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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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Actually I quite like what Anton's set up there, although there is actually a website that does it for anyone who wants one as well. I am now designating this blog section for questions about me as well- although I give out so much suprlus information I suspect you know most of it already, but never know.

Reply #81. Jun 07 10, 8:16 PM

satguru star

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For the at least one person who follows my global warming news it'll carry on here as usual. The blogs may be going but the taxes won't unless we all learn the truth and vote the leeches out who want to create them.

Reply #82. Jun 13 10, 8:04 AM

Good David we need to be kept informed, and yes we need rid of Government leeches, 16 days of the new Government and one gets caught with his fingers in the Till, how many more are already at it.

With the man responsible for overseeing things quitting somethig is rottne in the state of Denmark as the saying goes.

Reply #83. Jun 13 10, 12:58 PM
satguru star

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Rather than use the old blog which will be wiped in a few days I'm posting here from now as it'll still be here next week. Not that there's a lot to report, but I still report nothing as well as something.
My scientist friend is trying to teach me global warming equations (as if I care, knowing it's possible in a lab won't mean the same translates to an open atmosphere) and my conclusion is however clesr the equations are there's a link missing between the theory and the practice. Whatever they claim can happen simply isn't happening, and my final task is to trace it right back to the beginning and provide a single place it's not connecting to the real world.

Otherwise here it's work and my once weekly visitor arranged so far before the fillings, and will be so relieved when they've been done. Usual quizzes- nearly halfway through the mixed monthly now and if I get that will need one more level for the 100. And as you all know, most of those badges don't earn themselves, you have to be incredibly persistent and do learn an awful lot on the way- my team v team average has increased by nearly 200 points since I started alone. So pretty ordinary at the moment, although in the year itself I have done quite a bit more socially than I had for some time and thank goodness actually able to get out and about more. When you've had health problems long term you don't always know whether you'll be able to do normal things again so appreciate them all now which I probably didn't before.

Reply #84. Jun 14 10, 10:43 AM

satguru star

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I have done my best to present the evidence for man made global warming here

Reply #85. Jun 15 10, 10:38 AM

satguru star

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Back to reality, firstly the evening appointment cancelled about 30 minutes after the allotted time, which is about par for the course, but part of the nature of the work I do, no big deal. It was reasonable weather today so went for a walk with the camera in Highgate and on the way home actually remembered to look for Ovaltine and managed to find a little place that still has it, albeit now in a plastic jar. But a small detail in the picture.

I hope my visitor doesn't make it tomorrow evening as I'd rather save my energy for the dentist the next day and she wears me out by about midnight. Imagine having the TV on the same programme the whole time with one person (with mild dementia) wittering on constantly and asking rhetorical questions (they can't be any other type if addressed to TV viewers) and carrying on without waiting for the impossible answer. That's more or less my evening experience, but I know few enough people who want to visit and am so used to the repetition and better than being on my own usually.

My friend now living abroad is bending over backwards to convince me that because he's a physicist (a big one at that) and CO2 causes a greenhouse effect on paper and in a greenhouse it can raise the temperature with a 3% increase, as if telling me so I stop saying it isn't is going to make any difference to the whole campaign. Maybe he really thinks I'm gaining souls along the way and if so he's one of them, as he may actually believe in me (rather than my material). But even if it was happening logic (that element you can't learn in college) tells me that moving current weather patterns towards the poles over centuries is what was actually happening anyway, so speeding that up to maybe a century or two is, er, what? The same as before but a bit sooner? And THAT's a problem somehow? So I wrote a list of every fair consequence of global warming (linked earlier) on my big blog, not from the deniers as they say 'nothing mate', but their own figures. And when I look at it as the legal 'reasonable man' in the jury, I still thought 'what?'. I honestly can't think how any or all of their scripted scenario is something to compare with world poverty, disease and GENUINE (sorry, no bold here, it's caps or nothing), pollution like poop and chemicals. They honestly fear different weather distribution to that? I see the element of delusion and distraction here. I really honestly don't get it. The earth had way higher temperatures when man was not just around but fairly civilised. All the written records are only complimentary about the conditions, and mentioned none of the problems Al Gore scared the crap out of millions of kids worldwide with in his film. What they say is going to happen is what happened a thousand or so years ago in the past (search me with dates, it's a wide margin), it simply can't venture into territory of biblical proportions beyond anything we've experienced before. At least not with a few percent more CO2, even their maths can't make that happen.

