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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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garrysouders star
Sat, this garry from your other blog group, do you think you can ask terry to put a counter on our other blog so we can see how many people read our blogs, that way we can determine what people find more interesting. You seem to have a little pull around here at least more than I have.

Reply #61. Apr 19 09, 6:27 PM
satguru star

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I didn't want to drop off the page...

Although this blog was set up when the others were set to go they are still where non gold members can do so, but may not always remember they're here. But we know, don't we.

Besides the news posted elsewhere a bit of a catchup from last time.

I've still found more and more old road signs with the help of many other people, thank goodness many of the ones I grew up with are still hiding in little corners and turn up from time to time. I now have all 4 TV programmes on, and a second has been put online here
Otherwise, besides the now absence of my grandma who left us just before she made 100, life is pretty much the same as usual. More time on my hands but with the internet I can always find something to do if no one else is around as they usually aren't.

I am still promoting myself to anyone and everyone who may use my talents, newspapers, local councils and the like. I've repainted an old sign and had a small show of interest from one magazine who said to try next year when they may have room for new material. But I think many people have talent and only aren't used as they give up pushing too easily. If you have anywhere to try keep trying, it's just a matter of having what they want when they want it. Like clothes or looks you have to fit the part they've already got, and not based on your merits alone.

I have also shown my immortal position last time was not a fluke as within a week or so should make it the second time. Especially with more people being able to play as there is no longer a set in the middle of many people's working days. I'm still busy with whatever psychic research comes my way, am waiting for a new book to arrive which promises to explain various phenomena (I wonder if it will?), and am able to watch hours of enlightenment teachers on Youtube now, which has led to a far deeper understanding although no noticeable change in me yet. I have also hooked up with many of you on Facebook and have set up a group to ban road humps as they are a weapon and not a solution to anything. I'm amazed no one else has thought of this already, and probably find thousands have but I'm the only one to get off my butt and do something about it.

Meanwhile I'm delighted to see more and more data destroying the myth of climate change. As most media won't report it it's now being written by scientists in books and if three are written this year alone it implies there's enough material to warrant a denoument. How our lovely BBC will be able to sidestep all the new data that they carefully avoid when more and more people see the huge difference between what they report and what is being released elsewhere is a matter of time. Truth has to come out eventually as that's its nature.

Reply #62. Jul 08 09, 7:28 PM

satguru star

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Just saved this from falling off the page again. Today's theme, subtelty. I have, for one of the first times in my life, been put in a situation where I must be subtle for my own survival. Being nearly 50 this is a new application and one I am quite unsure of how to perform. My main worry is by being subtle it means being vague and no one will actually know what I'm talking about. You can only talk round a subject so much but I wonder whether there are only two ways of being indirect. Those so obvious you may as well say it, or so obscure only a perceptive genius will know what you're on about. I am not subtle and do not respond to subtelty. If anyone's subtle with me it's the same as not saying it.

Communication should be like that ideally, and as a part-lawyer any form of subtlety in court is a nono. It wouldn't work unless you're implying something invalid in which case if the jury do get it you'll still get struck out by the judge as they're used to it. But in non-legal life people are bloody subtle, normally from fear. I have had to be simply to save my tuchus, as when you are not naming or shaming directly how the heck else can you? Search me.

Anyway, the bottom line is I hope anyone perceptive enough picks up my hints as I know had it been in reverse I may have worked out there was a theme by about the third time, but not likely to work out what it was. Being to the far left (ie near 0) of subtlety perception I hope mine hasn't been wasted on everyone who's seen what I had to say or it would all have been for nought.

Reply #63. Aug 16 09, 6:51 PM

BxBarracuda star
I beleive a subtle hint doesn't have to just be picked up by a perceptive genius, just someone who sees the subject you are talking about in the same way.

What each individual is able to take from any set of given facts and events, much less how they are presented to the person, is complex and a mystery to me.

Reply #64. Aug 17 09, 12:44 PM
satguru star

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You're right there, we all have our own perceptive strengths and others can have great trouble seeing what's obvious to us and vice versa. What annoys me sometimes is when I try and explain them to people and get laughed at or dismissed although I can often explain why as well.

But the times it's not safe to speak out but hope by being general and hope the specifics can be seen within I hope lessons can be learnt. If I was able to do it directly I'd be a lot happier but seems whatever I've done so far has been received by deaf ears. But it won't stop me carrying on as certain messages have to be given but not at my own expense. Maybe it just takes a lot longer to get there at this rate?

