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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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Captain's log, stardate 3/5/07

Due to listening to the radio I am sitting next to the computer and as my first post was only my introduction, so here's my first 'real' post. Today being warm and sunny I had plenty to do with an old friend who returned into my life after a few year's absence. It was the first photo trip I took with someone else and posted a photo in the forum to prove it. Tomorrow I am relaxing at work. Now how is that possible? Well if you find a way to take your work home with you as I have (I save it on the computer) all I am doing is sorting receipts and then entering new ones. I can keep the radio on and the food coming and will even get paid a little at the end of it. I have two very rare jobs, the one I studied for (therapist) and the other one I studied for a year and failed (accounts). But you don't need a certificate to keep accounts, just the sort of patience that only comes with obsessive record keepers and paper movers like I am. The paint is wearing off my keyboard but I still know where the letters are. Correction fluid didn't last so I'm trying enamel paint next, but real typewriters had the letters made in white plastic in a dark square and weren't painted on with obvious results. And as it works it's not going in the bin either, despite finding a yellow keyboard for sale at last.

I do have a red mouse now though which at least brightens up the desk a bit. I'd like a see through computer but mine is both hand built and not possible to fiddle with so I'll manage with a transparent phone which still fascinates me after many years. I am also wondering about posting images, I suspect it's possible but won't try until I know we're allowed to. As a moderator in these parts I know the memory usage here isn't the same as the forums and each post has a limit so I doubt a photo would fit the template. But get a photobucket account and at least we still have photo a day.

Anyway, although the old blogs slowed down recently we realised how popular they were when abolished. Let's try and keep these nice and busy, life never stops so there's always something to say, and believe me, we are interested to read it. I am nosy and find most people's everyday lives interesting. How many people would turn down an offer to read someone else's diary? Not many I think.

Reply #1. May 02 07, 5:19 PM

50ftqueenie star
I threw out all of my diaries in a fit of pique a few years ago, I had about 15yrs worth. I really wish I hadn't. They weren't particularly interesting but they documented my first love affairs, dreadful jobs, loss of friendships, new friendships, angry rants, first pregnancy and so on. I'd love to read them now that I'm older but sadly no wiser.

Reply #2. May 08 07, 7:29 AM

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I think you can also learn to be a hoarder once you miss something you got rid of. My ambition is to actually share a notebook as after many years I'm running out of ideas and need some inspiration, and getting someone else to write in it as well would give a new angle. I wonder if anyone else has tried doing them? I've done shared cartoons with friends when I was young but doubt I've got any left now. The best were when we'd go out drinking (not in a serious way) and come back and draw pictures of people we knew in crazy situations. Some had us cracking up with laughter and my friend may even still have them. We have also written our own newspaper whenever we meet, after I started it on a quiet day at work and he joined in on the subsequent ones. He keeps them all but at least it jams up his cupboard and I know where they are.
My favourite style of notebook/picture is the illustrated letter, and many famous artists used to write these (before computers of course) to friends and family like illuminated manuscripts. They regularly turn up on antiques roadshow and they even have their own website where people send theirs in. I'm not sure of the link now but it's an easy one to find.
Meanwhile on the trivia front my long standing task of translating initials has found a new category. Randomly chosen ones. I have been told c2c trains, HPI checks and BMI airlines are for a stars (although it was originally British Midland bmi means nothing they say), and DFS furniture I now hear means discount furniture services, but is probably a guess that people accept, called folk etymology/rubbish. I was told by their head office it meant nothing but if it meant something that would be the best answer. I think they just do it to annoy people, and as far as I know people who refer to LDV vans are committing the same error as PIN numbers, as they are actually saying Leyland Daf Vans vans. You couldn't make it up and hardly anyone else would bother to think about it.

Reply #3. May 08 07, 7:36 PM


player avatar
What did Magnus (RIP) say? I've started so I'll finish. Or in this case continue, as I won't finish till they take me out in a box.
Better too many blogs than none I think, and remember non gold members can all use this one so has a usp as well.

