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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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Thanks Jonno, I can collate evidence till the end of time but I can't do all the science. He's currently under the impression that as I can't I have no status to complain. It soesn't stop me knowing it's wrong, I just can't explain exactly why on my own. In fact that's how they get away with it so far as most people not qualified don't believe they need to question those who are. Shearing time...

Reply #101. Jun 26 10, 7:30 AM

That sounds like dismissing you because you haven't read it in the original Arabic. And this man's a friend, you say?

Reply #102. Jun 26 10, 7:33 AM
jonnowales star

player avatar
Surely that is some sort of fallacy, like argument from authority or something?

Was Einstein unable to come up with his ideas of relativity because he didn't have his PhD at the time? Of course he was able to. One shouldn't dismiss the interest of people who don't have qualifications in science. He should know better! :)

Reply #103. Jun 26 10, 7:48 AM
Exactly, Jon. I think he's saying it because he hasn't got an argument, or because he can't be bothered to argue.

Lemme think - it's not a tu quoque or an ad hominem or a straw man. I think it's a BecauseISaySo and I'veGotADegree ner ner ner.

Reply #104. Jun 26 10, 8:03 AM
Not that I like playing devil’s advocate here (butter wouldn’t melt), but perhaps he is right and you are just plain wrong? Just because you can’t prove a theory you passionately believe in doesn’t make it right either.
Still do not believe the topic should hang on who’s right or who’s wrong, but what if anything can be sensibly done to help.
Isn’t it fun to debate?

Reply #105. Jun 26 10, 9:16 AM
satguru star

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Steve, I've spoken to a few tecnical people I know over the years without leading questions, and each one was certain the scenario of a small extra quantity of CO2 being released was virtually impossible to have an effect. Even though I knew about climate sensitivity, relative greenhouse power, and even a little about relative weight (where it hangs about in the atmosphere) and infra red absorption it wasn't the full deal as I was trained in law. That means I can see a set of evidence in any disciplne and watch it fall apart like any other lawyer. They and the jury don't need to be qualified, just to learn enough about the subject and see if anyone's telling porkies.

Therefore just because I'm not able to originate the full set of equations to explain directly, there are plenty of scientists (poor Jonno is now under a bit of a responsibility!) who can quite easily, and I trust them as all they did was affirm the total fiasco pretending to be a solid case. There is also the element of intuition when something seems to be wrong. Ask any experienced police officer how they spot criminals, you don't need a telescope or spectrometer to tell something's gone off.

Reply #106. Jun 26 10, 4:40 PM

satguru star

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I will add that there is a vast logic deficit in the doom and gloom scenarios. We've had temperatures within the range they're imagining, er, guessing, or is that predicting, and rather than the disaster vision mankind thrived. They actually know more or less exactly the consequences of any type of warming as there are historical records. Next question?

Anyway, we've had the local warming since yesterday (unlike last summer) although whether it lasts is another story. Grand Prix is doing very well British wise, golf is UK wise, tennis is potentially good and football is no better than it's ever been since I remember watching it in around 1968. ie I missed 1966 although I was in front of the TV most of the time I have no recollection of that.
Yesterday I did another of my dowsing maps to find old signs, drew a mark where it was Bushey, and Streetviewed two in the exact spot. I had them already but still worth taking. If I am given information in dreams it both means we are able to receive it all, plus it implies someone has chosen to send it to me as I don't know it. Of course if I ask myself to tune in I can get basic information, but not specifics to names I'd never heard of in small groups. Yet. I also hear some pretty good words and music which I write down and play after the dreams. I don't compose normally and all the music is original.

The next stage ought to be to spread the isolated incidents across everything in my life. I've had enough boring bits for two lifetimes so pretty well deserve the rest at the second part. Such a powerful, omnipotent in fact, force shouldn't be restricted to a few miraculous events just to tell me it's there and then bugger off leaving me with the knowledge and no more benefits. If this is omnipotent and intelligent why waste it there? I'm naturally impatient and although I'm now fairly content as things are it's more with the lack of any problems than the presence of anything extra, ie people, plus any of the other areas I'm barely managing in.

