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Subject: Lesley is here now.

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Nov 09 09

I'd always thought that once you got a blog you had a blog in perpetuity, and could continue to add to it, whether you were a paying member or not. That may have been right at one time, but it isn't now.

I wrote an update yesterday, a few hours after I'd had an email to tell me that my paying membership had expired, and got an "access denied" message. I thought it was a shame to waste it. Off I go...

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cydonia325 star
Excuse me, flopsymopsy, but what do you mean by:"Or is it just me who watches tittles, stops, then leaves?" This is a family site! By the way, I thought it was pandas who eats, shoots and leaves ;),_Shoots_&_Leaves

Reply #21. Nov 10 09, 7:49 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Hello Lesley. Nice little place you have here! :)

And certainly you can be 'a pedant'!
It's your space and you can be Anything you Want to, Dear! ;)

Reply #22. Nov 10 09, 8:48 PM
Thank you, thank you. I shall be a pedant then - I've been practising for that for years.

I shall also think about walking into a restaurant, ordering a meal, getting up when I've finished the meal and shooting the restaurant owner. Anyone here can provide the last sentence. I'm off to bed. Night, all. :)

Reply #23. Nov 10 09, 9:11 PM

garrysouders star
The young doctor I go to, told me just last week that of course I felt bad I was in my 60s how else was I supposed to feel. I asked him then if I were wasting my time even going to the doctor? He didn't think the question that funny and got a grumpy look on his cute unwrinkled face. Told me to make an appointment for blood work. I left and really don't think there is a reason to go back. I must find an older doctor or one more interested. I am however feeling better from the exchange.

Reply #24. Nov 10 09, 9:39 PM
What an arse! I'm glad you answered the idiot back. Is there anyone, some sort of supervisory body, you can talk to about that? A young doctor, who will dismiss the malaise of all old people on the grounds that they're.... old, doesn't deserve employment.

Reply #25. Nov 11 09, 7:54 AM

longcoolwoman2 star

player avatar
I never really thought about my doctor's age...I knew ahe was younger than me but in my blissful ignorance I did not think about how much younger she was. At my last annual check up, there was a slight problem...nothing serious...but she looked at me and said. "You know, my mother is a lot younger than you and she is having the same problem." Of course, I was crushed with the realization that she considered me grandmotherly. I left there feeling worse than when I went in.

Reply #26. Nov 11 09, 8:23 AM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
Nothing wrong with a good pedant, Lesley. Bad pedants are a pain in the **** but good ones are worth their weight in tildes.

Cyd might pretend to shoot me instead of a leaf for making a play on words but I'm a Brit, it's what we do. Well, we older Brits who had a good classical education do it, I'm not sure that the younger ones know enough words to play with. Lynne Truss must have made a fortune from that book so she won't mind. And if she does, who's she going to sue? A pair of Beatrix Potter rabbits? That would look good in court. "Me lud, I accuse this pink fluffy bunny of literate crimes against my panda!"

Reply #27. Nov 11 09, 9:42 AM
doublemm star
Ageism, Flopsy? That's not very PC ;)

Reply #28. Nov 11 09, 10:07 AM
Connie, I have a similar problem. Once people are old enough to string a sentence together, I tend to address them as thinking, rational,human adults. Sometimes I wish I hadn't.

Ages ago, I was helping out in a class of seven-year-olds, and one of them spotted me writing notes. I guess joined-up writing's a dying art, and he said I wrote like his grandfather. Yes, I know I shouldn't have asked. "How old is your grandfather?" Answer: younger than me. Ouch. Worse - this man with a grandson of seven was the same age I was when I had a son of seven. The boy probably grew up to be a doctor, and went up the pub instead of going to Bedside Manner lessons.

Flopsy, not only did Cydonia have a good classical education, like wot we done, she is in fact an honorary Brit. When she's not looking, check her spelling. She Spells Proper, too.

Lynne Truss made a fortune from that book, and a second fortune from the sequels. (Wash my mouth out if I say cashing in.) She will not give a hoot! But me? I promise to be the best pedant it is in my power to be. With or without fluffy pink bunnies.

Reply #29. Nov 11 09, 10:17 AM

Mike, welcome to my shiny new pretend blog. (I type slowly because I'm so old.) Please don't be upset. I'm sure you know LOTS of big words! ;D

Reply #30. Nov 11 09, 10:20 AM


player avatar

Any room for an 'Old Boy' in here?

Did you find your grey hairnets,Lesley? Hate to think of Bedfordshire being over-run by dis-orderly buns!

I'll,er,come back when I've something interesting to say.....!

Reply #31. Nov 11 09, 10:37 AM
doublemm star
I know one or two. Do they count?

Reply #32. Nov 11 09, 11:29 AM
Paul, lots of room - the more the merrier. Who says we need to be interesting?

Mike, of course they do. :)

Reply #33. Nov 11 09, 11:38 AM

As long as you are here Lesley i know where to find you, when i need chearing up

Reply #34. Nov 11 09, 12:27 PM
Oh Gary - you found me! *swoon* *flutter*

Reply #35. Nov 11 09, 12:51 PM

longcoolwoman2 star

player avatar
I wonder if the censors can find us here...this is much more interesting than the usual drivel.

Reply #36. Nov 11 09, 1:39 PM
The censors may visit here a little more often than the "proper" blogs, and perhaps a little less often than the chat boards. But they're welcome to visit any time - 'cos what are they going to find? A load of grown-ups having a giggle, and nobody has used the word "favourite" once.

Reply #37. Nov 11 09, 2:41 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Good Morning from Friday the Thirteenth in TomorrowLand. :)

A little light discussion is extremely good for the soul, Lesley....and as a first generation 'colonial' I can have some first class language practice! ;)

Reply #38. Nov 12 09, 5:07 PM
bionic4ever star
*Looks up from her crocheting, rocks a bit*
Please pass the tea and biscuits! :)

Reply #39. Nov 12 09, 5:17 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

*politely inquires*

One lump or two, Beth? :)

Reply #40. Nov 12 09, 5:19 PM

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