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Quiz about ECW Guilty As Charged 1999
Quiz about ECW Guilty As Charged 1999

ECW 'Guilty As Charged' 1999 Trivia Quiz

This quiz covers the ECW Pay-Per-View 'Guilty As Charged' 1999.

A multiple-choice quiz by austin6174. Estimated time: 5 mins.
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5 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Jul 23 22
# Qns
Avg Score
8 / 15
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Question 1 of 15
1. On which date did 'Guilty as Charged' 1999 take place? Hint

Question 2 of 15
2. At which arena was the show held? Hint

Question 3 of 15
3. Which two wrestlers who were originally scheduled to appear at the show weren't able to do so? Hint

Question 4 of 15
4. Who won the opening tag-team three way dance bout? Hint

Question 5 of 15
5. Who was the opponent of Yoshihiro Tajiri in the second bout? Hint

Question 6 of 15
6. Who brought Sid Vicious to ECW? Hint

Question 7 of 15
7. Whom did Sid Vicious take on at 'Guilty as Charged' in his ECW debut? Hint

Question 8 of 15
8. Which of the following statements did Joel Gertner NOT make about Buh Buh Ray Dudley? Hint

Question 9 of 15
9. Who accepted the Dudley Boyz' open challenge to a match? Hint

Question 10 of 15
10. Who faced Rob Van Dam in a match for the TV Title? Hint

Question 11 of 15
11. What type of match did Tommy Dreamer vs. Justin Credible fight in?

Answer: (Four Words, last word is match)
Question 12 of 15
12. Who interferred in the Tommy Dreamer vs. Justin Credible match? Hint

Question 13 of 15
13. Who was originally scheduled to meet the ECW World Champion at 'Guilty as Charged', but was injured prior to the Pay-Per-View by Taz? Hint

Question 14 of 15
14. Who was the first to interfere in the Taz vs. Shane Douglas bout for the ECW World Title? Hint

Question 15 of 15
15. Who interferred second in the World title bout? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. On which date did 'Guilty as Charged' 1999 take place?

Answer: January 10, 1999

ECW's 1st 'Guilty As Charged' event took place on Sunday, January 10, 1999.
2. At which arena was the show held?

Answer: Millenium Theatre

ECW's 'Guilty As Charged' took place at the Millenium Theatre in Kissimmee, FL.
3. Which two wrestlers who were originally scheduled to appear at the show weren't able to do so?

Answer: Jerry Lynn and Masato Tanaka

Masato Tanaka was scheduled to take on Rob Van Dam for the TV Title, but was unable to fly out of Japan in time to make the show. Jerry Lynn had not fully recovered from an injury to his pelvis, and was not allowed to wrestle in the 3 Way Dance with Spike Dudley and Lance Storm as had been planned.
4. Who won the opening tag-team three way dance bout?

Answer: Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney

The opening bout was originally scheduled to be a tag bout between the Full Blooded Italians and the team of newcomers to ECW, Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill. The F.B.I. team of Little Guido and Tracey Smothers was accompanied to the ring by their manager Tommy Rich as well as Sal E. Graziano and Big Guido.

After a minute and a half of action, Balls and Axl's music began to play and Axl shortly thereafter invited his team into the bout, and a three way dance was started. The match quickly became a brawl for a number of minutes before Doring and Roadkill nailed Little Guido with the Lancaster Lariat of Luck, but only scored a 2 count before Rich broke it up with a shot from his Italian flag.

The F.B.I. quickly locked Doring in a double fisherman's buster into a pin to eliminate the newcomers at 7 minutes and 28 seconds. Balls and Axl then got back into the action and finished off the Italians with a combo nutcracker suite-severe skull trama for a double pin and the win at 9 minutes and 55 seconds. Moments later, Sal E. and Big Guido tried to take out Balls and Axl, but were both downed by chair shots as the fans applauded Axl and Balls on their win.
5. Who was the opponent of Yoshihiro Tajiri in the second bout?

Answer: Super Crazy

Tajiri and Crazy had just arrived in ECW and had wrestled one match a piece in the company heading into the PPV, their first with ECW. Just minutes into the bout, Tajiri unloaded a lot of his trademark moves onto a stunned Super Crazy including a variety of kicks, buzzsaw dropkick, the handspring elbow, an Asai moonsault, a kick to the head of Crazy and then the tarantula. Crazy was not about to give up, however, and unleashed some moves of his own, hitting Tajiri with a springboard dropkick, a sommersault plancha, a moonsault onto Tajiri from the barricade, and once back in the ring, an inverted surfboard into a dragon sleeper.