Prayer is not quite the answer as asking for things tends to get them withheld in most times. There is the method used in The Secret which has a little success, but I reckon if it's waited this long to show itself maybe there's a reason for waiting and could have more to come with no way I can affect it either way. There is now the vacuum for any events to enter. I saw the bikes jumping over the new humps by the river today and as my camera goes with me nearly all the time made a little film and then cobbled together the scenes to make a single video as it was only the little camera not the DVD one.

Meanwhile the PC is having a new hard disk, the 40gb one from 2003 is now full and if I want to get anything done it has to be swapped. I do have three days left in the monthly quiz though so hope when I reconnect it tomorrow it's still able to get net access, the last time I changed it I was still on dialup. Two lost days on the mixed is not a good idea, the badge should not be affected but would prefer to play the lot and not risk the position either. No plans yet this week, the gardens (front and back) must be done, the new washing machine will have its first try and the new woman next door may start what may be a few months worth of building work which may keep me awake, after the last people did when they bought it. As I said before, Robby can't answer that.

Reply #107. Jun 27 10, 3:34 PM

satguru star

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Well it's really summer now, over 80 and spent the day watching Holland and Andy Murray winning before going to the gym. The PC has returned with a 160gb drive replacing the 40 as anything more jammed it up. I'll be installing it later but currently on the laptop.

Unless I've forgotten something I've got no plans at the moment, and am using the spare time working on improving my intuition, which is the actual meaning of satguru and why I used it. It's by asking questions and rather than look up the answers let them come to you. It can open up a vast amount of information and then find out later it was true when you check it out. That's been documented as the highest form of knowledge for thousands of years and means we're connected to it all already via the Akashic records and just have to tune in.

The car hasn't arrived yet but will be happy when not having to drive someone else's although it's served me well all over London since Tuesday. We've estimated one last trip to my late grandma's for actual shifting, the final ones will be letting people in to remove everything. The mattresses are being distributed, one is at my father's and his has gone over the road, and they want the bed but doubt I can get it in my car. Still no offers but have to be patient, we may have to drop the price though if it won't shift after a while.

I don't think it's being greedy hoping for a little more, the freedom is good but would like some more interesting ways of using it.

Reply #108. Jun 28 10, 1:11 PM

satguru star

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I'm here at the start of the day now. I'm on my new PC (well the same one but now a 160gb disk) which is running very nicely now, although the disk buzzes a lot louder I can live with that. I have plenty of freedom now and besides needing some milk and things (if the discount bogroll is still available that is- it was too big to get on my bike last week when I was there) and to mow the lawn I have no ideas where to go. I've got a new DVD of the old school's programmes from the 70s and 80s and lots of videos to catch up on, but it's too nice outside to do that before I go somewhere.
The new woman next door installed the builders to almost double the size of the house on Friday, the drills woke me at 8.30 but thank goodness seemed to stop soon after when I managed to get back to sleep. In the past I may have spent the odd night with my grandma if that happened, unless I cross London to my father now I'm stuck (my mother would order me around and has her spare room full of junk at the moment from grandpa's junk collection). I will have to see.

The global warming progamme on the BBC last night was almost balanced- they wanted to demonstrate (as you'd expect) despite disagreement the actual CO2 was still doing its thing. But they slipped out that although the scientists weren't sure how much CO2 affects the climate and even the sea level rising wasn't necessarily noticeable, they can't actually factor the effects of the major greenhouse gases (over 95%) water vapour and clouds. That means if they can't figure out the majority of the effect (33' above space) then a tiny increase in a tiny amount of weak greenhouse gas being able to cause climatic disaster is a fantasy purely in the nightmare of Al Gore.
I'm now off to mention that in the forums. Rather a big one I think.

