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Subject: Wit's End Team Heroes Open Invitational

Posted by: JCSon
Date: Jan 23 13

This virtual blog will function as a meeting place for discussion centered around this Invitational so that facebook users and non-facebook users alike can enjoy the competition together. We already have over 100 players registered representing 24 FunTrivia teams. Please see the game details (originally included in our Wit's End facebook event posting):

Wit's End, a private tournament hosted by, invites you to our first Team Heroes Open Invitational.

This challenge is based on the Team Heroes game design at
1. Your team does not score for the day unless a minimum of 5 team members post a score.
2. Your team score is the average of your top 5 scoring team players.
3. Your participation cannot lower your team score.

Team Heroes games will run every third day at Wit's End (link during the month of February and will include only pre-built categories (to ensure fair play). You will have nine opportunities to score for your team on Feb 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 27.

Any players that are members of exisitng FunTrivia teams may represent those teams. Players who are not affiliated with an FT team, whose affiliation is unknown, or whose existing teams are not well represented will be assigned to a Free Agent team formed by the tournament administrator. Alternatively, players may request to form a team of their own.

Players are asked to register participation or check in via the event posted by Wit's End on facebook (link or by emailing the tournament administrator ( This will help the tournament administrator match names and usernames, determine your team affiliation, and establish a method of contact in case you should win one of the prizes.

1) BEST TEAM: The team with the best record at the end of the month will receive a feature on the Wit's End facebook page. (VALUE: priceless)
2) BEST TEAM MVP: The MVP of the winning team at the end of the month will receive a 12 month gold membership to be used or transferred at the recipient's discretion. (VALUE: $38)
3) SUPERHERO: All players whose scores are in their team's top 5 scores for all nine Team Heroes games will be entered into a random drawing for one nifty trivia-related prize. (VALUE: $15-$25)
4) HERO: All players who make their team's top 5 at least once will be entered into a random drawing for one small trivia-related prize. (VALUE: $5-$15)

If you are a member of a FunTrivia team, please post to your team message boards (if it hasn't popped up there already) and invite your team members to participate! Remember, you need at least 5 players per team per day to register a team score. Also, feel free to use the "Invite Friends" button at the facebook event to share with your facebook friends.

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mpkitty star

player avatar
I noticed that after game one was over, game two is on, although it's not three days later. Is it ok to play early, will it count?

Reply #121. Feb 04 13, 11:03 AM
mpkitty star

player avatar
I noticed that when game one was over, game two was on although it was not three days later. Is it ok to play early in a case like that? Does it count?

Reply #122. Feb 04 13, 11:05 AM
JCSon star

player avatar
Hi srini! So Silky is Silky 9591? I'll update my records. Thanks! I also do have robertah checked in.

Reply #123. Feb 04 13, 11:11 AM

JCSon star

player avatar
Hi nannywoo! Thanks for letting me know. Would that be 9thsteetcowboy?

Reply #124. Feb 04 13, 11:12 AM

JCSon star

player avatar
Hi mpkitty. Game one was was Feb 3. Game two is listed on the game page as Feb 6. You'll see all the Invitational games show up in the category schedule as [Team Heroes] and the Team Heroes graphic will be displayed.

Reply #125. Feb 04 13, 11:14 AM

mpkitty star

player avatar
Thank you, I think...:)

Reply #126. Feb 04 13, 11:52 AM
JCSon star

player avatar

Description of Columns:
Teams - all teams and merged teams of players who registered participation.
Heroes - number of players contributing to the team score.
Hero Avg - the team score; scores in red do not count because the team did not field a minimum of 5 players.
Checkins - number of players checked in per team.
Played - number of players participating in game 1.

* Please note that standings may change as team mergers and Free Agent teams are finalized, and as unaffiliated players are identified.


All teams who fielded 7 or fewer players for the first game now have the following options:

1) Keep your team intact and arrange with your team to field the minimum number of players for the remainder of the Invitational. Your game 1 team score will remain unchanged (unless any of the unaffiliated players from game 1 are identified as belonging to your team).

2) Merge with other under-represented teams. Your game 1 team score will be credited to the merged team and will be the average of the top 5 players who participated in game 1 from the teams merged.