The two continued to battle for several more minutes displaying their high flying offense until Tajiri locked Crazy into a Dragon Suplex for the win at the 11 minute and 35 second mark.
6. Who brought Sid Vicious to ECW?

Answer: Jeff Jones

Jeff Jones had been a referree in ECW, but got fired for favoring the 'bad guys' much too often. That, however, did not make Jones leave ECW, as he continued to be a nuisance and interferred in a number of matches. A week prior to the PPV, he made the mistake of interfering in a match involving John Kronus and got laid out for his efforts. Jones vowed revenge and told Kronus to show up at the PPV. Kronus indeed showed up at 'Guilty as Charged' and Jones soon followed out to the ring. Wearing a judge's wardrobe, he declared himself to be the new 'Judge' of ECW and that it was time to meet his executioner. Jones: 'You could say he's a little bit psycho and he's gonna deal out my brand of justice in a vicious manner, Kronus!' Kronus: 'Who?' Jones: 'He is Sid!' The audience was then surprised by the ECW debut of Sid Vicious.
7. Whom did Sid Vicious take on at 'Guilty as Charged' in his ECW debut?

Answer: John Kronus

Kronus immediately went after Sid, throwing a number of punches, but Sid brushed them off. Sid quickly caught Kronus by the throat and hurled him to the floor and through a table at ringside. Sid then followed out and beat up Kronus some more with a chair before sending him back inside and finishing him off with a powerbomb at the 1 minute and 31 second mark. Jones had gotten his revenge on John Kronus. Sid Vicious would stay in ECW for only a short few months before heading off to WCW.
8. Which of the following statements did Joel Gertner NOT make about Buh Buh Ray Dudley?

Answer: He's Joel Gertner's personal dietitian

Heading next to the ring were the unscheduled entourage of Buh Buh Ray and D-Von Dudley along with their manager Joel Gertner and half-brothers Sign Guy and Big Dick Dudley. After introducing himself, Gertner introduced Sign Guy Dudley. Gertner: 'He's my co-hort, my co-conspiritor, he is the mute behind the mayhem, the quiet behind the riot and...all the girls say he's pretty fly for a sign guy.

This is Sign Guy Dudley.' He then introduced Big Dick before moving on to D-Von. Gertner: 'He's keepin it real in the 99. Weighing in at a slim, trim, lean, mean, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, topped, diced, peppered and jacked 230 pounds, my personal dietitian, D-Von Dudley!' And then Buh Buh Ray. Gertner: 'He hails from Metropolitan Dudleyville, he is every Flordian's favorite wrestler, every American's wrestling role model and every pro wrestler's worst nightmare, this is Buh Buh Ray Dudley!' Gertner than acknowledged that they had no scheduled opponents and offered an open challenge to anyone who would take it.
9. Who accepted the Dudley Boyz' open challenge to a match?

Answer: New Jack and Spike Dudley

'Natural Born Killaz' fired up almost immediately following Gertner's open challenge as New Jack, along with Spike Dudley, hit the ring with garbage cans full of weapons in tow. A big brawl broke out as all 4 men battled in the ring, on the floor and on the rampway.

After a number of minutes, the Dudleyz caught New Jack with 3D on the rampway, leaving them with only Spike to take on. Spike fought back and caught Buh Buh, D-Von and even Big Dick with the Acid Drop but was unable to finish any of them off for a 3 count.

A second Acid Drop attempt on Buh Buh failed, however, and he was soon caught in 3D in the ring for the pinfall and win by the Dudley Boyz at the 10 minute, 4 second mark. The Dudleyz then beat up on New Jack and Spike some more before Buh Buh issued an open challenge to the Public Enemy, having themselves just left WCW, to meet with them at the ECW Arena in the near future.

They eventully had only one encounter, which the Dudleyz laid them out in, before P.E. skipped town to the WWF for a very brief stint.
10. Who faced Rob Van Dam in a match for the TV Title?

Answer: Lance Storm

After originally having been booked to take on Masato Tanaka, who couldn't make it due to flight problems, ECW instead assigned Lance Storm the TV Title shot against Rob Van Dam. Lance Storm was accompanied to the ring by his valet Dawn Marie and quickly pointed out that the wrestlers he was supposed to take on in a 3 way dance, Spike Dudley and Jerry Lynn, were in no shape to wrestle. Spike, due to his stupidity to fight his older brothers, and Lynn due to injury caused by Lance a month earlier. Storm then said that if RVD had the guts to take him on, he'd show him who the better man really is. RVD with his manager Bill Alfonso made his way to the ring and the match was on.