Reply #109. Jun 29 10, 7:28 AM

satguru star

player avatar
I'm glad there's no rationing here- this is the update of the earlier entry and technically followed exactly what I said- shopping and then the garden. But there were just two packs of bulk size toilet roll left- and almost the price of two for one, so I can now wait around 3 months before the need to buy more arises. And it's the good stuff.

In between I have been being taught by an ascended master (her description but I fully accept it) I met elsewhere online, who has the knack of focusing on all your faults and throwing them back at you as if that alone will make you fix them. It certainly reminds me of a few excesses but I can't ascend myself as I believe it's grace, ie it happens when the time is decided elsewhere, it's barely connected with our own efforts.

Take global warming, which started this exchange originally. I almost feel detached from the subject when talking about it. Like a medium I step aside and this consciousness which knows a lot more than me takes over. All I contribute is getting annoyed when people don't listen which doesn't help at all. I didn't want to get busy with it at all. I saw the story, accepted it, and then a year or two later saw the goalposts being moved. It hadn't done what they said it would and they were setting the results further and further in the future while widening the range of possible temperatures.

Had a teacher or judge (ie half my family) seen a presentation drift like that it would have been a big 'SEE ME' on the end, with a lecture to follow. But instead I see it taking over, policies following costing thousands of times more than any potential damage, and people call me meshuggah. But when I lecture people on it it's not me, I'm just saying what has to be said and can't turn round and leave it to others- I'm not even aware of anyone else who spends much time looking for information on it and then putting people straight who are caught in someone else's plans for their beliefs.

Forget religion, the way global warming brings the worst out in everyone who talks about it makes god fights seem tame. I've seen it become personal as somehow the fear factor and personal investment in beliefs is so great if you dare to challenge it you become the devil. I'd love to go back to talking about telepathy and enlightenment all the time as I did before but we won't have time to if they win the day as we'll all be hunting and gathering to survive. It's the only danger I see to society, Iran aren't likely to bomb the world just yet, North Korea are too busy oppressing their own people to bother with us, and tragic as the oil spill is in Florida it can't affect people beyond it. But global warming is bleeding our veins like a blood transfusion right now and will carry on till there's just enough left to live (if we're lucky) so I have no option but to attract insults and rage as all fighters against the powers that be have throughout time. It seems I have a target painted on me that goes too deep to wash off.

Reply #110. Jun 29 10, 1:32 PM

satguru star

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When there's nothing else on I suppose doing a bit of work isn't such a bad thing, although when combined with pleasure either side would be even better. Doing my mum's garden today, and changing her curtains for summer ones which happens each way twice a year and means going to the loft to get them and then return the ones I took down there. After packing them in plastic sleeves.

Tomorrow is a wonderful trip to supermarkets for my friend without a car for barely anything, except the knowledge I have done him a small favour. My money would earn nearly as much in a high interest account in the 80s.

Thanks to an eagle eyed member here there's a little solution to the way humans producing 3% of CO2 can make it rise and change the climate so much. Ignore the water vapour. The actual reason it's risen 30% while we produce so little hadn't been certain (mainly because it's probably bollocks, but I'll skate over that), is probably blamed on it being cumulative, ie each year the earth absorbs all but a little more which (until it decays, which it does after a while) builds up and over maybe 150 years that 3% has added a little per year that wasn't reabsorbed by the sea and vegetation and hadn't yet decayed to lesser elements. But the simplest trick of all, measuring the atmospheric effects minus the water vapour.

That would be the same as measuring the effect of a three dog night without the central heating. Anyone who is on Funtrivia would probably had had the three dog night question in their entrance exam (had there been one) but just in case it's the maximum insulation you need in the Arctic when it's coldest to sleep. Except the relative difference would be the warming effect of a hamster in your bedroom compared to the radiatiors. Eliminate the radiators and the relative change in temperature by one hamster or three dogs is raised 95% compared to without them. Actually the figure's an inverse but not able to do them, but it's a heck of a lot more than otherwise either way.

