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Subject: Pop or Punk?

Posted by: Valfuunator
Date: Jan 08 09

Out of the two, which is your favorite to listen to?

Pop or Punk?

70 replies. On page 3 of 4 pages. 1 2 3 4
Schoonie, the links good. It sums up punk for me. Not very melodic, more angry, but with something definate to say.

I think a message is important in Punk, that's why I could never really think of the Stranglers as punk, a great band, but no real message. Also why I nearly never included Nick Cave(great story teller)or Lux Interior(great fun) in my earlier post, the attitude just swung it in their favour though.

If you combine great music with angry dissafected youth, put them in a blender with good lyrics and a healthy dose of attitude, you come up with the Clash. They were the pinnacle of punk in my opinion.

Reply #41. Apr 07 09, 5:00 AM
lesley153 star
Schoonie, the song was "even" better when I had the lyrics in front of me! Yes, I know it's a sign of old age when you say "I can't make out a word they're singing." Here's a polite extract:
Graph-paper brained accountants
Instead of music fans
Call all the shots at giant record companies now

The lowest common denominator rules
Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game

Can't argue with that!

Reply #42. Apr 07 09, 5:04 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Nice translation there, lesley! And don't feel bad - I know what the lyrics are and in the video, well, hard to hear everything as it isn't the cleanest recording. But it sounds like you got a pretty good gist of it!

Glad you dug that, foos. Black Flag, Bad Brains, TSOL, a few other bands that come to mind.

Another favorite punk song:

It's a shame I can't find the Chris Orr segment from the ...lost video What's Really Goin' Wrong as it is a very fitting clip done with this song. Lot of surfing talent - a shame he is dead from a heroin overdose. Just have to see if for yourself:

One of the greatest surf videos of all time to boot.

Reply #43. Apr 07 09, 5:24 AM
lesley153 star
Thank you, Schoonie, but I realise (with some embarrassment) that I forgot to say where I got the words from. I actually googled the lyrics, but I thought I'd better not post the link, because there are some borderline naughtyish words - the sort you might not use in kindergarten, but every ten-year-old knows - and the nanny filter might get rattled.

A lot of the time, though, I couldn't tell what they were singing, even with the words in front of me. [sob]

Reply #44. Apr 07 09, 6:41 AM
I'm love both so I really don't know my answer. But I do have a lot of punk CD's

Reply #45. Apr 19 09, 10:49 AM

Reply #46. Apr 28 09, 5:04 PM
bookworm2207 star

player avatar
I like pop better

Reply #47. Apr 29 09, 9:08 AM
Pop hands down. Almost every thing I listen to is pop.

Reply #48. Apr 30 09, 7:24 PM
Probaly since I'm a kid or teenager which ever you want to it. Pop rocks!

Reply #49. Apr 30 09, 7:25 PM
lilith616 star
Pop rocks...Hmmm...

From Wikipedia:

"Pop Rocks is a carbonated candy with ingredients including sugar, lactose (milk sugar), corn syrup, and flavoring."

Miley Cyrus anyone?

Reply #50. Apr 30 09, 7:45 PM

Reply #51. May 15 09, 3:18 PM
ArlingtonVA star

player avatar
Wow, long time since I've seen 'MTV get off the air.' Thanks to whoever posted it.

Not to put down Sum 41 and the rest, but to compare that more recent crop to Bad Brains et al. is like comparing alligators to apples.

Maybe the difference is back then the bands were punk, and it wasn't just that the music was roughly 'punk.'

Reply #52. May 17 09, 2:18 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
You're welcome, Arlington. :)

Love that song - still applicable today.

I think the difference is what was actual punk back then and what is now just marketed fashion. Note: If you have to spend 2 hours in the mirror getting your look just right, you're not punk.

Reply #53. May 17 09, 4:44 PM
Anton star
"Note: If you have to spend 2 hours in the mirror getting your look just right, you're not punk."

That just means you're prissy. lol

Reply #54. May 17 09, 5:21 PM
lilith616 star
Naaah... Some of us Anarcho-Narcissists just can't get enough of the mirror. If i'm going to be anti-establishment, I may as well do it looking drop dead gorgeous. Where does it say you have to be a scratty looking stench-pot to be able to kick it to the man?

Reply #55. May 17 09, 6:03 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Dress to impress, right? ;-)

Reply #56. May 17 09, 9:00 PM
i have no idea both are really good but i really have to say pop really

Reply #57. May 20 09, 4:20 AM
runaway_drive star

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OK, here I go...

I just read Schoonies's note about the 2 hour mirror thing. Hey, I may spend 10 mins in the mirror but at least I don't have my hair all over the place in a mop and look like something that just exited an electric chair.

Now, every single music thread always comes to a big pathetic argument over what you like and what you don't like and people put you down for having an opinion.

Did you ever realise that some people like newer punk to older punk? Hey, I said on another thread about this 'youth' thing and reading the replies of this thread I stick by what I said a couple of days back.

In my opinion, if you like it or not, you still have the same right to an opinion as everyone else.

Reply #58. May 20 09, 12:19 PM
hipeople star

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I like songs that are in between, but if I had to choose one, it'd have to be pop.

Reply #59. May 21 09, 8:51 PM
Cymruambyth star

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I'm definitely feeling my age on this thread. I wouldn't know any of the bands mentioned here if I fell over them. When I think of pop music I think of the (usually boring) ditties sung by people like Mariah Carey and Kelly Clarkson and other manufactured stars. Punk? From what I've heard - in 30 second snatches - is too loud for my tastes. Having had my say, I'll now go back to listening to the old hat stuff I enjoy - jazz, Celtic, folk, real rock and roll, baroque, Broadway musicals, blues, and so on.

Reply #60. May 25 09, 1:55 PM

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