They fought back and forth for a few minutes before Lance managed to lock on his trademark Single Leg Crab, catching RVD away from the ropes. Bill Alfonso, seeing his man in trouble, decided to chase after Dawn Marie on the floor, making Lance release the hold to save her, which gave RVD the break he needed to attack Lance from behind and gain the lead.

They then fought on the floor with RVD getting 'RVD' chants from many of the ECW fans in attendance, before Lance came back with a reverse DDT, followed by a top rope dive onto RVD in the crowd. Back in the ring, RVD blocked a belly-to-back superplex and took the advantage back. A flying legdrop, inverted surfboard and rolling thunder connected leading to a Van Daminator attempt that missed, but was soon followed by one that hit, sending Lance to the floor. Van Dam pulled Lance in but was low-blowed for a 2 count. Shortly thereafter, another chair came into play, but this time the Van Daminator inadvertently nailed the ref, while Lance managed to do a modified Van Daminator of his own on RVD, dropkicking the chair into RVD's face. As Dawn Marie tried to revive the ref, Lance placed RVD on the top rope but soon after had to fend off Bill Alfonso, who brought yet another chair into the ring. After sending Alfonso to the floor, Lance was met with a top rope Van Daminator which scored a 2 count for RVD from the awakened ref. RVD quickly tried the 5 Star Frog Splash, but missed. Lance tried to go for the pin, but a pin reversal sequence started up, leading to a German suplex for RVD that scored the win at the 18 minute and 48 second mark. The fans showed their appreaction of RVD's successful title defense by chanting his name in unison.
11. What type of match did Tommy Dreamer vs. Justin Credible fight in?

Answer: Stairway to Hell match

Tommy Dreamer and Justin Credible had been fueding for a few months, orignally having started when Justin interrupted a 10-bell salute to Tommy's recently deceased grandfather. Justin insulted Tommy's grandfather, Tommy went after him and vowed revenge. Justin and Tommy had many battles coming into 'Guilty as Charged' but nothing had been settled. Two months earlier at 'November to Remember' 1998, Tommy Dreamer had selected Jake Roberts as his mystery partner in a tag match, which upset Dreamer's mentor Terry Funk. Funk suddenly became a backer of Justin's in his feud with Tommy. Adding to that, Justin eliminated Tommy's top ally in ECW, the Sandman, a month later, injuring him following an attack and sending Sandman out of ECW and into WCW as 'Hak'. Dreamer had no allies left but was determined to get at Justin and proposed the Stairway to Hell match.

The object of the match was to climb a ladder and grab the Sandman's old singapore cane from the ceiling and then you could use it on your opponent.

The standard pinfall or submission rules would be in effect once the cane was retrieved. Justin accepted and the match was signed.
12. Who interferred in the Tommy Dreamer vs. Justin Credible match?

Answer: Terry Funk

Justin Credible came out first and was accompanied by his manager Jason along with Jazz and Nicole Bass. Tommy Dreamer came alone. After fighting for a few minutes back and forth, Justin took the lead with a reverse DDT onto a chair, followed by a powerbomb and a drop toehold into a chair. Dreamer soon came back with his Dreamer Driver before retrieving the ladder from the ramp and bringing it into play. Dreamer began to assault Justin with the ladder as well as Jason who tried to interfere.

The two traded moves using the ladder to their advantage.

Interference by Jason and Jazz would give the lead back to Justin for a short while before Dreamer caught him in the Spicolli Driver. After nailing Justin with the ladder again, Dreamer began to climb the ladder, but Justin tipped it over and Dreamer came crashing down through a table on the floor. Justin then went to climb the ladder but somehow Dreamer made it back in and tipped Justin off and into a chair placed on the top turnbuckle.

They continued to fight back and forth until Dreamer got knocked to the floor once again. On the floor, Dreamer secured a 2nd ladder and brought it in the ring. Both men began to climb to get possession of the cane.