How and why the world's mavens and rulers have accepted this as a valid and legitimate reason for calculating the possible changes in the climate from the small increase of a fairly weak greenhouse gas which seems to even small children with no PhD in anything out of proportion with its power is now fairly clear to me. The CRU (the university based organisation who feed the IPCC, a bit like flies and faeces) call this error a 'convention', ie one which allows them to claim CO2 is increasing the greenhouse effect by about 5.53%, which would be about 0.28%, if water vapor is taken into account.

As water vapour is present then in the real atmosphere (not the theoretical one used by climate researchers) then the actual measurable (in isolation from other factors only) effect of a 30% increase in CO2 from a pre-industrial level is:


You don't need to be a scientist to guess the effect of that. I'm off for a tea now.

Reply #111. Jun 30 10, 5:07 PM

satguru star

player avatar
Another day has almost passed, it began well as not only did I get the mixed monthly badge first try (exactly 13 plays a day) but also 10th (although 39th on average, it was from effort over ability) but it does mean keeping that average over many more different questions. It's also nice to be within the original top 10 parameters for winning the badge, what I also managed second time for smartest when I had the badge already. Never take scores for granted as you can still get one coming out where you barely get half of them in the same one.

The supermarket went better than expected, and with many memories. Firstly we only had the one to go to in the end, and was where I took both my granparents and then just my grandma for maybe 8 years until they built one near her, it is massive and until today always had massive queues. It was exactly the same and got some pretty good cakes which I've just made a start on. Then after the stories yesterday the garage called to say my car was ready, so will be here tomorrow which is a relief.

So no real plans yet, hygienist next week but I can live with that. People say nothing happens as I don't make it happen, but besides not being a youngster anymore and having things that haven't happened yet so have to try them, it's one thing paying for a ticket and going somewhere and another actually creating a new social life from scratch. That was never from going to a few places to meet friends, half I'd known all my life through the family. The rest arrived partly from my annual holiday and the others from school or randomly from the teenage social scene. As that is now behind me there's nothing to take its place locally. I also got the school newsletter telling me this year's reunion was last week. Thanks for that, I was beginning to wonder. I'll book the date for 2011 now anyway as they already decided it as well.

Following the calculations yesterday I have been studying greenhouse gases again, and it is very plausible given all the features of CO2. But purely by chance I caught them out on one single figure (albeit like saying someone is alive when they've died) as their whole argument is that the CO2 levels rising from 310 ppm (in 1958, don't ask me why) to 390 ppm now will soon push them into affecting the climate, or in 50-100 years anyway (another shaky area).

Synchronicity is miraculous by its nature, and as I liked science all my life bought a book I used to read at school which was published in 1961. That is by Time-Life, those great oil sponsored reactionaries who could see in the future that in 2000 or so Al Gore would raise this as a major issue and they turned back into their own time and published the 1961 figures. Or not. Anyway, I read this some time ago and if I hadn't wouldn't have found it easy to question the logic. The figures for CO2 in 1961 were:

200-400 ppm.

Rather than pin it down to a current 1961 figure they had already found that it is not a constant, but varies within that range for long enough to become the norm. Had someone done the air measurements in 1962 (unlike temperature they are reliable, but that's another entry), and said CO2 was 400 ppm (ie higher than today) then it would have been interesting as at the high end of normal, but unlikely to have raised any more reaction as it was expected. Suddenly 390 ppm doesn't look so significant.

I really thought they may have something till I saw that, but will add that looking for evidence of something you're both uncertain about (many experts say we may not be sure but we can't risk it) and hard to attach to a specific cause means there are going to be so many false positives found around the world simply as in science you're not meant to need to look for evidence of your theory, it's meant to shout at you. If sea levels (the second clearest indicator above average temperature) rose noticeably then we'd know. In context 30cm (a foot?) a century is the last rise which went by silently, it will need to be substantially more than that as if not a lot more can be added before people living on flood plains will need to move out in a hurry. And building on flood plains is a symptom not a cause, as for many reasons people think they can't be affected by the obvious risks until it happens and then they blame the government, the weather and now mankind. No, it's your fault for buying a property some greedy crooks built on an unsafe area and are personally living well above sea level. Except Al Gore who just spend 8 million on a seafront house. Maybe he knows something we don't?