Reply #65. Aug 17 09, 2:20 PM

BxBarracuda star
It is tough to tell when the true meaning of something you say to people gets through to them. As well how they will view the knowledge you imparted, it may take them in a parallel path, rather then same one you are on that subject.

Then there are those moments when someone can say something in just the right way that you get it right away.

A man I knew of, but had never talked to, taught me a lesson in that way. He was a respected man and I was getting something for him in a store I worked. He casually asked how I was doing, I replied, as a young man might, just hanging out. He said no, I was hanging in.

I got it right there, I still hung out (loud, goofy, rowdy or flamboyant) from time to time, but stay cool and hang in, not to get carried away with any situation. I hang out less and less as I get older. I might still go to some of the same places, just conduct myself differently when there.

I don't know if the man knew or will ever know he taught me a lesson that day. I never saw him again after that.

Reply #66. Aug 17 09, 4:27 PM
...If you see the picture facing south, look not south but face the mirror without looking at the picture...^_~...

Reply #67. Aug 22 09, 10:45 AM
satguru star

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Time for the supernatural. The Celestine Prophecy describes when we realise many things in our lives fit together, and this can't work in the framework we know. That means one thing, the framework was wrong.

So now I see periods of guidance with huge gaps in between. But then it says you must look for the meaning as it is in all. So when after a few days of good guidance someone wrecked the back of my car when it was outside my house and may not be able to repair it I am forced to look for the benefit. Of course until I become part of the system totally such leaps of intuition will be beyond all of us, and be no more than a sheer test of faith. Besides guaranteeing costing me £100 not covered by insurance I may well lose a perfectly good car altogether. So it is a genuine challenge to find what profit may be in it for me and that is all I can do.

My next challenge is to direct this guidance to use it for myself, so draw things as a magnet. Once you've thrown out the original paradigm then clearly anything else is possible. Add to that the concept my mind is everyone's mind and you can see a clue to how it's all done. If there is just one consciousness, and everything is within it, then I am just that. As I am aware of a body it can only be assumed the I and the body share limits. But the mind is clearly able to receive information from elsewhere as I've done for much of my life. But if it's part of me then it's not actually elsewhere, as I am part of everything. Then it begins to make sense. I'm only used to controlling that within my body's range, but if my mind is infinite then it can use thoughts to control anywhere within its awareness.

Information of course can't come from elsewhere as there would only be a single infinite mind, called the Akashic Record in the eastern tradition, and besides getting very limited information from it as unused to extending it, could theoretically get any answer I wanted. I can give one example from a trusted friend, he was no poet and when a poem came to him was surprised and wrote it down. He decided to take it to a group he went to, and found most of them had written the same poem. I think had he made this up (and why bother, he was part of quite a high level of psychic research groups) his friends who were there would have quickly told him to stop as it would have made them look bad as well. That is basic level anyhow as TV and radio work for electrical receivers so why not us as well?

Now if we were all part of a single unit then events being guided for us would make sense as it all carried the ability for coordinated thought. Such a single thought could then guide any event as it wouldn't be controlling lots of diverse people, but parts of one single collective. Yogananda's book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' is still the best book on this subject if anyone wants to learn more, and I must follow the other, the Celestine Prophecy, to find meaning in all apparent chaos outside the clearly guided moments.

Reply #68. Sep 30 09, 7:11 PM

satguru star

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Looking back: Humour.

I've done this one already, but so much material in almost 50 years it can always supply more. Firstly the amazing surnames at school I remember, mostly Jewish like my own. No one identified as owned by many around the world. Berliand, Bromberg, Nyman, Halberstam, Dourmashkin, Shamash, Berger, Berglas, Rappaport, and my number one favourite (don't ask me why?), Portnoy. I was reminded by seeing one of the Shamashes yesterday as I often do, although he appeared not to notice me when I said hello. Some followed me from primary school to secondary school although I've hardly seen any others since the 70s besides who I just said, and one whose picture was in the paper when he got married.

One name I can mention in full (complimentary and too common for me to find, knowing where he lived, let alone anyone else) is Malcolm Cohen. When I went up a year he was the class comedian and kept me entertained for two years before dragged off to prep school, where he followed a year later anyway but not in my class. Besides singing funny songs he'd come out with total random rude words and performances as well as bits of Scottish slang he picked up before he came to London.