3) Join Free Agents. Your team will be considered disbanded and your players will be assigned to a Free Agents team. If there are sufficient players among the Free Agent pool, multiple Free Agents teams may be formed (possibly representing geographical regions). Free Agents team scores will be recalculated accordingly.


baleo, Bogeyless, KidCurry, gizella, Saska, imallshukup, bg, dani

If the above players are identified, they will be assigned to their appropriate teams. If not, they will be assigned to Free Agents.


The deadline for mergers and unaffiliated player identification is 12:00pm PST, February 5, 2013. After this time, all teams who have not responded with their preferences (1, 2, or 3 above) and who fielded less than 5 players for game 1 will be disbanded and players assigned to Free Agents. All teams who have not responded with their preferences (1, 2, or 3 above) and who fielded 5 or more players for game 1 will be locked in as final teams. All unaffiliated players who have not been identified will be assigned to Free Agents.

Reply #127. Feb 04 13, 2:18 PM

JCSon star

player avatar
And nannywoo, if cowboybob is truly out, it's a loss for your team since he was your top scorer in game 1! =(

Reply #128. Feb 04 13, 2:41 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
mpkitty wrote:

I noticed that when game one was over, game two was on although it was not three days later. Is it ok to play early in a case like that? Does it count?

Reply #122. Feb 04 13, 11:05 AM

Hi Kitty! I can only be here for a second. I have 5 p.m. deadlines to meet and I'm racing like mad out here in the real world. But let me see if I can clear this up for you, really quickly.

Kyle's public tournament, Wit's End, is an ongoing tournament he hosts. He has set aside certain specific days in February when the topics, scores and players all count toward this Invitational Tournament. So, today he will have a different topic that isn't a tournament topic, because his public tournament is ongoing.

Since you are registed to play in that tournament, by all means, play! Play on days that aren't tournament days, too, just for the fun and the practice! Your scores will definitely "count," just not toward the Invitational Tournament scores.

Do you play in any other public/private tournaments? If so, this should make sense. If not, I can help you when I can get in here and give this my full attention.

Also, do you have a list of the Tournament topics? They are listed in here, but if you need your very own copy, I can send that to you, as well.

I hope this clears up your confusion, and if it doesn't, let me get back to you in a bit when I can give this my full attention.

I can explain all of this to you off this blog, so we don't sort of clog it up, since nothing is worse than a clogged blog! I will write to you soon in FT Mail to see if I can help you with this.

Also, Kyle? If I am wrong about any of this, would you let me know in here so I will know I am not giving out wrong information?

I hope this helps, kitty.

I hope you got some sleep, Kyle!


Reply #129. Feb 04 13, 3:54 PM
Joepetz star

player avatar
TEAM USA East Coast Players will merge with another team so we all stay together if possible.

Reply #130. Feb 04 13, 4:25 PM
ferfer72 star

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East Coast Players--Palmetto Players needs to merge. We're all on the east coast. What do you say?

Reply #131. Feb 04 13, 5:56 PM
kysus star

player avatar
I am Saska. I am checking in. A true learning experience.

Reply #132. Feb 04 13, 7:32 PM
Is Tesla Coil represented here? I can't find my teammates and I'm scared. :)

Reply #133. Feb 04 13, 9:22 PM
TAR_fan star
Marsalinator - sent you a FT message re: team.

Reply #134. Feb 04 13, 9:47 PM
Qmel star

player avatar
Well, since I'm the only Dream Weaver left...assign me to the Free Agents!

Reply #135. Feb 04 13, 10:21 PM
srini701 star
unable to open the link you sent...getting a "Page cannot be displayed" message :(

Reply #136. Feb 04 13, 11:10 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Don't be skeered, Mars! We're here! I'll help you find us...

Reply #137. Feb 04 13, 11:17 PM
JCSon star

player avatar
Thank you, kysus! I'll make sure your score is assigned to your team. =)

Reply #138. Feb 05 13, 12:12 AM

JCSon star

player avatar
Hi srini. Not sure why you can't access. Will try to remember to check back with you tomorrow.

Night all!

Reply #139. Feb 05 13, 12:26 AM

srini701 star
Could access the sheet now...dunno what the problem was...thanks for the scores and the updates :)

Reply #140. Feb 05 13, 9:33 AM

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