Reply #112. Jul 01 10, 4:38 PM

satguru star

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I managed to get to Paddington last night rather than during the day as it was in the charging zone, did what I needed to do and got lost coming home due to the signposts and one way system. The car was returned as well so now back in my own transport but used the hire car well while I had it so certainly needed it.
I am back on the Streetview, the signs I got last night are old but council issued so not part of the official collection but still part of history. I must get a girlfriend or a job or something soon as these signs won't turn up for ever and when one interest ends a new one has to replace it. They always arrive sooner or later somehow.

Reply #113. Jul 03 10, 9:27 AM

satguru star

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Like a microscope if you keep magnifying a day you can usually see something worth mentioning. Or go off at a tangent... We seem to have had summer weather for over a week now which is more than we had in total last year. The only thing missing is the water, our few outdoor pools are nearly all gone although of the two heated ones one was among the first to go and the other's too far to bother with. But I'm trying to spend more time outdoors while I can even if it's wandering around shopping parades and taking photos of blocks of flats. There are no better ideas at the moment but happy just to be free. It's also the first month for four I haven't been playing a monthly quiz, they're as hard as the global and more intense as you have to play (or pass) every hour. My next ambition is the Thursday gold badge which I'm getting very close to winning now. One silly mistake cost me first place last week with a few hours to play. Now I'm just relaxing and spending more time both on the chats and back on the crystal ball which saw my position slip when saving myself for other areas. I must try and catch up now although just staying in the top 10 is really all I need to do now.

Streetview hasn't produced anything besides the old council signs since last week, but that's normal, they are very rare and as long as roads remain to check you never know. I've got all the directions I need now and just one intact red triangle would finish the collection and then find a new area to follow. I've collected something all my life and pretty bored when one area closes and there's no new one to replace it. Even a girlfriend. Although I used to be fairly persistent until one arrived that was when most people my age were single. Internet dating provided one in three years which is better than the previous agencies produced in the same time (ie zero) and is free, but the time spent on the phone and then possibly travelling to meet someone who is hardly like they are online, although the fact anyone wants to meet is worth the risk just in case, but it isn't an efficient or effective way from my experience. I can't even remember the last woman I asked out now, it must be a few years ago and if the one I'm thinking of was sadly just one more spit in the face to add to the rest this century minus one. The one I met recently at a party was both interesting, eccentric, reasonably presentable but slightly aggressive, but besides being half my age lived in an area I wouldn't send my slaves to if I had any. All the tales of hell in medieval times are based on real places as there's no shortage without needing to dig underground. And of course none of these women ask me out, the average is about one a decade and I've never turned one down I've met first regardless as at least I had a start. But in the end I tend to know who fits and only one who asked me I can think of was right, I only didn't first as she had a boyfriend at the time, and when they split up she called me.

I haven't heard from Grace since I last saw her, I have guessed a possible reason but basically if she doesn't want a relationship I don't want a user. My car and other supplies are for those who appreciate them and not for people without them who get bored and want an evening out. I'll call her soon or it'll be held against me, but how her sister thinks it's worth trying to push us together after so long beats me. It got me out of the house and a tour of how local pubs have lost all their character and increased their prices, which was a valuable experience, but was really not enough to be worth continuing. There's always Brent Cross, Britain's first and best shopping mall, but I don't need to buy anything and are plenty of other places I can usually go without spending yet another afternoon looking at stuff I don't need. The coffee places (besides the ones long gone) are pretty good but it's something I've been doing since it opened in 1976 and has more or less lost its attraction.