They began to fight near the top of the ladders with Dreamer managing to catch Justin with a Diamond Cutter from atop the ladders, sending both men crashing to the mat. With Justin temporarily down and out, Dreamer climbed his ladder once more and finally secured the cane. Part way down the ladder, he jumped off and caught a now-standing Justin with a DDT. With Justin appearing to be finished, suddenly Terry Funk came down the ramp and blindsided Dreamer with a garbage can to the back of the head. Justin, now holding the cane, whacked Dreamer in the face, then piledrove Dreamer on one of the ladders for the pin at the 18 minute and 42 second mark. Justin, with Funk and the rest of his entourage, left the ring victorious to an un-friendly ovation from the crowd.
13. Who was originally scheduled to meet the ECW World Champion at 'Guilty as Charged', but was injured prior to the Pay-Per-View by Taz?

Answer: Sabu

Sabu, having pinned the ECW World Champion, Shane Douglas, at 'November to Remember' 1998 in a 6man match-up, was originally booked to get the title shot. However, Shane Douglas did not want to have to take on Sabu and told Taz that if he injured Sabu prior to the Pay-Per-View, he'd give him anything that he wanted: a spot in the triple threat, Francine as his valet or a lot of money. Taz agreed to take Sabu out for Shane. Taz jumped Sabu twice in December on ECW TV before being booked in a match against him at the ECW Arena.

In the match, Taz relentlessly worked over Sabu and eventully smashed Sabu through a table with a Dragon Taz-plex, injuring Sabu and leaving him unable to wrestle at the pay-per-view. Shane thanked Taz for getting rid of Sabu and asked what he wanted in return.

The spot, Francine or money. Taz told Shane that he wanted the title shot at 'Guilty as Charged'. Shane, shocked, said he couldn't have it, but was over-ruled by ECW who signed the match as the Main Event for 'Guilty as Charged'.
14. Who was the first to interfere in the Taz vs. Shane Douglas bout for the ECW World Title?

Answer: Sabu

As Joey Styles on commentary related the back history between Taz and Shane Douglas, going back to when Taz defeated Douglas in under 3 minutes for the TV title at 'WrestlePalooza' 1997, the champion and challenger made their way to the ring. Shane Douglas was accompanied by his valet Francine. Shane was also wrestling with a cast on his hand and lower arm, due to a fractured wrist.

After introductions, the two had a stare-down before Taz gave Douglas the double middle finger and the match was on.

They fought back in forth on the mat, trying to out-wrestle each other. After a few minutes, Taz caught Shane in the head-and-arm Tazplex which sent Shane heading to the floor. Douglas soon returned and took the lead before the match headed to the floor. Douglas sent Taz over the barricade and then dived in after him, before the two began an 8 minute brawl into the fans.

After finally making their way back to the ring, both were cut open and bleeding badly. Shane got a table and set it up in the corner and after a brief struggle, sent Taz into the corner and through the table.

He then set up a 2nd table in the opposite corner, but his attempt to put Taz through it didn't work as he got Taz-plexed through it himself. With Shane down, suddenly the lights went out and Sabu's music and pyro began as Sabu made his way to the ring. Sabu quickly caught both men with a flying clothesline before tossing Shane to the floor. He then bashed Taz with a chair and moonsaulted him. Quickly to the floor, he placed Shane on a table and then legdropped him through it. Back in the ring, Sabu placed Taz on a table and top rope splashed Taz through it. Sabu then left both men down and out to applause from the fans.
15. Who interferred second in the World title bout?

Answer: Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch

With Taz still down, Shane Douglas rolled into the ring and, looking to the crowd, gave the sign of the Triple Threat. The Triple Threat had been disbanded following 'November to Remember' 1998 when Bam Bam Bigelow left ECW for WCW and Chris Candido took a brief leave of abscence from ECW. Shortly following Douglas's call to the crowd, Tammy Sytch appeared and began to argue with Francine. Tammy was soon followed by Chris Candido who broke the two apart from each other.

As Douglas turned to welcome Candido back into the fold, he was instead punched in the face, leading a stunned Douglas into a T-Bone Tazplex from Taz. Candido and Sytch made their exit up the ramp as Candido tore off his Triple Threat shirt and tossed it at Douglas. Douglas, still in shock, turned to look at the departing Candido and Sytch, but was then caught in the Tazmission from behind. Douglas began to roll around to try and get out of the hold, but couldn't.

A low-blow broke the hold, but only for a moment, before Taz locked it in once again, this time bringing Shane down to the mat in a leg scissors. Shane refused to give up, but couldn't break the hold.

The ref, sensing Shane was passing out in the hold, lifted Shane's arm up once, twice and a third time and as it fell the third time, awarded the match and the ECW World title to Taz at the time of 22 minutes and 13 seconds. The fans applauded the new champion as his music began to play, to end 'Guilty as Charged' 1999.
Source: Author austin6174

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