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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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You're talking abput shaktipat there, energy transfer. I was given one all the way from California and it worked as if she was next to me.
No levitation or out of body experiences, I wish I had. But like you I can tune in to other people but in my case only when I do it deliberately. I am also a shaman at the journey level, I don't know any more than that but have studied under an expert.

You clearly have a natural ability which means everything you try will be easier and more advanced than most. Having a teacher allows you to control the power and get what you want when you want. The next level is demonstrations as sooner or later someone's going to be good enough to convince the scientists. This is the holy grail of psychic research, to get someone who can repeat their abilities at will.
Well I don't think I've ever had an official fan before- a great honour for sure!

Reply #21. Sep 04 07, 5:43 PM

...Thanks for the tips, kind Sir!...hope you are fine!...Do you know that Dreams also has a Zodiac?!...there are actually 12 of them!...Read it in a book on my dreams!...took me sometime to finish reading the "book"...Serial Dreams, you know...actually, I'm not finished reading it!...and it's been a while since I got a piece of the book...well, at least now I know at least 8 of they are:

1. Lion...It signifies Logic, true reasoning itself...
2. Deer...It signifies Inner Beauty, true character...
3. Swan...
4. Frog...It signifies Defense, True Security...
5. Turtle...True Philosophy...
6. Horse...True Wisdom...
7. Snake...True Wit...
8. Wolf...It signifies Courage, True Bravery...

...8 down, 4 to go!...I have a hunch that the Dolphin is among the 12, because I remember seeing it after i read about the snake...I belong to the lion by the way...a dream confirmed this..."Leo, he is protected by this sign..."...hope you dream about your Dream Zodiac too!...your friend and fan, Gem here...I may be weird, but at least, I am proud...bye!...:P

...Oohh, and I have noticed that Lion, Deer and Wolf are each a Tribe of Israel!...Judah, Naphtali and Benjamin...just a thought...similarities and all...bye again!...Take care!...Gem...:)

Reply #22. Sep 06 07, 11:10 PM

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My late grandma had a similar book as I do, but I use Jungs approach to dreams, you see what they mean to the dreamer, and once you become used to it can easily interpret symbolism and read your subconscious, and also like me sometimes hook up elsewhere and see and learn about other places. That's how I know we are all connected mentally as can easily travel when asleep, and sometimes when awake to gain information by clairvoyance.

If we could tap these sources all the time we would literally be living in two universal dimensions at once, and make Harry Potter look almost real. It's not all fantasy when you read these sort of books, elements are possible.

Reply #23. Sep 07 07, 9:31 AM

...I have read Joan Ruth Windsor's books, and it worked for me!...I even now have my own Dream Interpretation method!, which is a secret...;)...My dream told me that if you manage to get the abilities of all 12 zodiacs, you can know the meanings of all dreams!...I only have The lion though, my sign...(sighs)...I also believe in what you said about "dimensions"...just last night, I dream of being able to levitate while doing the "Indian Sit" pose...and I did it while walking around a city I've never been to...the first Fairytale being that spoke to me was a leprechaun...dreams that is...I dreamt of being awake while sleeping, then I heard a question..."Do you believe in fairytales?", it said...I immediately answered "Yes"...then it appeared...Leprechauns have the ability to manipulate time, and it told me that they only come to fulfill what they have seen or heard...when they communicate, everything turns to white, the surroundings...In that dream, I also saw my "Spirit Guardian"...he and the Leprechaun talked while I watched TV...and they have the ability to shrink their size!...I'm talking about Leprechaun beings here, not folks, you know, the ones with a pot of gold...they have wings like fairies...and a chubby belly!...Those dreams that i would be using in my "stories" are actually mine...One's in my virtual blog, a one day dream...I've been evolving in my dreams pretty fast!...I just wanted to tell someone, you see!...I've known my past lives...I only had a couple in this realm...After "Atlantis"(lets skip that)...I've been a Babylonian Warrior!...visted places like Egypt as an Ambassador!...Do you know that somewhere in Present Day Sudan lies a passageway to the realms of Fairy Folks?! see(which is weird), before I became human, I was a fairy folk!...I was known there as Hadasa, well i'm not actually popular...and I was deeply in love with a royal princess, the Kusanagi in my dreams!...I am her personal bodyguard back then...and I don't seem to be able to tell her what i feel!...well, at least she still visits and talk to me...We fairies had this Phrase called "Curi KIshna"...It's our greetings phrase...An Ancient Atlantian word "Toh" means spirit...When I grow up, I want to become an Anthropologist and study paranormal sciences...and travel to places!...I hope my "novel" sells in the future, so I would have money to fulfill/continue my quest for Earth's mysteries...well, thanks for the advice...Gem here...Satguru, you rock!...:)