My last theme was the inevitable accidental toilet escapes which seem to tattoo themselves on the psyche of every ex-schoolchild for their lives. I still can't think of Gary and Tony without the consequential accidents associated with them, and unfortunately it happened to me once as well but only in a small group of witnesses (I was only 6, what can you do?). Tony was only 4 but announced his mishap by plastering it on the wall. Bad move.
Then Alan's private snowstorm. The white material surrounding his chair after the lunchbreak was too much for Miss Sharpe to ignore, and traced the small white avalanche to his trouser pockets. "What's in your pockets Alan?" "Nothing" "Turn them out and show us" and the two pats of mashed potato from lunch emptied themselves out in flurries onto the floor as he didn't want to eat them so hid them the best way he could. And there seemed to be far more than the two scoops we usually got, at least two per pocket.

I can't imagine many of the people I've named thinking of me 40 plus years on, and the few I've found since most didn't even remember me, while the ones who did ignored my messages I presume. But when there's nothing to laugh about in the present there's always something in the past. If anyone knows where Malcolm is of course then I could rectify that. I hope he hasn't lost his sense of humour though like many do with time.

Reply #69. Dec 04 09, 7:40 PM

satguru star

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How to fill space. Today was one of those days when you have the time to yourself but little to do with it. One thing leads to another though, my phone call connected this time to the football club shop so was able to buy the programme and take my daylight photos, and then came home to the unknown.
My camera memory card blew and was emailed last night to say they'd replace it, but had no receipt to hand. So I tidied my desk, found the instructions and half the packaging still there from about March, but no receipt. I have a folder for them which has the other one but not this. I always keep them and will turn up in a few years when I'm not looking for it, but you almost never find something if you're looking for it, only when you look for something else later on.

There was no conventional TV on at all this evening (the other time I like to get off the computer) so found a little cable when I was eating and then returned to clearing out the desk. The main difference now is most of the paper is in a box rather than on the desk which is one stage further along.
The phone goes constantly with people mainly telling me their problems. Clients pay, friends and family don't, so simply call at will and some can a few times a day. It just comes with the territory and won't do a lot to stop it unless anyone really overdoes it.

My life tends to be divided between stress, freedom and a little work in between. But living alone means the freedom needs 100 times more inspiration to use it as friends and others aren't usually around when I am so can't just borrow people to order. Blogging consolidates my life and thoughts so partly useful even if no one read it. Tomorrow is just the same till the evening, all I have to do is try and get a refund without a receipt for the camera card, and probably take a few more photos around Brent Cross before I do. And I must not eat when bored, I lost over a stone and somehow got it all back in a few weeks a year later. No obvious reason why but tough as hell to get rid of it again.

But of course not anyone will do as company. The wrong people are worse than nothing, and had no shortage of them with tenants and pests since I've had my own place. I can spend most of a day keeping busy but there's often the couple of hours before bedtime when I run out of steam and material. If only I could get a few of the friends on Facebook to actually come over instead of updating their status online, a handful actually live near enough but never do.

Reply #70. Dec 10 09, 7:08 PM

satguru star

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One feature of enlightenment is that you must no longer be moved by bad or good events. Equanimity. I think the short cut is to become immune to disaster as the other side tends to take care of itself. Do that and you transcend human emotions and reach the peace behind them, in theory. But every teacher for thousands of years says so so presumably they've done it and passing their experience on to us.

So mine has been well tested recently, my guidance seems to have been a pile of stress just so I can devise a common strategy for it all, rather than deal with each one at a time. My current teacher says all good and bad in life evens out so may as well separate yourself from it as of course positive and negative add up to equal exactly nothing. And when you're in the flow everything does seem to happen to present you both with lessons and rewards, and have had more rewards than usual recently, but no shortage of the rest either.

I still have more possibilities on my system, weeks and months ahead so far, and food shopping tomorrow. And more goals which could be attained sooner or later, they seem to be happening one by one now, and seems like I have discovered a method to attract them as the teachers also say. This is what could be described as the occult, not because anyone actually hides it but because science can't see it. Not yet anyway.

Reply #71. Dec 16 09, 7:07 PM

satguru star

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I'm beginning to see why some people give their shopping lists in conversations, followed by everything they've eaten since they last spoke to you. I was actually tempted to list what I bought on Thursday as it's the most exciting bloody thing that's happened since my car radio was repaired two days earlier. That's winter for you I think, the available time for outdoor activities is squeezed into the few hours where it's both light and dry.