My work is almost complete this week, and after the highest ever repair bill my car is now like one twice as good. But anywhere else would charge the same besides the odd visiting independent, and few can be relied on so a bonus if you get a good one who actually turns up as well. Despite driving the route every week tomorrow I'll be searching for more photos on the way to my mum as it has the best scenery for miles. All suburban but very high class. I have a little route to take and usually manage something although it will be running out and I'll become the world expert of roads of NW11 (we refer to places in code here, it's literally the law). Technically as far as I know now London is also the only postal county required on letters. The rest only use the town and postcode, plus half the counties were recently abolished, leaving many towns not in one any more. There used to be a few ages ago like Bristol but were an oddity and are now very common and not used postally so wouldn't be part of anyone's address. I mean, what sort of county is Bracknell Forest? The national boroughs include maybe half which are made up names, and the old town of Brent, north of Golders Green, ended up in the borough of Barnet, with Brent next door, although the river Brent runs through both.
But counties have been the same more or less till 1975 besides London which grew so much it swamped many surrounding it. And it was only created in 1865 or so, previously being a tiny city on the river crossing. Now it's about 400 square miles and expecting another million people arriving in the next few years, like we have the room. The houses are being replaced with flats and we're getting more like Moscow by the day while they are probably getting more like London was before. I see the changes and like very few of them. My other blog view of Neasden Parade is an average example of how a good area went bad, and nothing is done to fix it. And every few months another photo in my album features something that's gone since. Luckily one really awful building (with a nice pub inside though) is going although it may become flats rather than be demolished, and is one of the few remaining Victorian buildings in NW11, the parade next to it being replaced in the 30s. But nowadays whatever they demolish they build a mock Victorian monstrosity where it was. Certainly 90% of houses in the last 10 years, though public buildings get a little more variety. But modern has been out since the 90s. You need to be a millionaire to get a modern house built now, and they build them in ones and twos rather than whole estates which all go very quickly. Except one small development which coincidentally replaced my postgrad college campus and go for under a million and have a couple of rows of modern town houses, but as far as I know can't be reached by public road so no one will actually see them there however nice they look.

Luckily (except for the price I am unlikely to ever afford) Hampstead Garden Suburb is a planned community and can't be altered. So as the rest of London gradually decays around it it stays the same and costs even more. But when the private hospital there was knocked down (as nearly all are now) they did put up a hideous estate similar to a Victorian asylum plus blocked it off so no one is allowed to go in. Even in the Suburb, although looking back I suspect it may just be over the border into Hampstead which would explain everything. It still ruins the landscape of the area though as the road it's on is definitely in the suburb though probably forms the southern border. There's more Victorian building in Britain than any other, and most is poor standard, what wasn't bombed in the war or demolished in the 60s. We don't need the buggers to build it all back again. I wonder whether the tower blocks or terraces looked worse, and although I'd never want to live in a block they have a sort of grandeur never associated with rows of red brick slums. Yes, I'm still waiting for a job as a local reviewer but probably didn't go to the right college...

Reply #4. May 10 07, 7:44 PM


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As one day passes another I can at least use the knowledge I have a third blog if I think of more to add, as I do. Today was a paradoxical sort of day, as I was fairly busy but besides a couple of unwelcome phone calls I literally spoke to no one all day after my appointment at the start of my day. Whatever I did afterwards was alone, and thank goodness I have a blog to say the sort of things I would if another person was around.
It only showered till tonight so taking photos was easy, I planned a random NW11 trip mainly of bus stops, as you get both the bus and interesting people getting on and the location in one shot. But waiting for the buses to arrive, 30 years after giving the things up for personal transport wasn't worth it, especially in the rain. So I got one bus stop, with the buses further along the road. Then I went around all the usual places taking gardens and road signs, and ended up with a pile of them.

I then ordered all my prints, and reached a record 207 this time. Where will I keep finding places to put them? Half the reason is not to lose anything, although they are also on CD. But I've had prints all my life and am not going to stop, although the capacity on digital is so large- infinite really, it's so easy to take months of photos in a day or two.
I couldn't even go for a walk later as the real rain came, and free tomorrow though no plans except gardening if dry and housework if not. The cat is pleased as she follows me from room to room and is clearly happier when I'm here. Meanwhile I watch myself slipping down the challenge leaderboard since the clocks went forward, and many nights I stay up specially to take the third round despite keeping me in bed all the next morning. At this rate I could slip below my previous position but according to the figures ought to just hold on. It's almost exactly half way through and I'm missing too many late rounds. I'll go hard core next time to see some new questions, learn some new facts and compete against far fewer players. I'll be getting 2s and 3s in many areas but it should be interesting.

