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Subject: Rap or Metal?

Posted by: blazerfan004
Date: Jul 23 09

Which is better?

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i like rap better..Metal is too loud for me.

Reply #61. Aug 27 09, 8:07 AM
runaway_drive star

player avatar
"Bands like Atreyu, a metalcore band, is just screaming"

Of course. And that's what makes it good. You've probably never heard more than three songs that Atreyu have wrote because there is some melodic thrown in.

Reply #62. Aug 27 09, 1:24 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Speaking of metal, this is when metal was god.

Reply #63. Aug 27 09, 1:57 PM
blazerfan004 star
I do love Megadeth.

Reply #64. Aug 27 09, 3:08 PM
Metal Rules

Reply #65. Aug 28 09, 5:55 AM
blazerfan004 star

Reply #66. Aug 28 09, 10:33 AM
Rap or Meatal, that's an easy one. One is a form of music that is so diverse and interesting and caters for everyone the other is a form of music that has gone downhill is sexist and glorifies gang violence. I prefer METAL

Reply #67. Oct 26 09, 4:27 AM
strudi74 star

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Have to agree with Schoonie, Megadeth is the real deal.
I'm an old-time metalhead, no rap thanks.

Reply #68. Oct 26 09, 5:25 AM
jimbob55 star
Given only 2 choices, I have to say metal. I'm more of a classic rock guy. Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and such.

Reply #69. Oct 26 09, 7:19 AM
Schoonie101 star

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Ozay, are you trying to say there is no sexism in metal? I don't think there is a genre of music that DOESN'T have songs about trying to score with women and that includes the Indigo Girls. :)

Sorry, that statement just cracked me up. Especially as I think of, say, Motley Crue. Even though that's more hard rock than metal, same concept.

The funniest thing about this debate is how similar the two genres are, especially nowadays. You can thank the collaborations of Anthrax and Public Enemy along with Run DMC and Aerosmith for bringing the two that much closer together.


I'm telling half the truth.

The real truth is that metal was king in the 80s and it has driven itself underground to the point there really is no good mainstream metal out there anymore. Not like before where AC/DC, Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica were blowing up the airwaves. When is the last time you heard a consistently good, I mean GOOD, new metal band on the airwaves? Rap was relatively underground in the 80s and then just exploded and filled the void when metal died in the early 90s and emo metal aka grunge took over. Unfortunately, there is very little good mainstream rap out there now. Do not worry, I do not consider "artists" like Lil Wayne (interesting move on his part to steal a boy bands' voice alteration software, though) and 50-Cent to be even close to good. The really good stuff is still underground. Now the closest thing to metal on the airwaves is stuff that is a hybrid, like Limp Bizkit and whatnot. And even that's pretty old by now.

Hence the subconscious angst against rap.

Think about it.

Is 2Pac's "Hit em Up" really that much different than Guns n Rose's "Get in the Ring"?

Reply #70. Oct 26 09, 12:07 PM
Anton star
Adding to what Schoonie said, I'd like to bring up a little band called KISS. They are as sexist as sexist can be. Nearly all of their songs are.

As far as glorifying violence goes, was it not Machine Head who said "Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast"? Yeah, he isn't promoting gang violence, but is gang violence different than any other violence? Metal is probably the most violent music on Earth. Have you not been to a Pantera show? I think you haven't.

Reply #71. Oct 26 09, 12:22 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Well said, Anton.

Yeah, I would say Creeping Death by Metallica is a pretty violent song too. Oh wait, isn't that one of the Bible? That'll hurt to throw that baby out with the bathwater. :)

But definitely, all throughout metal, quite a bit of sex, drugs, and violence. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

Reply #72. Oct 26 09, 12:33 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Here's one example to completely debunk the rap is sexist theory.

2Pac - Keep ya Head Up

Great song.

Reply #73. Oct 26 09, 12:55 PM
Anton star
Bone Thugs N Harmony didn't have much sexism.