I am at least still lifting more in the gym although besides my age being against me the constant repetition ought to build up until you reach your limit. I've no idea what they're supposed to be but will keep going while I can. It has its uses when moving furniture and baggage at least and I've done a lot of that recently with probably more to come in the next few weeks. Who needs a real job when you can do all that already?

Reply #114. Jul 04 10, 7:28 PM

satguru star

player avatar
Sometimes I see myself looking like a vicar's sermon (not that I've seen many but know the routine), but life and blogs do reflect each other, so when I wonder how I can make my life more interesting it also applies how to make my blog more interesting. Hopefully what my life is doing needn't affect the blog too much as I can always draw from my past and what Jung would call my dirty side, or maybe it was dark.

Besides a couple of work bookings so far the week looks pretty much the same as usual, and have a couple of ideas such as the local museum where I don't think I've ever been but did have an interesting exhibition shown on Flickr which may still be on. The ex from the north is in London overnight so may arrive tomorrow but may become quite slippery when she tries to catch me. I've done more than drop hints about no longer being interested for years, so just keeping away is the last method I have. Maybe I'll tell her I'm going to Manchester, that would catch her totally.

I don't think I've got any projects on the go at the moment, and really taking each day as it comes. The car is back, new oil and looking good. Then I have to sort out my checkup followed by the optician. I have to admit it's times like this it's a great relief not being a woman as they require a good deal more inspection if the medical profession have their way. Nobody's asked to inspect any of my equipment longer than I can remember... Moving on swiftly I'm now off to bed although the cryptic message from the dentist moved my written appointment time ahead 2 hours, implying when I get up earlier than I'd prefer it'll probably be for nothing. That deserves a free visit if anything does, I'll try and argue. Or not.

Finally I would assume that if I can drop my reactions to the world's injustices and other people's annoyances then everyone can. Once I was told I should with just one it was so easy of course I may as well try and drop them all, and you can still pursue any of the issues but you simply don't care any more. It's not my personal problem. Even though admittedly Al Gore has taken my money (it's damn complicated but I can trace my tax money directly to him personally, from our government to subsidies they pay to energy companies who spend them on carbon trades which he gets a rake off as he invented them). But I don't care any more. I'm really only interested in my own personal development, the world will be full of crap whether I change or not, and whether I care or not, so I'm not going to let my life be ruined by what is only a variation on a theme. There has always been crap going on, some was more obvious and some more pressing than other times but it's no longer MY problem.

Reply #115. Jul 05 10, 7:18 PM

satguru star

player avatar
I am now in the limbo between the place down below and up above, commonly known as earth but is also a dimension rather than anywhere physical.
The teeth have now been dealt with and have invested in my first electric toothbrush as they're supposed to do a better job. And after finding a couple of small bumps on my gum confirmed my internet research they are mandibular tori, where pressure on the bones makes them overgrow. That was a relief as they are just my own bone and nothing more.

I had few ideas when I got home and was too tired to go anywhere for the heck of it, so did a bit of shopping, had a little walk and just carried on the usual searches, bearing in mind I am working some of tomorrow. Beyond that will be filled in when it arrives.
One thing I have proved time and time again is if you look after your teeth you can go for years without needing dental treatment. It's bad enough going twice a year normally, but being claustrophobic I can well do without it. In the past the rules let you come and go as you please but now they've got new rules the spaces are more limited and only regulars are preferred. My last dentist knew me and didn't mind, but once he packed up I didn't like the idea of risking losing anyone so glad the other place took me on despite charging an arm and a leg for what should be free. But my teeth are more important than the extra money so stuck with that.

All the usual obligations- dentists, funerals, doctors, interviews and whatever have always been around, but stand out like catseyes at night when you're doing them on your own. Everything does really as you still have to sort everything out at home before you go and when you come back. That can turn even the normal ones weird, whether they even realise it or not. Even my grandma said it was my downfall and she would have known such things better than most.