Tomorrow begins with work half way in the day so not much chance of going out first, and then the possible visitor. No word from the garage to collect my car now they have to provide a replacement, despite leaving a message after they didn't call back yesterday. They said they could do it straight away and I said I will as soon as I get a replacement. Stalemate apparently. I'm very pleased how many of you have both arrived on blogspot and visited my page there, and hopefully Terry will provide a list (although maybe a rating like films would be a good idea as well) so people will be able to click from the homepage like they used to before.

I do wonder if I'll be around long enough to see the resolution of any of these situations around me- global warming, marriage, enlightenment, getting work in the media etc. The personal ones may simply never happen, and the others will one way or another, but may take so long it'll be outside my own experience. Stomach ulcers took decades being mistreated before a doctor who found a bacteria in sufferers made himself ill by testing it on himself, but saved the world and got a Nobel Prize as a result. There are so many other possibilities lurking in the background in the various media shadows, but no more as yet have made it into reality- magnetic engines, water based fuel, even Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate now visible on Youtube. You see potential stories all the time but few make the distance and even fewer within my lifetime. And I do know there are people actively working to delay all of these as long as they possibly can as they believe they will lose power as a result. As I said, many things are biblical proportions but global warming is not one of them. The fire and brimstone is not present anywhere besides Iceland, and that's not from the climate.

Reply #86. Jun 15 10, 5:25 PM

satguru star

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It's actually a really nice sunny day today although not hot with it. I found a yellow stripy pole online last night a mile away, and managed to get there on my bike before my booking. The sign poles were black and white till 1964, or black and yellow for mainly no parking signs. They were very rare soon after and the few I've found have been very worn but clearly coloured.

My visitor is coming (she usually finds a way) and then got a mysterious message from the dentist while I was working about my appointment, but were gone by the time I called back. I think it was a reminder or they've had said something. The car is being collected on Tuesday but the insurance haven't received anything from the other side's insurance yet and charging me for the claim till they do. Clever business, everyone loses as long as they don't. Only a matter of time but a bloody cheek nonetheless.

I heard Obama's speech last night by chance and was up an hour late replying to the reactions on Facebook. I was pleased to see like myself hardly anyone was at all impressed, it was all buzzwords and basically a speech for the Green movement and nothing at all to do with the actual problem it was meant to be about. He's a slimy crook unfortunately, just like Peter Mandelson (the power behind every Labour politician whatever they seem). His policies are so far to the left I'm incredulous the Americans even considered voting for him, say what you like about Sarah Palin but at least she appears to represent traditional values.

I dream of fame through my work on the internet. Millions of people write here but if you don't try you don't have a chance. The media has the greatest competition of all as you don't need to be qualified and most people who can write or talk are as good as the others so basically who you know, and that more or less got me my way in, although did require my qualifications as well. I'd like a lot more though.

Reply #87. Jun 16 10, 11:36 AM

satguru star

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The daily update/obsession/complaints etc. Dentist is now history, hygienist to come but more of a blow to the pocket than anything else- why don't the dentists do it as it's meant to be free? Small price to pay though if it all gets done from time to time but a darn cheek when not expecting private treatment.
Work at grandma's tomorrow, people have been trooping in and out all week but not a single offer despite being one of about 20 houses which rarely come on the market in one of the best positions outside central London. Early days but suspect many want it but don't want to pay. Beyond that no more than filling in forms and gardening, and enjoying the freedom of no more dentist ahead. No pain or delay today either which makes the experience that much better.

