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FunTrivia's Most Esoteric Quizzes

Looking for Harry Potter? Friends? Baseball trivia?

If so, you've come to the wrong place! Welcome to FunTrivia's most esoteric quiz list! This list
displays the most obscure, abstruse, acroamatic, arcane, and profound quizzes on FunTrivia.
It's a celebration of all that is original and enigmatically creative. Authors, we salute you!

Quiz Title Category Difficulty Qns Played Online Author
1 Vegetables in the News
Each answer is one word, and is the common name of a plant with edible parts-- a vegetable, herb, etc...
Thematic Vegetables Tough 10
Jul 19 02
2 Artificial Insemination in Cattle
This quiz is about artificial insemination in cattle as pertaining to the United States.
Cattle Average 10
May 16 02
3 Themes and Motifs of Existentialism
The following questions involve stories that regard human existence as unexplainable, or stress freedom of choice.
Specific Subjects & Themes Tough 10
Oct 09 02
4 Seasonal Weather in Wichita, Kansas
Few areas in the US experience the extremes in weather conditions that are seen in the city of Wichita, Kansas. Take this quiz and learn what it is like to live in the heart of the Great Plains. Good luck, and enjoy!
Weather Average 10
May 09 04
5 Fruit, Fowl, Fish or Fairy?
This quiz is as simple as its title! Look at the following words, and decide if they are names of fruits, fowl (birds), fish or mythical creatures similar to fairies. Have fun!
Which One? Average 20
Feb 20 02
6 Aluminum
The element aluminum.
Specific Elements Tough 5
Oct 19 01
7 Eat Your Flowers
They're not just for vases anymore...take this quiz and then try blossoms in your baking, buds in your bread, petals on your get the idea. A veritable feast of flowers!
Incredible Edibles Average 15
Oct 18 04
8 This Quiz Stinks!
Of all my quizzes, this one is certainly the most rancid, fetid, noisome of the bunch! Each of the questions in this quiz deals with something stinky...very stinky! Plug your nose and give it a try!
Thematic Fun Tough 15
Aug 24 02
9 "Please Make Fun of My Wife"
This quiz is geared towards the specific personal faults, or awesome attributes of my lovely wife. Trust me when I say that she knows about this quiz and helped me write it. She frequents nearly as much as I do!
Thematic Family Members Average 10
Apr 12 07
10 Delve Into the World of Shampoo!
Do you ever read your shampoo bottles? Something tells me that most of us don't! There are also a couple of questions about shampoo in general. Can you lather up a good score? Good luck!
Hair Products Tough 10
Jul 18 02
11 Monoresponsory
There is something funny with this quiz. First is the title. Furthermore, I had to resort totally to the objectionable method of fill-in-the-blanks. If you have the luck to answer at least three questions correctly, you will know why!
Thematic Unique Ideas Very Difficult 10
Apr 10 03
12 A Two-Ply History
The history of toilet paper "rolled" into one quiz.
Toilets & Toilet Paper Tough 10
Jan 14 04
13 Some Questions about Tofu
These questions should be simple for any tofu lover. Happy eating!
Food & Drink Average 5
Dec 15 00
14 Basics Of Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis causes the growth of non-caseating granulomas (tissue growth which is not cancerous but may damage organs). It occurs in many organ systems. This quiz covers basics of the disease.
Other Specific Diseases Average 10
Jun 22 01
15 Japanese Slang and Subtext
Here are my favorite expressions and misconceptions found in the mysterious culture of Japan. Enjoy!
Japanese Difficult 10
Oct 15 00
16 Alaska's Iditarod Monopoly Edition
How well do you know Monopoly-Alaska's Iditarod Edition? Test yourself here!
Monopoly (U.S. Version) Tough 10
Aug 14 00
17 Interesting Facts About Embalming
This quiz was written by a licensed embalmer to give the general public an insight into this line of work.
Embalmers Difficult 10
Jun 12 03
18 The Golden Age of Lunch Boxes
Your lunch box showed who you were, or who you hoped to be! This quizzie is about the early history of lunch box production.
Food & Drink Difficult 10
Aug 15 01
19 Trapeze Tricks
This is a quiz about different tricks you can do on a flying trapeze. I hope everyone gets the chance to try them eventually!
Circuses & Fairs Tough 5
Jun 11 03
20 Cannibalism for Dummies
A quiz about cannibalism to really sink your teeth into.
Thematic Death Tough 10
Jul 30 05
21 Canadian Mineral Deposit Geology
This is a quiz on the mineral resources of Canada and a few of the important mines in operation. See what you know about this rather deep subject. You may find the photos useful for answering several of the questions. Good luck!
Geology Average 10
Aug 25 23
22 What's True About Goo
WARNING! This quiz is not for the faint of heart. Are you prepared to face illness, plague, the destruction of the universe and even...a gruesome preschool song? You are? Then c'mon and play!
Thematic Objects Difficult 10
Apr 13 04
23 Rules of the Road in British Columbia (Part 2)
Ok, let's delve a little deeper into the Rules of the Road. As before, British Columbia laws only, and is current as of August 25, 2003, and will be changed if I become aware of changes to the laws.
Canadian Road Rules Difficult 10
Aug 31 03
24 Bambi Go Home!
OK, I'm not over fond of deer. But before you write me off as a Disney hating, eco-criminal TAKE THIS QUIZ! ...If you dare.
Artiodactyls- Deer, Antelopes, Pigs etc. Tough 10
Feb 04 04
25 (Almost) Everything You Want to Know About Toilets
Not dirty! Just all about toilets! So, come on in and test your toilet trivia knowledge!
Toilets & Toilet Paper Average 10
Jun 19 22
26 The Bowels of History
Here is a quiz on some notably gruesome and often scatalogical Historical facts. Test your knowledge on a few items not often mentioned in History class.
Specialized History Difficult 20
Mar 12 01
27 October 23rd
Besides being the date of my entry into the world, I have found lots of other interesting things about this date. Enjoy ...
October November December Tough 10
Feb 04 06
28 Yoga Postures with Animal Names
I will describe a yoga position and you then decide which animal name is given to it in English.
Exercise and Fitness Tough 10
Nov 27 03
miss g
29 Lake Michigan Carferry Adventures
The S.S. Badger runs between Ludington, MI and Manitowoc, WI, across Lake Michigan. Let's see if you know a little bit about this historic and fun way to cross the lake!
Maritime Tough 10
Sep 09 02
30 Please Make Fun Of Me v1.0
This quiz is geared towards my specific personal faults, or awesome attributes. All in all I hope to make you laugh and have a fun time while taking this quiz all about me.
Thematic Story Time Average 10
Feb 21 07
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