Reply #116. Jul 06 10, 3:45 PM

satguru star

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Variations on a theme. Normal regular visitor was put off by me today as I was working when she was likely to arrive (and too tired to listen for hours and then drive her home as well), and she's coming tomorrow instead. Then Grace phoned just before my first appointment, which managed to divert her from any possible attempt at seeing me today and tomorrow's now booked already. I will ask her about her little plans now as if she's not actually at all interested in me I don't really see any reason to keep seeing her, especially the places I wouldn't go to otherwise.
So today was enough work to keep me indoors until I went for a walk after TV, and discovered the latest time the charity could collect from grandma's tomorrow also meant a relatively early night as well. So the week's more or less taken care of now, and nothing known beyond Friday so far.

I hope for a little more if possible, I don't think the belief of the guy at the gym I can have anything I want in the way of people if I do something about it is effort or strategy related, but will ask more if I get the chance in case he has some formula only known to a handful of people. I suspect it's just the normal 'go out and meet people' sort of advice, a bit like my solutions to climate change, open the window and close the window. Except mine work.
Anyway, I did make a cheeky attempt at sharing a house recently when my mother's friend had such high repair bills she may have needed to sell up and offered to share a place. You have to buy a ticket whatever the odds, especially when they're free as well. I more or less know who'd be a good person to share with and would have been unlikely to get on my nerves although of course I can get on many people's regardless. If there's a plan for us all then maybe I'm headed for the family life I want just when I need it whatever I do. My past experience tells me the majority of events are independent of our attempts to change anything, and happen when they do. Even the opportunities that can be taken come and go, if there's a place full of single women then it's going to take me (I have the stats roughly) about a month of visits to meet someone on average as I spent about 10 years doing so in the 70s and 80s. Then at about 25 they all vanished. That opportunity simply evaporated. Who was left were the hard core of people of both sexes who rarely if ever paired off and then some years later others returned who had split up but all well known already to me.

I will add that dating agencies wherever they set up are far less likely to win than the crystal ball, I can prove that from direct experience. And even when everything looks right you can't tell how you'll get on from an advert or whether they'll reply. You can start with hundreds of potential matches, end up with a few who speak to you directly, and one who wants to meet up. The current meet to girlfriend ratio is about 100-1, plus a few who saw me more than once before dumping me. Far better to wait and build something up naturally as the chances of something lasting are a lot higher.

Reply #117. Jul 07 10, 5:16 PM

satguru star

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I return to an old topic today, should we have to work for everything we have or is it OK to say we are all entitled to everything without having to suffer or earn it in some way. I think looking at enough people who have what I don't in many cases it just fell in their lap. Of course if it's just business then work is part of it, but must be directed as otherwise you'll be little more than a slave working all hours for the minimum wage as so many do.

This week and probably many of the last 30 years I've earned enough effort points to virtually retire I think, not just employment, but like women looking after families, looking after a house and life with absolutely no one here to help, besides family elsewhere. But they're not there for the normal everyday stuff and most people have a few family around even if not all can be relied on.
I've got the garage cleared out today by the same person who collected items the first time as he's the only one who both collects and gives a specific time, the others lost a vanload when they only gave a 2 hour window, expecting me to wait in an empty house doing nothing. Their loss anyway. Then with lack of other distractions and alternatives spent an hour in the back garden making it decent again, but the strimmer lost its ratchet (an inch of plastic) and probably impossible to repair. Then my regular visitor turned up while Grace phoned when I was out. I was too tired and busy to see her this week anyway, plus I have to deal with her finally or she'll be the pest of my life until I get a proper girlfriend. It's not as if she doesn't know my opinion, but as I keep coming back for more clearly has no concern to her as long as she still kills a few hours with the benefit of my car to change the scenery.

So the only plans now are the obligation type, some fixed in the diary, others to be arranged as and when, plus a few more work bookings which in the current situation are fairly welcome. The time would be nice but the bills won't be paid if not. Streetview hasn't revealed anything else yet, but while there are roads not checked there's always hope. I've got no other plans or ideas for plans yet but I rarely do nowadays until the day before at best. Not today though.