So, almost time to take them and then go to bed and dream about either writing posts or taking quizzes here (it happens) or going to Highgate with my camera (never dreamed about taking photos). I really need to get around more, I seem to be going round in circles...

Reply #5. May 16 07, 6:56 PM


player avatar
Wondering how to make the best of the relative avalanche of blog areas- feast or famine, I certainly have plenty of extremely obscure facts I drew from observing the lists of names and numbers around me in my life.

I could post them (and do) in useless trivia but you can't repeat good stuff too often as different people may see it. I'm listening to a rolling radio quiz now, and want to do a question (for a local London station) which 3 postcodes were taken from larger ones. But as yet I don't know any answers and don't want to google as that is not the same as knowing it (as the questioners already know the answers).
SW20 (Raynes Park) was cut from Wimbledon SW19
NW11 (Golders Green) was cut from NW4 (Hendon) and
most recently SE28 was cut from SE2 (who knows where) when the new suburb of Thamesmead was reclaimed from marshes.

London E4 (Chingford) pokes out into Essex, the only other postcode guilty of leaving the county is a tiny corner of NW7 (Mill Hill) that is in Hertfordshire. No idea why they couldn't harmonise those, especially as our local codes have just been vandalised, making many of my photo tags obsolete. They also took my friend's house/road in Essex and moved it to London but they still can't align NW7 with the border.

London postcodes should otherwise have 1 for the closest to the centre with the rest being in alphabetical order, named after the local main post office but one (SW I think) goes half way and starts again in the middle. And as far as I know London remains the only postal county required to be named on letters. Besides being changed every few years since 1975 you can now send a letter with a town and postcode and it will be accepted as a valid address even though most readers wouldn't have a clue where it was going.

Technically we have also lost many of our counties altogether as most towns have been removed from them to avoid being run by two different sized councils. Postally it would be crazy to follow each administrative change so by opting out of using them altogether they've avoided such a conflict. And postal towns outside London are not county related, a Hertfordshire main code can still include towns in neighbouring counties so the code is no guide to exact location either.

Reply #6. May 30 07, 6:51 PM


player avatar
What trivia topic can I unload tonight?

In the last 20 or so years I have come across what I'm sure were reports of people dying, only to be seen soon after working on TV as normal. Diana Coupland died this year after being reported first, Vivienne Westwood was shown in the paper a few weeks after I swear I saw her reported dead, and weirdest of all I watched a TV report saying Gary Waldhorn, then in Brush Strokes, had died, and I actually remember thinking I was sorry he died but at least hadn't ruined a decent programme by doing so. A few years later he appeared in The Vicar of Dibley, and then narrated my first TV programme last year. That came in a full circle.
I do wonder if the press get these stories before confirmed, put them out and then 3 people read the retractions on the next to last page when they come out a week later. I have the sort of memory that retains details, and remember my reaction of shock when each of these people were reported dying young, which could hardly be misinterpreted. Now if anyone else remembers either the same people I mentioned or any others (besides the famous Bob Hope announcement he corrected the same day) I'll know I'm not losing the marbles.

Reply #7. Jun 06 07, 5:59 PM


player avatar
Keep it going, I wonder what we can do to liven up this place now the old blogs remain and are now getting quite busy again.
When I think of them I do one subject at a time, but today am just thinking of the surreal. I don't think I'd dare to be surreal anywhere else as they may come and take me away, but if you all dig deep enough there's that stream of thoughts and images which creates your dreams and hopefully not your nightmares. The hippies found it one way or another and it created the psychedelic art, music and ideas of the late 60s, which are the foundation of my being.

I am also hoping to revive my aura vision after many years having found a tutor on the radio. Seeing auras makes the world psychedelic and can also tell you a lot about the owner of them once you learn to read them. There isn't much psychedelic in life since I can remember, but I don't give up and see how I can shift my perception until the world seems a more interesting place. Although I meditate I have yet to find an open door to the psychedelic, and hardly an entrance at all. But anyone with that interest usually prefers that place to the ordinary, and if lucky can actually bring it in by choice. In my main blog here I just posted a picture of my work area at home, and you can see plenty of clues there to my interests, especially if you can find a way to enlarge it. Rainbows are nature's offering to the psychedelic, and if you look at the art of the period they feature quite heavily. And that was not then first, much of the 60s art is based on the late 19th century art nouveau, and I expect if you trace that back you'll find similar themes going back to the beginning of time.