I haven't started the Ovaltine yet but have the milk ready for when I do, but good to know it's there when I do want it. I never thought I'd have trouble finding something I've known all my life but maybe Tesco get more on the clever stuff with artificial crap in it. That looks like the sort of item only my grandma and slightly simple friend would have put in, but I have no filters besides self-incrimination. Never have and never needed them. We all work the same, and the variations on the theme are so minor compared to the similarities we really can't think of anything that different it can surprise anyone who hasn't been locked up all their lives. It's only about not hurting anyone, and if we don't then in my view anything else goes.

My friend came and went last night, she's been around since 1984 and lived in my road most of her life although being Hampstead Garden Suburb had never seen her till she was 19. She's 44 now and besides losing a lot of weight is just the same, and still continuing a conversation she started then as that's the way she is. But while everyone else comes and goes she's never left. You sometimes have to take what there is not what you want, but no she is not staying here however many times she hints. She may have left her husband but I wouldn't take her first and won't have her afterwards either thank you. Persistent though...

Reply #88. Jun 17 10, 7:48 PM

satguru star

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I have my freedom now and hope not to forget that for a while. Task 1 is Streetviewing while I can in case any other road signs are waiting to be found, and spent the afternoon shlepping books and furniture out of grandma's so deserve a few hours in front of the computer, although the golf in the other room on TV means I'm in and out like a yoyo. I could just manage to get a portable in the office room but not cable.

Besides the fact the National Health pays to have teeth cleaned yet they still send you to a hygienist at a fee I could retire in a couple of years on, it made me wonder what other hygienists they could employ, as it's really an untapped business. My favourite (OK, you've already guessed) is an anal hygienist for those who need a lesson in optimum usage of paper. But I would wouldn't I. I won't stray into handkerchief territory as I used to after rather too many in the pub with my friends as I'd probably lose both my loyal readers.

The weekend ahead is totally free, as is the following week. England need to win in Wednesday against a country the size of London with a population of a single borough. And they are the best in the group after two matches so not so confident. However in their football league (all home games as the travelling is so local each week) I would expect 90% of the players to be Slovenian, whereas maybe three players in our teams are actually English so how are we expected to pick from a fair sized squad?

I don't know what I'll do tomorrow, but TV/Streetviewing seems the best bet before the gym, as football will be on and if I find a sign then I've got a specific place to go to, rather than try and find more photos to take in places I've gone to for 40 years. But at least the shlepping is done for now and I've got to call booksellers next in case I can get something more for the hundreds remaining. We all read a lot in my family.

Reply #89. Jun 18 10, 7:23 PM

satguru star

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Non event city here but free and appreciated. I missed the gym apparently due to a motorbike demonstration against charging them for parking crossing my path, but luckily there's an outdoor free one nearby and spent the usual time there instead although minus free weights. Good aerobics though so probably better for me.

Nothing found on Streetview despite lots of time looking, although I am filling in the gaps now so may soon be completed. A few finally turned up around Oxford but that's beyond my limit unless a red triangle. My car's being collected on Tuesday for the repair and other than that not a clue. I've seen more criticism of the global warming brigade on twitter the last couple of days though, it seems maybe the others are starting to get fed up with them linking studies connecting it with every ill on the planet, just like the Nazis did with the Jews. That's not science, it's fascism. They are blaming me, you and themselves for it, and I personally would rather humanity be left alone and dealt with as individuals if transgress, not en masse. That happened before and we know the results.

I was talking about this today and said although they control many areas of our lives we can only use the freedom we currently have. Knowledge ought to allow people to vote for alternatives, if they have the chance, and we clearly didn't in our last election as if it's not a big three party they disappear in people's minds at general elections, then they moan about the policies afterwards who they did vote in. If I've ever been accused of being elitist all I can say is who ever congratulated stupidity?

I found my lost crystal ball word today as Terry's now posted them all, it was an overnight blind guess, and of all the words it was dreck- how about that! That adds to a shmo I got earlier. Still ploughing through the mixed monthly, it seems to have settled down now 2/3 of the way through so pretty satisfied there. And Eileen is Irish for Helen, how many people knew that? You keep picking this stuff up here, which is why I joined, the people however were the bonus.