Reply #74. Oct 26 09, 1:20 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Neither with Nas. If anything, it's exactly the opposite.

Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsey Lohan contribute more to sexism against women than every metal and rap artist in the history of music combined. Rap artists aren't the ones bringing pole dancer dressing style and mentality to the young girls of the world out there.

Reply #75. Oct 26 09, 1:28 PM
Schoonie101 star

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This is not to say that aren't rappers like 2 Live Crew or Necro out there but honestly, they are/were more like a sideshow of the month (the Kid Rocks and Ugly Kid Joes of rap) than anything else. Just like any genre of music, the junk generally doesn't endure and is forgotten before too long.

Reply #76. Oct 26 09, 2:56 PM
There is plenty of good metal out there in the United Kingdom the scene made have gone sour in the United States but in my country a lot of thrash/hardcore bands are making a comeback and ironically most of them are from the United States so even if they aren't doing well there they are doing great here like Megadeth and Cannibal Corpse. It may not be mainstream but it isn't far off a lot of fans are out there. You are talking about sexism in the past in metal when it was made for jocks that is what is making you crack up. Get with the present, most lyrics of the bands my brother likes are about the darker forces. There was a time when Metal and rap where close in the late 80s but i don't know about now because a lot of rap i hear has close links with urban.

Reply #77. Oct 27 09, 4:06 AM
Schoonie101 star

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Well, Megadeth and Cannibal Corpse have been around for over 20 years so I wouldn't consider that to be recent at all. That falls right into the past of what you refer to. Yeah, they might be putting out new albums but they don't even come close to comparing to Peace Sells but Who's Buying and Tomb of the Mutilated, respectively. At this time, they're old and just going through the motions to make cash. They're forgotten over here by now.

Maybe it's different now but on the radio (not online, just straight radio) over here, the heaviest metal song you'll generally hear is Nothing Else Matters by Metallica which is lighter than pumice. The days of hearing S.O.D. on the radio (what would Jimi Hendrix be doing if he was alive today? Scratching at the lid of his coffin - Danny Lilker) are all but dead.

Rap/metal close in the 80s? Add 20 years. You know that. What else is Limp Bizkit/Linkin Park than the result of the fusion I mentioned in an above post?

Metal IS and has ALWAYS been jock rock just like Beastie Boys was frat rap. That's a fact no matter how much makeup and gauntlets people wore to try to hide it.

Sexism in the past in metal or just music in general? Please. I was at the Iron Maiden concert at Irvine Meadows last spring and was watching Steve Harris pull girls from the crowd like it was no thing at all. 40 year age difference or so but he was pulling it. Don't give me this other stuff. Darker forces, please. Being a rock musician has been and will be about one thing only - getting women. Don't kid yourself.

Metal and rap are BOTH underground nowadays. Acknowledging the underground metal but only focusing on the pop-rap is hypocrisy. Granted I admit that I look generally more for underground hip-hop than metal as there is a much larger pool and much more innovative music out there. I am sure there is good metal out there untarnished by corporate America but man, I don't see much of it at all. And what I do hear isn't really that impressive in the first place. Metallica, Slayer, and Megadeth just set the bar way too high in the mid-late 80s. You will never hear something like "For Whom the Bell Tolls" ever again. How many bands out there pay tribute to Hemingway, not to mention Lovecraft (Call of Cthulhu [they misspelled it] and The Thing That Should Not Be for two) to begin with? Far, far deeper than anything since in the metal genre. Iron Maiden is the only other band that comes close. Nothing in the last 10 years in the metal genre has similarly impressed me.

Reply #78. Oct 27 09, 4:49 AM
blazerfan004 star
Sorry I missed the whole conversation. Motley Crue is famous for their sexist songs. Check out their music videos.

Reply #79. Oct 30 09, 5:30 PM
blazerfan004 star
Atreyu is melodic metalcore, similar to other nu metal bands.

Reply #80. Nov 08 09, 12:16 AM

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