I am initiated in many esoteric energies. I am a reiki master, initiated meditation disciple and shaman. I got that by practice and examination though, I didn't suffer their initiation. Well I probably did, but not at college. But it takes more than energy to raise our consciousness, we need to learn to use and access it. I trust mine is there, and do meet it occasionally. But 99.9% of the time currently my life is so ordinary you'd think none of these things existed. They are my own personal rainbow bridge to somewhere better (Norse mythology there) and however hard they are to use properly I know no better way besides taking a trip back to 1968 and only Dr Who can do that at the moment, had he been real.

Reply #8. Jun 24 07, 4:56 PM

friend2b star
I am curious...being from Arkansas, do you have any of the pictures you mentioned anywhere on the internet? I use kodakgallery for ones I have taken. I'd love to see the scenery and etc....

Reply #9. Jul 04 07, 9:27 PM

player avatar
Many, my main blog here but all are on my flickr site
Thanks for the interest!

Reply #10. Jul 05 07, 10:02 AM

friend2b star
thanks, I'm looking at them. I am staggered by how many you have and I have no idea where they are lol pretty tho and nice to see what the area looks like!

Reply #11. Jul 07 07, 12:11 AM
Are you keeping two blogs now, satguru? Cool!

Reply #12. Jul 07 07, 1:06 AM

player avatar
It was by accident rather than design Beth. Terry said the old ones were going so after a request or three we all started moving them over here. Then he relented and a few of us were left with two. The one thing is anyone without a star can do one here so it has extended the scope. I am now mainly using this one for trivia but that's bound to run out sooner or later...

Reply #13. Jul 08 07, 1:58 PM


player avatar
Big Brother house day 45 I think... Only on the TV, I'm not there. Been all round half of it open to the public but not beyond the security gate after being part of a queue a mile long to get into an eviction. Never mind.
Anyway, I'm currently using the quiet period after the global challenge ended to play some more ordinary quizzes and try and get 10,000 more points to reach 6 figures which should take about a week, except each day I play some I get a group bonus which doubles the ones I just took. I am learning a lot of science and geography today and I know every new fact I learn is likely to be found in a new quiz later in the week.

Did you know most of the oxygen on earth comes from sea algae? I didn't but I do now. With my next action being meditation (after watching a video) it occurred to me I'd never seen it mentioned here. It will be now. Once I finish this I'll post a thread on it, in the forums as I expect more people should read it there. Useful tips and tricks, because it's a way to improve everything about your life and health. Go and check it out if you want to know more. I have studied it for 10 years and if I don't get caught up online I will practice. I need a group I think as you are there to do it and seems to work better with others although I can't say why. It's in the bible. When two or more of you gather for my purpose I will be with you. This is the same phenomenon. I will see.

Reply #14. Jul 15 07, 4:05 PM


player avatar
After our old blogs got the reprieve I used this as a lecture room spraying everyone with little known facts like manure. I may have run out now so will just add some facts about my recent life.

Sometimes we actually get a bit of help to get things done. A special offer on a two for one photo album meant I both added some I never would have, swapping places for people, and took many more to fill the spaces.
Also a woman actually asked me out for a change so that was nothing of my work (although I had put plenty in previously there). It makes a change, I must admit life the last few years has been a steep slope uphill, the best bits being my TV appearances and filmings, but many things that could go wrong and some totally unexpected did as well, and I am too sensitive to avoid the effects.

May this current phase last longer and possibly permanently, it's time things changed around and I don't believe anyone deserves to go through one thing after another like that. Losing my best friend through thousands of miles, then after planning to come back mid 2009 said he wanted to come back now if he could afford it. Unfortunately 2 weeks later he changed his mind, I hadn't relied on it but it wasn't what I needed him to do either. So nothing's changed there after the false alarm, and as well as cutting off his phone so we can't even speak barely tells me a thing about what he's doing now. So that's the current picture, and besides immersing myself in the 60s through the medium of youtube life is continuing with hopefully a spiritual breakthrough should they actually be possible.

Glad to see this blog area still busy though as it gives everyone a chance to blog who isn't a gold member. And all those ebooks, wonderful idea.