Reply #90. Jun 19 10, 7:11 PM

Let motorbikes park for nothing, chain the bikes up, and charge the riders for taking them out, till they learn to respect other road users. Just tweak the "think bike" campaign to "think car" as a start to persuading cyclists and bikers that the world doesn't owe them a living, and they have a responsibility to keep themselves alive. Most of the ones I see ride as though there's nothing else on the road; they also understand the concept of traffic lights, but only as they apply to vehicles with four wheels. Sorry - mentioning bikes is like pushing my rant button.

Dreck? I'm impressed. :)

Reply #91. Jun 19 10, 7:28 PM
PS Long time to wait for your car to be repaired. Hope it'll be worth the wait.

Reply #92. Jun 19 10, 7:28 PM
satguru star

player avatar
I had a motorbike as well for many years so see both sides and always ridden a bike. Basically there's a minority of arseholes (testing the filter there) who drive like said word, whatever they are on. Being selfish they exploit the worst possible ways of driving, and probably cheat on their tax and insurance as well as they do everything wrong as the lowest sort of types, I see them on the road every day.

Reply #93. Jun 20 10, 1:26 PM

trojan11 star

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Lesley, Sat, whatever you do, don't come over here and drive. You'll end up with cyclists splattered all over your paintwork.

Reply #94. Jun 20 10, 2:00 PM
satguru star

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I had to check your profile there and saw El Salvador- I can't think of anyone else I've come across here from there before. I don't get much further than Surrey nowadays so no chance of doing that.

The week ahead is currently fascinating. The car's being collected tomorrow, England's possibly last World Cup match and then the usual work and probable visitor on Wednesday and probably more work at my grandma's house Thursday. It's a life Jim, but not as we know it.

Meanwhile I've been given the task by my physicist friend to tear apart the NOAA paper on global warming, without the qualifications to do so. Therefore I need a scientist to help and won't be easy finding one. I found a site explaining how they fixed the figures within 10 minutes though and although they looked perfect and on the surface couldn't be faulted, I knew there were vast gaps and deviations from what I knew, and the next site confirmed they were making it up as they go along (as they'd have to) to try and con everyone into believing a story they need to do whatever plans they have set it all up for (I suspect I know but not many unitiated would believe me).

Jesus and Buddha both fought with the devil/temptation before their ascensions and we are as well now. The bible of course says good will win but this isn't a storybook. I've noticed the old blogs are still here but may just be awaiting time to clear, but would be wonderful to be saved as archives. And while I'm at it, here are some of the events since I joined here just over 10 years ago.

1-2002 met first new girlfriend for 4 years, and after seven weeks she went in for one of her regular stays (not that I knew at the time) in mental hospital. She didn't return till (possibly no coincidence) Halloween, and wasn't quite the same since. We spent a year or two (between her stays in hospital) making the best of things, but knew since the return it wasn't going to be right.

In 2003 and then again 2004 I went to watch the Big Brother final party (from outside as it faced a main road) and in 2004 met a few of the housemates, two had camera crews and as a result was on TV for 5 seconds, and spotted by everyone at the gym the next day.

I saw a leaflet in 2004 for a spiritual master (his term) while at a psychic fair but just missed him, a few months later I went to another in a similar area and thought he should be there, and was doing a free talk half an hour later. I worked on his publicity for a year or so as a result as I was so impressed, although despite following his methods since seem no further along the path.

2006 saw my first of four TV filmings, hypnotising alleged alien abductees. As none were on terrestrial TV no one recognises me but has been shown and repeated across the world.

I have met Harry Hill (the comedian) while he was filming outside my grandma's road for two days (three but I wasn't there the first), saw Patrick Stewart, Ann Charleston, Sue Johnson and various lesser known actors rehearse without their knowledge (I sneaked in and only thrown out the second time) and spoke to Ann Charleston when she went for a drink in the cafe.