Reply #24. Sep 07 07, 7:09 PM
...Sorry,...It's actually "Koo-ree-keesh-naah"...sorry for the typo...Gem...:P

Reply #25. Sep 07 07, 7:17 PM

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The nature of enlightenment, the view from advaita

Advaita, or non-duality is a very old Indian teaching. Having seen a chain of videos on youtube they all say one thing.

Question: 'Who am I?'

Answer: My direct experience is a void, which contains thoughts, sounds, feelings and other events in the present.

There is no individual, history, past or future. My true nature is space with sensual experiences and thoughts coming and going.

Apparently enlightenment is based on that awareness and no more. Go figure.

Reply #26. Nov 01 07, 11:10 AM


player avatar
And that's a fascinating dream gem, just like the sort I have. Sorry I missed it at the time, it's easy to lose track with so many places to check!

Reply #27. Nov 01 07, 11:13 AM

...Need not apologize!...Need not!...^_^ that your philosophy in life?...When I was walking alone during my "Enlightenment" Days, I learned about the phrase, TABULA RASA...I kept on mentioning it thinking it was a cool phrase,...It was only late this October that this phrase re-emerged,...I was googling for free mmorpg's, then I saw It...TABULA RASA!...To tell you honestly Sir Satguru, I was thrilled!... memories of the trip flooded back in my memory...I never thought that Tabula Rasa has a deep meaning and to think a philosophy!...come to think of it, It makes sense to me,...I have advance dreams now, and I now know their names!...I currently have 16 Celestial friends!...Okesatia, Aoce, Pilavia, Kalitawa, Cherie, Ariel, Tipes, Xiah, Hijshiea, Kusanagi, Erihu and the boys, Garm, Morti, Gugrignith, and Voyur...I'll be googling their names and mine(Hadasa) after this post...There are lots of things that I want to find out, if what I am seeing, experiencing is "cosmically" real...I didn't know why I didn't use technology in the first place!...Well, our PC it is back after about a week!...I just remembered BOUSHINEN...wonder what it means...Cardassia, Niwatori,...Do you like looking at the stars, Sir Satguru?...I love staring at them...I can never forget that day, January 6, 2005...I heard a "mental"bell after the roosters final crow...I instinctually went outside the house and stared at the sky...Then, there it is,...My Celestial Sign, my personal constellar...this group of stars are different because they don't "move"( stars and other light source like lights on street post have, if you would notice, "poles",...they move parallel to your movement, the "north" tip parallel where your head points...?...)...this stars, three actually plus the full moon formed an inverted pyramid...(similar to Yu-gi-oh's MILLENIUM PUZZLE, If you watch anime)...January 6, 2005, A bell after the 8th crow of the rooster...Year of the Rooster...Well, It is not yet the "Time", as my celestial friends say...Enough of this nonsense...Pleasant Day and Good Fortune!...~qggem...^_^

Reply #28. Nov 07 07, 3:25 AM

player avatar
Good to see you back gem, you seem to have crossed the border to awareness of other realms. Hadasa is also a Jewish biblical name spelt a few other ways. I have a list of names as well and when googled many were quite meaningful and my ufo experiencers also give names of the aliens, one at least was met by two separate people across the other side of the world.

There is so much we don't know and only through the experiences of the few who can visit the other dimensions can we learn where they are, who is there and how more of us can get there.

I visited the Foundation for education in a dream once, it was an interdimensional college for some sort of higher information and seemed it was for advanced beings who had evolved beyond the physical. If that was the case I was invited there for a pretty good reason as it was part of my own work and research to investigate these areas. I've never been back though.