No one can ride on past successes (unless financial), the only other lasting type are where you get what you want so no longer have to look for it. Not the business side as that is about necessities, but the pleasure. So as I said about enlightenment, if you crack that even some of the way you're going to feel good whatever else is going on. Why else would so many people go after it? But that is equivalent to winning the lottery and must carry on while poor in spirit for the ordinary things to make life interesting until I transcend it. If I do.

Well someone else on the radio said word for word the Copenhagen agreement (whatever is left of it) is exactly what the Mafia did in Chicago, pay us or something bad happens. I don't want to be blackmailed, and the major difference now is that it's not the criminals who are after us but the governments. They can't be reported to anyone and basically pass laws as and when they please. There has never been a world law before, and if taxation goes from national to international then we will basically live under a single world dictatorship. Did you vote for Ban Ki Moon (if I have the right name) or Kofi Annan before him? Do you know who runs the IPCC or any UN committee? These decisions can be binding if combined with sanctions, which up till now have been rare but possible. But taxation is a sanction in itself, so the decision equals the punishment and if not paid the punishment will be many times greater.

So anyone who is happy to live under a world run by your enemies along with your allies and last of all your own government can whinge about carbon footprints, sustainability and all the other nauseous newspeak of the 21st century left, except they are only the mouthpiece, no one on the left is actually behind this show. They have just exploited them to do their work for them.

Reply #72. Dec 19 09, 8:04 PM

satguru star

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Double blog tonight as I'm glued to the internet. The first thing I noticed yesterday was yet another time I knew what they were going to say on the radio before they said it. I now need to do this in front of people. They say something, pause and I say it without even thinking. Mainly places, they say a name and I come out with the place they are calling from before they do. My link is expanding.

Otherwise most of life is still the gaps between the excitement, Days pass where besides ice and snow keeping me in the ideas, inspiration and social life aren't enough to keep any interest. I have sent a few more messages on Facebook tonight to new arrivals on my old school pages so never know when someone will pop up. But I always thought when you got psychic powers life would be different. But the trouble is they come and go and otherwise life stays exactly the same. Energy phases arrive, anything seems possible for a while and then it goes.

The main problem is around the expectations these phenomena generate. Once things do come to you easily you assume it's going to carry on but it doesn't work like that. Whether you gain power as you go along and begins to seem normal I haven't yet discovered, as at times it can seem you've gone back to scratch, but can't dismiss everything you've already witnessed though. Who controls all this is another question though, one which doesn't really matter so long as it does, but seems we have to learn lessons before we move on, as the teachings have always said.
So I've been given a few similar examples of stress in as many days as they happen all the time to everyone and I need to learn ways to deal with them. No pleasure and little help but it's kill or cure apparently. The s word happens as long as we're alive and unless enlightened (and maybe not even then) it doesn't bounce off like we'd hope. But just carrying on and hoping it does grow over time.

Reply #73. Jan 01 10, 8:42 PM

satguru star

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Tonight's question has been on humour. We can rarely turn it on at will but have also noticed most of the funniest people here seem to have disappeared, have they run out of material or felt their wings were being trimmed somewhat? But I noticed it's not quite as easy to get a laugh anywhere as it was and can't do a great deal myself to fix that besides ask why.

I'd certainly like my own chat board exempt from other rules (it would be worth renting it for the privilege), and start a nice selection of threads from my years around primary school and soon after, plus some more recent variations. I know the lot must have been created and rearranged in every possible variation in ancient Greece already, but each generation always does it again, from Chaucer to South Park. The film version especially.

Imagine the threads:

'Flick or stick, what do you do with your bogies?'
'Do you leave the loo clean for the next user?'
'Admit it or blame it on the dog?'
'Where have you been caught short?'
'Sayings from my grandma' (if you knew mine you'd know I was still in the same ballpark)
'Who wet their pants in your classroom?'
'How long have you gone without changing your underwear?'
'It slipped out'- what have said or done in front of people in authority by accident or mistake?
'It put me off'- what habits or physical defects in your partner finally killed your relationship?
and 'What unknown stains have you left in your house and what do you think they could be?'