Since then one thing which has happened is life seems to be arranged, and having read the Celestine Prophecy realised it corresponded with nearly all my own observations- I'd had the book over 10 years but only found it again when I'd experienced everything myself or I'd never have believed a word of it. What lies ahead, considering according to my experience what's going on is all planned, remains a mystery. But the situations are far too close to being scripted to have a totally random end. So far I've had barely any control over any of it yet, it just happens while I observe. I did use The Secret (another video recommended to mr by a teacher) to sort out two pretty big situations, so that is the sole possible method of control, but haven't been able to do much with it besides that.

It was Lesley's summary of the old blog that made me think of doing the same, combined with the lack of actual present events to offer. That could change at any time...?

Reply #95. Jun 21 10, 3:37 PM

satguru star

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Back to the present... Today was spent sorting out the remaining articles left at my grandparent's, and now have three boxes of books to take to be sold and the other stuff being collected for charity on Friday. Meanwhile I'll probably have to go Thursday as well to move the big stuff if the builder can't manage on his own. It's really like a real job now.

Tomorrow sees England play a game they have to win or leave the World Cup, and then the same visitor who appears to be back to the old weekly routine, lucky me. Beggars and choosers situation. So the week seems pretty well arranged now, nothing particularly bad but nothing particularly good either so far. My car was collected today and I have a new Toyota until it's returned, plus they're changing the oil for me (not free but nice to get it done). So I'll just carry on as I am, my scientist friend (PhD nuclear physics) is pestering me for proof on my ability to destroy his pet global warming theory which I know is possible but not easy for one (non scientist) person. But if I can show him I can show everyone so maybe not such a bad mission. My intuition alone tells me what a crock it is, the figures just confirmed it. That's the highest information we have and should always trust it regardless of why we know it.

Reply #96. Jun 22 10, 4:25 PM

satguru star

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Today's theme is potential. I posted the experience I had recently in the general board under psychic so that speaks for itself, suffice to say I now believe it affects everything in my life and of course everyone's, and am waiting to see more of it.

I am also engaged on a long argument on facebook with an old friend who is both a PhD physicist but a total believer in global warming. The equivalent of a one armed man (me) in a boxing ring with him is ridiculous, but I am now having to source climatologists directly to refute the apparently credible equations he's presenting me with depsite dropping out of maths at 11. My current position is he has presented the official data on a single page by the NOAA and I have both found a critique of it which they admitted meant the specific figures were meaningless and only the trend mattered. Had they not been called on it the believers would have claimed it was gospel.

I have now found the petition project's data on world climate past and present, and each diagram covers the same periods and shows different lines. That alone means that it's possible for multiple data to be produced for the same areas as climate is too complex to study accurately. I have posted it in the world forum for those who'd like to see it, and have a good few members here joining in on facebook as well.

I may be moving furniture tomorrow but not a certainty, and the charity didn't ring back to arrange the collection on Friday so hanging there. Someone found the elusive red triangle sign last week on Flickr I needed for my collection, but added it was removed last year, plus it was the equivalent of crossing the Sahara from here. Plus they found another old sign to add to the pair the other end of that road as they tend to come in clusters, but direction signs are spread across the country, I have many already and not going to crocodile territory for more.

England are now playing a slightly less powerful Germany on Sunday which at least gives them a small chance, although Ghana may have provided less of a challenge had they not lost instead. Otherwise it's business as usual, there is hope, there is freedom, and there is technically little else but a good foundation.

Reply #97. Jun 23 10, 7:24 PM

satguru star

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I think I can say my grandma's house is now virtually ready to move into, except nobody's made an offer two weeks after it's been put on the market, despite being one of only about 12 on the estate. It is early days but also most people who wanted one would presumably have seen it now. I had a mattress and filing cabinet in the hire car which is a 1000cc or so Toyota so pretty amazing anything more than a couple of suitcases could have fitted in.