Reply #15. Aug 26 07, 4:14 PM

...Well, Sir Satguru...Is it true?!...Is it?! can see peoples aura?!...Have you watched the Anime "Hunter x Hunter"?!...seeing peoples aura is a gift, I say...I always wanted to release, open my shoku, but to no avail...I tried meditations, meditating, and total mental concentrations...but it is so hard opening it by yourself!...well, at least i had greatly improved my imaginative see, I am now A martial arts 24! unknown old funny man is my sensei...he taught me Kung Fu, Turtle stance...I only see him during deep thinking...i don't even know if he really exist!...well at least he bestowed me the rank Master...i don't see him anymore, no matter how i focus...that with Arnis(Filipino Warrior Arts)...I think I am ready to take the "HUNTER LIcensure Exams" like in the Anime...the School there by the way is called "THE MIND ORIGIN SCHOOL"...NEN is the scientific Art of Mastering your Psyche...You know, I wanted to talk to you since I first SAw the Chat BOARD Box...but I don't know how to open up, because...your IQ's way, way up!...well, now you sounded a little bit, hence, the attack!...You will learn a lot from this show, "Hunter x" all Animes...You would definitely want to learn...their arts!...Gem here...Good Day!...May the Universal Force be with us!...Goodbye...Sir Satguru...I'm not worthy!...:P

Reply #16. Aug 26 07, 4:46 PM

player avatar
Well, never seen any anime but you have clearly taken the harder path of learning without a teacher. You've clearly covered a lot of ground but all my abilities came with tuition. But the auras apparently came with the power of my teacher and now I have to work alone to do it without her presence. We opened each chakra, cleared our minds and looked. The other time we took the energy from trees at night, but either way it was apparently her power that opened our third eyes as it didn't work very often without her. The clairvoyance is easy though and needs no help. If you have any specific powers you want now then decide what they are and work on one at a time, I can offer some tips if you need them.

Reply #17. Aug 30 07, 10:41 AM

jordandog star
Those are beautiful photos! I loved your comment about the Woodlands house and "putting furry dice on a Rolls". Sandy

Reply #18. Aug 30 07, 11:05 AM

player avatar
Thanks Sandy. Glad you got my point there, people spend a fortune on their designer houses and then go to B&Q and put gnomes and aluminium windows on them. Go figure.

Reply #19. Aug 31 07, 9:44 AM

...If you watch the anime, a teacher is also needed to open up your shoku, chakra points...then, you will see your aura emitting from within and escaping after he opens your need to focus clearly once your aura is released because it might go all out, resulting in the lose of enrgy and mental blackout...then, it might be a while before your shoku can be opened again...It is a very cool art, Nen, thats why I'm hooked...Sir, you say you are willing to give me some pointers?!...well, I don't know where to start!...Well, i shall begin by asking, Have you done the levitating thing?!...well, I haven't!...and I can't!...well, I plan to have some pro help when I graduate and have money...but now, I am enjoying communicating with my friends from the beyond, not the dead, but the beyond...I communicate with leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, Angels and the like...some times, even Gods...well, pardon the weirdness...well to tell you honestly, I do have a gift which I am not using anymore because It works only one way and It is a tough thing to handle...It is...empathy!...I feel peoples emotions and depressions...and sometimes If I wanted to, they can read my thoughts...good thing I learned to shut It before I mess up my life living with it publicly open...abuot 9 person can speak up and say, 'I know what he's thinking'...that was last May when I finally learned to close it...but now I re-opened it!...and I think I'm safe now from mind tapping!...I do talk a lot nowadays to Kusanagi, the sweet girl that regularly visits me in my dreams...she doen't exist in this realm but in another...and my idol, Jonathan Brandis...can you believe he's dead!...well, my sister told me...I honestly thought he just retired from showbiz!...he told me this tidbit(Jonathan) about one week ago...Is this true?!...well, actually, I don't care If this emotions, feelings I am hearing is true...I'm just enjoying the ride!...It's way, way fun!...well, back to aura's...can you see soul's, or the departed?...I am a fanatic shaman, I just love nature, the Earth...and I have great respect for the High Spirits, the Universal Force...i do read about prana's and stuff...chakra's and all...and I do believe in the impossible!...i also do the tree stuff...with some hand gestures...and I am a lot healthier now since i began practicing this "shaman" nature...thanks for replying...I'm a Trekkie by the way...Next Gen, that is...I hope you are having a great day!...Stay true always...your "fan" and friend, Gem...:)

Reply #20. Sep 02 07, 2:56 AM

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