Reply #29. Nov 07 07, 12:54 PM

...I've been to a dream school once too!...:)...It was in the realm of Fairy Folks!...I got the name Hadasa in that dream because everybody calls me by that name in that dream!...There is a river in the realm that is unique to the Fairies,(As far as I remember)...It is made up of tears!...There is a "Higher" school that my Celestial friends say "exist" in the afterlife that I want to "enroll" for Gods alike...My Celestial friends say I am a former "God of Games" before I chose to "live life" again, learn things old and new...Weird!...There is this instance back that two decks of Yu-gi-oh Trading Cards just appeared in my pockets!...That was in 2002...I was surprised because I never knew about Yu-gi-oh before!...It was only when I asked my brother that I found out...The anime hasn't been shown here yet!...I still keep it, Sir Satguru, at least, the Deck Boxes(My bro's got the cards cause I don't know how to play it!)...Yu-gi-oh, The King of Games!...I don't know if I "was" really a Game Deity,Sir because among My Brothers, I am the Slowest to finish A "Legend of Zelda" Game, In fact, I even asked one of My brothers to finish the "Minish Cap" Game for me because Vaati is such a "Painful" enemy...I also dream a lot about Ancient Wars...The Girl that I saved in one of my Dreams is my companion in this War Dreams,...she usually shows me where to go, the right persons to talk too...Sometimes, In fact, Most of the time, I don't want to wake-up!...In many of my dreams, Dream beings want me dead...Good thing I Now know how to use my dream abilities at will...I usually have dream friends to help me back before, but now I can Tackle My enemies alone, by myself!...I have Knowledge of the force and magic in DreamWorld and i believe that someday we Will learn to "Harness" this potential, or "Re-harness" it in real life, Higher Evolution...Curi Kishna Sir Satguru!...~qggem...^_^

Reply #30. Nov 07 07, 5:12 PM

player avatar
I found this thread slipped past me again, so many places we can be around here!
I think we must have been to similar places, and the names are significant as well.
Hadassah is a Hebrew name for Esther in the bible, meaning possible star or the Egyptyian god Ishtar. Either way it's a pretty appropriate title for either sex. I've only been to the place once but would have liked longer or to go back, but the other places I've been to and people I've met have been pretty amazing as well. I do wonder if they can or do leave us with extra ability from the lessons we may not remember, and maybe our intuition and answers we know to questions are given there that just pop in to our heads like the cards did in your pockets.

It does seem strange should these places be real that we return to the ordinary world on waking and nothing seems different. I'd prefer to be aware of them and this world if I could as I could share life between them. It's one thing being asleep or being given silent commands but I'd far rather be aware of them when awake as well, I think I can handle it.

Reply #31. Dec 26 07, 11:59 AM

...He seems to excel in almost everything
Knowledge in trivia's and philosophical knowing
He added me as friend, Yeah, even I can't believe
He is the only guy around who has the guts to talk to someone weird...



Reply #32. Dec 30 07, 5:55 AM

player avatar
Oh boy, I haven't updated this since last year already! Of course I only started it as at the time it was going to replace the old one, but as they're still going then it was keep going or delete this. OK, deleting would not have removed that much of a valuable literary nature but I must have felt attached to some part of it so I'd better keep going.

Having used it for trivia it's tempting to gossip here as well about the place but the rules would prevent more than the basics, which is just something I'll have to live with. I'm not one for change, not when I'm happy with things anyway. I suspect if most of us look at it, we want to keep things as they are unless they aren't good enough, which makes more sense than just wanting to keep things or change them regardless, which is what so many people say.

For instance, I have lived through nearly 5 decades and can easily compare and rank them all. Especially easy as I was born at the start of one. Nothing besides the technology has improved since 1969. No way! The best looking cars were from the 50s, which filled the roads for much of the early 60s. New houses admittedly continued the same designs till the early 80s, so that was more of a continuation of 60s design so fits my ideal.
The music may have been a little more exciting in the 50s but the 60s stuff was a lot more subtle and grows on me with time. The 50s had two formulas and really variations of the same themes. The 60s varied greatly but is nearly all quickly identifiable as being that age whatever style it was.

The fashions had to be their best then as well, both the look and the philosophy of the hippies was what I believed in all my life, if you at least look at it within its practical limits. It used ideas from Indian religions which came to the west in the 50s and became big when taken up by the flower power movement some years later. It's about enjoying life, loving others, and not taking any of it too seriously. How anyone besides a masochist can find fault in that beats me, as all the greatest philosophers have said, if it doesn't hurt anyone (I'll add including yourself), then why not do it. That excludes the drugs and the point was to get high, and that was meant to be through meditation but not everyone could wait.

So, I collect every remnant I can from that era and make my house as much of a return to the times as possible. My own life was at its best then and into the early 70s, so combining the people and places I knew with the culture had the perfect mix. What I see now can only turn me into one who likes change simply because apart from where I live just about every other aspect of it could be better if it did.

Maybe I'll go into that next time...