My science project continues, the figures I presented to the physicist were accused of being lies, a day after he called me immature for calling Al Gore and his friends liars. I'm glad he's actually human as well as his air of superiority as if accepting the CO2 equation is essential for being civilised was beginning to remind me of born again evangelists. He's a lovely guy I've known since we were 5 but get him on the climate and he turns into a spoilt brat as they all do. It's no different to any other mental illness and obsession, which is why schizophrenia was coined as when it hits it's like they become a different person. Global warming mania is no different, as despite 3000 years of written and scientific records showing man and bear have lived very well in much warmer times has no effect on their cataract clouded lenses and cotton wool ears. I do get some people into discussion as they start on me for dissing their messiah, (whoever that is?) and as a result open my door to preach to them, not as the master but the deprogrammer. I see them as interventions and as most haven't had anyone waste their time trying to present them with alternative interpretations then a lot of my material is like shooting bullets at their glass walls. Most bounce off but a few crack it as you can't miss facts permanently.

I have done something I prefer was never done in this world but have enough material to be sure now, and that's realise I'm an intuitive. I think that's the one exception to being self appointed, as of course only your own intuition should tell you you have it, others' are for their own. But you can't convince scientists or jurys with intuition so am emailing scientists until I can get one to present the maths to destroy the CO2 equations once and for all. I know water vapour is king, 90% of the atmosphere that keeps our planet an average 33' above space, and that outside a greenhouse incremental amounts of CO2 can't be factored into the total atmosphere as it's too small to measure and has too many larger influences. Plus they haven't shown how sensitive the climate is to it however much more is present. But there's a level where the data becomes Chinese script and you either need a Chinaman or Chinese graduate to translate it for you. I'm not expected to be able to quote Chinese phrases to Chinese graduates although I know them in English.

So I'm waiting for just one scientist to help, considering I'm actually using them to do their own work I'd have thought they'd be happy to, but unlike me they have a job. And a family. And some probably have hair as well but that isn't a requirement.

Not a single plan now, I'll start the appointments soon but no rush, and just Streetviewing for the 'big one' I've dreamed about twice now. Considering I've been dreaming signs for about a year prior to finding them, getting more specific each time I'm assuming new dreams mean something is behind them as well. And maybe even someone.

Reply #98. Jun 24 10, 4:32 PM

satguru star

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Day off? Not likely, blogging or otherwise. I waited till 6pm for our builder friend to deliver my grandma's washing machine so spent the day Streetviewing, and then off to sell some more books before going to my mum. More photos coming soon depending when I can fit them into everything else.

My PC is going for a new hard disk tomorrow as it's 7 years old and full and then realised despite assurances nothing would be lost I have a few days left on the monthly mixed and don't really like the idea anything may get in the way of it. I've got my laptop as well but that's not set up for the cable yet simply as I forgot as it's not usually needed on it, although the other one was when the PC went wrong from time to time. It'll only mess up two days maximum though which shouldn't make a huge difference god forbid it doesn't behave properly.

So my grandma's house is finally cleared enough to sell it with no extra work. It's taken a year and helped carry the beds out and other furniture this week and although a string of people are coming to see it the fact it hasn't been touched since 1975 when it was built (the most expensive decor of the era, no reason to change) and has the lounge in the basement are two reasons people simply don't want it. Whether the price will put the people off who do we can only wait and see.

Other than the next photo trip I've got no plans yet, and may make one of my medical appointments next week to lessen the load. Eyes maybe and doubt they'll need any changes as only a year since they were checked, as my father has glaucoma I have to go annually to make sure it's not happening here either. My car should be back next week as well, I like the spare one (albeit fairly slow) but prefer to scratch my own if it were to happen. I should be in bed already but nothing to lose/watch on TV tomorrow so sod it. Excuse me. Yes, I think I must be excused as well, goodbye!

Reply #99. Jun 25 10, 8:29 PM

jonnowales star

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Thanks for the message on Facebook David - I shall get around to doing some digging in a few days or so. :)

Reply #100. Jun 25 10, 9:01 PM

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