145. May 30 10, 7:42 PM
Pudman star
I had a short conversation with Muhammad Ali at O'Hare airport in the early 1990's. When you spotted him, there was no doubt who it was.

Reply #146. May 09 22, 2:48 PM
Ilona_Ritter star

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I can't believe I forgot one important person that I met. I met Maya Angelou when I signed her speech at my college so people who were Deaf could attend. Awesome woman. I met her before it started and they brought me over to where she was and I couldn't move or talk. She said to me, "Child, come over here and introduce yourself to me." We talked for a while I was able to relax. After she was done she came over and thanked me and I got to hug her. And I totally never got her autograph, but the hug was even better.

Reply #147. Dec 31 22, 9:45 AM
paulmallon star

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Gil Hodges
Mickey Mantle
Whitey Ford
Willis Reed
Henry Aaron
Emile "The Cat" Francis
(I danced once on a NY Eve with) Rita Moreno
Arnold Palmer
Bill Bradley
Brian Trottier

Reply #148. Nov 19 23, 11:27 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Looking back at this, I realize I left off two very well-known people - the man who is revered in Canada as the Father of Medicare, Tommy Douglas, who was also the first leader of what is now the New Democratic party of Canada (it evolved from the former CCF). Tommy was also the father of actor Shirley Douglas and grandfather of Keifer Sutherland. I met Tommy Douglas at his daughter's home in Calgary back in 1959. A delightful man.

The other is Pierre Eliot Trudea, former PM,father of the current Canadian PM. I met him in 1980 when I was on the provincial Liberal Party Communications Team and he was campaigning in Manitoba.

Reply #149. Nov 20 23, 7:14 AM
Snowman star

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I've been very fortunate to have jobs in the past that have allowed me to spend time with lots of interesting people (both good and bad).

I've met lots of film and TV people - Idris Elba, Christopher Nolan, Russell Crowe, Jim Broadbent to name a few. I've danced with Vanessa Hudgens and Imelda Staunton. Chatted to Graham Norton and Jason Isaacs. Interviewed Nick Frost, Anna Torv, Jared Harris and the cast of The Vampire Diaries (who were very bored and monosyllabic in their responses). Got to watch Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt on set with director Doug Limon. And twice met Super Hans from Peep Show in a lift.

A previous job saw me in meetings with the likes of Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings. From my days at school and university I knew Matt Lucas, Sacha Baron Cohen and Jacob Rees-Mogg. And through my kids' school I know Ben Willbond (the captain from Ghosts) and got to have a chat with Michael Rosen about our mutual home town.

My favourite meetings though were with sports stars when I was a kid. I raced Steve Ovett across the tarmac at Rome airport, met Kevin Keegan at Wembley and Bill Beaumont at Twickenham (he was surprisingly enormous).

Reply #150. Jan 20 24, 1:38 AM

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