Reply #118. Jul 08 10, 8:39 PM

satguru star

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It must be a combination of aging and lack of recent experience, but it's really tiring having to do so many jobs in one week nowadays. Having builders waking me up randomly doubles the effect as well but it's all done for now so if they wake me up next I should be able to sleep again rather than get up to do something else.

I'm being given (without asking) spiritual lessons on Facebook, and have actually learnt a couple of very important tricks I'd never have thought of, let alone believed would work until she mentioned them. Dropping our interest about all the things that are wrong in the world one by one is not just possible but happens instantly and is a great relief. I don't need to be burdened down by all this cack, it's half the stuff in the world more or less so only a variation in colour and form, if you get my drift. And if it's everywhere we can't even avoid treading or slipping in it, but no point either worrying we will, trying to stop people leaving it there or trying to clear it up. All we can do is drop the issue and clear it up if we land in it. It's a lot easier.

So I'm clearing out all the bad stuff I cared about, and now have to deal with the boredom. I discovered there are pianos scattered around London so the public can play and film them a day before they are to be removed, there's only one near me and as soon as I arrived there were no hammers left or a front panel. It's in a pretty rough area and almost impossible to be expected not to happen, and probably did on the first day. I didn't get wound up though so passed the practice test over theory. Don't let the scum ruin our lives. So I took a load of photos and went home again empty handed.

I'm still being fed various reports on the climate which are all filed and collated but I no longer mind whatever they do, it's not my problem people ignore the lack of evidence. My initial theory of the power innate in water has been verified with various electrolysis experiments which are all on video and explained, which basically means if you put poles with different potential in water/heavy water heat can be generated. The next question is why on earth don't these get used in production? Not my problem again but is a mystery as although I'm not a scientist many do say it works. As do the magnetic repulsion motors I did work out as a teenager. Simple logic, make a ring of magnets in an outer ring facing the same poles, angle them diagonally and they continue to repel once spun. They have been built as it's a pretty obvious idea but again, where are they? Answers on a postcard please. So my path now is to continue the research, but as Buddha teaches, drop my attachment to it. I can't do that to the boredom though as it's simply how things are. Accepting the present moment regardless is enlightenment, which not many people ever reach. That is a rather tall order and no known direct route.

Reply #119. Jul 09 10, 6:32 PM

satguru star

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My faith in the system seems to have been verified 100%. After seeing an exact sign in a dream which turned up after many general types I found soon after I had two with the elusive red triangle type, the one I had on my block till about 5 years ago and took for granted, and thought if the others always delivered then this must, especially by doubling the message. Last night with lack of other things on I Streetviewed for 2 hours and at 2am found one in an area I thought I'd done mostly before but barely had (it's part of the March 2010 upgrade). I barely slept partly as you can't be sure they're still there when you arrive but I saw the back of it when I nearly had Michael Schumaker's British cousin try and force me off the road before I could get far enough down it. I then ended up on a parallel road going home which had 5 old council signs on it, not official types but the same age and similar style. Those little twists are often added to show me the power.

So my collection is now complete with the last item, and do wonder if I'd have gone to Kent and other cack places had I got the best one earlier? Probably not I suspect. Now I can finally relax, finish Streetviewing but not care a bit whatever does or doesn't turn up. I can now get on with doctor's and optician's appointments etc and even deal with Grace (she's not quite let me down but the message she communicated with her reactions tells me she isn't worth any effort at all) as I really owe her a call back. It's not her fault but she ought to realise not to take advantage of me.

Tomorrow is free and can do what I like, currently continuing the Streetview, and got various little jobs pencilled in for the week like trying to sell more books and a couple of bookings the week after so far. And finally the sign today was the same one I nearly went to get near Peterborough (80 miles north but way off a main road) and as they are generic ones randomly scattered then like a few others far flung I ended up with one about 20 miles west of me. It wasn't patience but sheer persistence.

Reply #120. Jul 11 10, 5:32 PM

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