This is just on the '10-14 year old standard topics of conversation grown adults still discuss in private' board. I won't even encroach into the rest. Not tonight anyway. But please answer any of the existing questions should you be in a reckless mood regarding continuing site membership...

Reply #74. Jan 25 10, 8:40 PM

satguru star

player avatar
Before I go to bed I will pop in here and celebrate 50 years on the planet. Yes, 50, still make jokes about poo and just managed to keep a little hair on top which was always an ambition I had no say in myself.

In 5 decades I haven't managed more than 8 solid months with the same woman, let alone marriage and children. I've had lots of jobs but being a continual student till 31 none were full time beyond a couple of months as if I didn't get the sack I was leaving to study all or some of the week. I have however managed to speak on TV from 2006, four almost identical roles hypnotising people who have seen ufos, a niche market if ever there was one.

I've learnt (unless I've missed something) we can't create anything in our lives beyond aiming in a general direction. We look at job ads but they decide which one is offered, if any. We offer on houses but they decide which one to accept, moving me 12 miles back north of London in 1995 instead of going south, where I've been ever since and now decided to remain. As for people we have the least say at all there. Choose a friend, a wife, anything in between, but that happens when they arrive, not when you go out searching. Again you can lead but others choose to follow you or not. Or live abroad.

My aims to return to the life I had in the 70s are dependent on money and then meeting people to add to the place, both way beyond anything I can do at the moment. I am aiming there and see if that wish draws it to me, the only way I know of doing anything beyond exams. Exams have a course and predictable questions and dates to do everything. Nothing else does, so spending over half my life doing them trained me for nothing else besides being able to write a decent essay after about 25 year's practice.

The good news is physically and mentally I don't feel any different since 14, my energy and health have declined by the decade but I'm the same inside. So how can I stop thinking bottoms are funny or dwell on the things I remember from the past, none of which are connected to my life any more than by memory or pictures. And look what happened to Michael Jackson. Oh dear...

Reply #75. Jan 28 10, 8:45 PM

I hope you've had a good day.

If you still feel 14, you are not alone.

Sleep well. :)

Reply #76. Jan 28 10, 9:21 PM
satguru star

player avatar
Well, the first entry here (but not on FT blogs) since I turned you know what number. That leads to today (well tonight's) theme, collecting.

When you look at anyone or anything you're interested in, and see their career statistics written down in front of you, they've either stopped or continuing, depending if their career or even life is still in existence. I apply the same interest to my own, and collect both items and events on my own life list.
The current one being old road signs, and having got one of the rarest of all yesterday made me think of this. My other careers are all alive and despite turning 50 my second aim of a media career is only just growing since 2006 when I got my first TV usage of four.

In the past I tried to collect countries, which many do, but realised if you're going to collect a good set then do ones which are easier. You don't just get the plane to somewhere thousands of miles away but have to find things to do there and avoid the inevitable problems that go with it. 10 countries did me in the end and besides Ireland nearby am happy to leave it at that, although I was sorry to miss Portugal after sailing the whole coast as it was in quarantine.

I collect wins here as well of course, and maintaining my amazing 5th position in the crystal ball, considering the relatively random nature of the game. I suspect it's more about regularity than much else, plus having 80% of the words available from my head.

None of these things change my life, besides cluttering up the house and saving me having to go looking for signs I already have, but it would be worse without them. The media work is all free so doesn't add a penny to my account, although if it did it would be big bucks. I have the foundations being built at least so if one job I do hits the real TV channels or national paper then the next step is more likely to follow. But I'd rather be known from one good programme than do loads that pass under the radar and only appear on my own list. I suppose even having a girlfriend, my other interest, is a collection of some sort, although there quality comes in front of quantity. And while I haven't then there's little else left worth doing.

Reply #77. Mar 23 10, 8:08 PM

satguru star

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Third entry of the day (across three blogs):

I must learn to keep the momentum. I've had a good week, which tailed off towards the end when nothing much else happened. I've made some minor plans for this week (with the help of work) and that means the main rule is covered, ie I know what I'm doing tomorrow. If you do that then there is less chaos, and then only other people can get in there to make it better or worse.

So all our dilemmas are how much we can make it better on our own. This has the makings of another article, and a few have begun here now actually. The 'push-pull' rule, where we make the start (push) and others make the decision (pull) is the clear boundary I know of. It's not possible to beat such a system with normal work, and resort to magic like The Secret just in case we've missed something and can indeed attract good fortune like the witches claim. It has something in it as energy always opens and closes, it has phases when the same thing happens for a while and then stops again. Always has and more so as time goes on. So if we can direct that magical energy we aren't cheating but using a system we've lost before history was even recorded.