Reply #33. Feb 17 08, 8:01 PM

The 'tie dye lady' understands completely. Peace!

Reply #34. Feb 17 08, 9:04 PM
Please keep posting Satguru - it is nice to have 'interesting' blogs around!

Reply #35. Mar 27 08, 6:05 AM

player avatar
Thanks crazycube- and remember my main blog here is in the blog section as always.

My current project has mainly been covering every feature of my area photographically, having covered nearly all the nice ones I know am now following other online group's suggested themes and currently doing station buildings, which will definitely not have a shortage for some time. And trains on railway lines always look good when you get there.
Having just got my 8th printed album back and a 9th planned I really must start going round shops and libraries to try and sell some, although the host site just wiped out the first 3 to save space so I won't be able to reprint any now. Making a hobby create an income is the best way to work, although I'd rather not go through covering almost every bookshop in London for a few sales as I did with a book 12 years ago. Any profit I made probably just covered my petrol. Not to mention the time.

The TV work is another story, the best hobby of all but not paid at all either. Three out (total on screen 6 1/2 minutes) with another one day (1 1/2 minutes) but not yet the big break of a million viewers in the UK which is what you need minimum to be noticed. But once you're in that can always happen.
Plus the knife edge potential of a national newspaper interview kept on ice indefinitely (although I hear the event it's supposed to relate to should be next month so if it's not used by then it's probably never going to be). This could tip the balance and knowing it's possible for months with no word whether or not it will even be used at all.

Well I hope there'll be some good news next time I'm here, all so far has been an ideal start to a career but I'm certainly nothing like there yet. No autograph requests or spottings in public places, any financial improvement would be a bonus but not the aim.

Reply #36. Apr 08 08, 9:22 AM

talentedone star
I cannot spot you or ask for your autograph as I am in America. However, I can appreciate you from afar.

Reply #37. Apr 08 08, 9:38 AM

player avatar
Thanks Mo, much appreciated. I can't always remember this blog since the other lot was reprieved but will keep it going when there's something I think of.

Reply #38. May 15 08, 6:46 PM


player avatar
Nostalgia. I don't know why, besides the obvious living on my own, nothing now is nearly as good as it was 20-40 years ago. I can't think of one aspect besides my achievements in my career that weren't far better then than they are now, and wonder if I've been unlucky or it happens to many people.

To quote some historical examples as they come to me to illustrate all I miss now. I had a group of close friends who slowly drifted away until I was left with one, and he went abroad 6 years ago suddenly showing me there were no others. Before him another who left a lasting impression and was around for 20 years between about 1970 and 1990 was Toby, who I met on my annual holiday in Devon.
He is a foot taller than me as he always was, hugely overweight and extremely intelligent and talented. After getting kicked out of school just before his A levels taught himself engineering and rebuilt houses from scratch, including all the plumbing and electrics, now illegal if unqualified. He had to give up due to asthma, and went into computers before disappearing across the river, bored with his old life and friends.
He was a natural comedian, without trying and while intending to be serious. He had a list of catchphrases, from 'Oh bloody hell', 'For crying out loud' and many more I can't repeat here. His family bred Burmese cats, who think they are human and need to be removed while they are eating as they assume they can share. The main one was called Tatiana, called Tatcher by them. Having a cat myself I always followed her, and he'd say 'For christ's sake David, leave the cat alone', and similar comments. And he nearly always wore a jacket and tie, all from Marks and Spencer's. His hair was cut in a woman's bob style as long as I'd known him, just above his shoulders, and started to go grey when I last saw him from it's pale mouse colour.
There are a few people who understood life at a similar level to me (not arrogance, just fact) and he was one, and he also had the time to share it unlike others I know like that. I missed him as soon as he left the area (and his girlfriend who I still see as a friend sometimes) as we used to look after each other, I sat in the car for years when he drove as he hadn't passed his test for some reason, carried heavy machinery and materials for him including pinball machines which we hired for a few years, went round London playing pinball in competitions (he won but I didn't), and have searched for online for ages, not to get back in touch as he could tomorrow if he wanted to, but to see what he's doing. That is one nail in the coffin of my past, I'll add more as I go along.

Reply #39. Jun 30 08, 6:09 PM

To your first part Sat, I think as we get wiser, the veil which lets things appear better, gave the illusion things were better. In the end we can only improve ourselves, and do our best to find ways to get knowledge to others.

Reply #40. Jun 30 08, 6:39 PM

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