I also get worn out after too long of doing my own dirty work. Living alone means it's a rare gift to be helped with anything without paying someone, and even then half don't want to or do it wrong. When I have visitors the housework seems to do itself as if I can talk at the same time I don't notice I'm even doing it. And the only candidate who may come over says so little it's not worth trying to persuade her to visit. The other one talks nonstop and ignores 99% of what people say so more like having the radio tuned into a foreign talk station. Caught between two stools, almost literally...

I find myself in this situation every now and then, have no answer to it but the only question I'm asking today is is it just me? Is it really that difficult to liven things up when there's no one around to join in? Answers on a leaky heart valve please. Or a postcard.

Reply #78. Apr 19 10, 7:37 PM

satguru star

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So what exactly did they do with the captain's logs after they'd made them? As they didn't officially have an audience then someone would be employed to listen to them, but why and when? Anyway, my viewing figures are as yet nowhere near any captain or even the guy who dies as soon as they're beamed down, but life goes on and it's my nature to record it in every way I can, as if not then it's gone.

Lesson of the day: Start looking for connections around you. Next time you hear something you're thinking or see the same thing happen a few times in a row, make a mental note of it and think 'this is happening because everything is connected so this is how it demonstrates itself to us'. Then you'll both find it happening more and more and start realising it has to be the nature of everything. It's the only way to explain it I know of.

Now whether that extends to the crystal ball is another issue, although I can at times feel I have the right word when I do, I tested it and seems to be quite accurate. More of the same phenomenon of course. It would also explain all psychic powers as if we're connected to everything then of course we should know about it. The more you see and think like that the more you'll become aware of it, and if everyone did then we should all raise our abilities and awareness accordingly.

Reply #79. May 09 10, 7:40 PM

satguru star

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What have I learned recently?

On Facebook I was picked up by a rabidly anti-Israel member and for the first time since college exposed to all the old lies I thought had almost died in the intervening 30 plus years. One or two since have actually turned due to my persistence as they simply weren't used to being challenged as everyone else they mixed with agreed with them. As they say, if good people are silent then they are no better than the bad people.

I've also learned patience can work when waiting for the truth to be revealed. The Bilderberg Group meeting this month have been quoted to say the public are becoming politically aware for the first time ever due to the internet. That means with knowledge being power they may no longer be able to enslave humanity, their freely admitted goal as I discovered yesterday on a national radio station. A specific of course being global warming. Besides the huge names claiming the figures have been fixed our taxes plus plans for a world government to collect it are in place, but now Newsweek, till now a mouthpiece for the IPCC, have turned and said 'The connection between the sensitivity to CO2 and the climate is no longer certain enough to be relied on'. That's like Al Gore saying he's made a huge mistake and we can all go home now and forget about it. Or Hitler saying 'OK, the Jews aren't to blame'. It's a similar method of course, used by Soviet Russia and the Mafia alike, of claiming dreadful things will happen if you don't pay up, and of course the only dreadful thing is the loss of your money. The only threat is the demand for that money but throw in some (apparently) impossible 'fact' to make people feel willing to part with said money (unlike the Mafia governments in some countries can't simply destroy your premises in response to missed payments, although the Spanish have made an art of it). But of course with the same internet allowing people to see how they are being enslaved and not helped by their rulers, people like Dr David Bellamy and Nils-Axel Morner (who spends his own money on satellite time to make his own temperature readings) are able to share their findings when before few people would have had the chance to check up for themselves if the media were told not to mention them.

I don't touch predictions with a bargepole, but mass enlightenment and 2012 come to mind, as there is a tipping point where enough people discover the truth unless democracies become autocracies overnight they will set up their own members and vote the crooks and creeps out forever. We have a fully independent party in the UK committed to our freedom both from the EU (a 6th of the jigsaw in world slavery) and green taxes which will force industrial society into world poverty. I've heard that had America's senate been Republican Senator Inhofe (and Rand Paul should he get in) could probably block their green taxes, and should they get one in November maybe they'll become the first to be free. And if America sneezes hopefully it may sneeze the rest of the world free as well. Sometimes the good guys win.

Reply #80. Jun 04 10, 7:50 PM

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