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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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I can now really relax. Of course life hasn't changed so only my reactions to the usual ups and downs will have to as the same old stuff (brown) still flies around randomly as it always will. Like the lotus flower I must float above it rather than have to live in it as I currently do. That's Buddha by the way, what do I know from lotus flowers?

So the week ahead: Tomorrow is totally free and will be relaxing. Today I had to deliver some books before 3 or the gate would be locked, and then visited my mum in her art class next door for a few minutes to meet the members before I was forced to leave or be locked in. Then a walk round Temple Fortune on the way home, no shopping as none needed (food will be soon), and lots of garden photos I also can't show besides one a day in the forum. Thursday I beat the system as when Grace/Ms M phoned I was ready and she arranged the day and I instantly jumped in with the place. She's taught me well but unlike me she seems to be happy with my ideas once she's there, like the monster from Manchester. She had specific places to go as well and eventually when I put my foot down was always as happy wherever I chose as the West End where she shlepped me for about 10 years every so often. I was quite happy going to Harrods and Harvey Nichols and Liberty's for a while but the journey there was another story and she'd be hours looking at fabric, makeup and trying on clothes. The food stops in their cafes were the best parts, and the Austrian cake shop in Brompton Road where we had lunch once. We had some good times there but that was when you could park free at weekends and that stopped some time ago. Time to move on and stay local.

No idea what beyond besides a few bookings the following weeks, and will just wait and see. I'm also now checking up clean energy devices since I've heard so much call for them and so little knowledge. I've been studying it long before it was fashionable and sadly the ignorance about it is almost total. I've been lucky enough to know a few engineers who understand the area (very few people do at all) and now the websites have improved you can actually see the stuff working now where previously could only read about it on paper. My physicist will probably laugh at it as he didn't learn magnetic repulsion (not the way it's applied here) and cold fusion at college so knows less about it than me as I went out and looked. Unless he tests a machine he'll be unable to make any valid comment at all. The sad thing is I know at least a few of these machines work but none are apparently on sale. They are marketed but if anyone bought one they must have been sworn to secrecy. That is my new mission for now, and the sooner solar panels return to calculators and stop being used elsewhere the better. And I'd happily tour the country tearing down windmills which produce electricity the same way the clouds produce rain. When they feel like it. That's no way to power a city really is it. I've already confirmed my theory water can be electrolysed (heavy water at least as unstable) using poles of different potentials, creating large amounts of heat, and magnetic repulsion can easily keep a ring spinning long after it's been turned manually to start it off. Only air friction slows it down but takes quite a while to do so. I just hope I see the day someone demonstrates one of these in public as at the moment despite being on many videos with full diagrams no one in the media has touched them. That's when I come along as I always seem stuck with filling the gaps left by those who should be doing the jobs. Gene Roddenberry would have understood.

Reply #121. Jul 13 10, 6:27 PM

satguru star

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I do sometimes wonder if changes that appear important will last or yet another false dawn. But the business and pleasure I've got out of the way already are real and if it indicates the way ahead all the better.

It rained yesterday, I was tired anyway and just got some food shopping done and little else. I saw Grace today and as daytime spent most of the time outdoors plus a little time in a pub without actually buying anything. I don't think I'd ever done that before but it was her idea. No one seemed to mind though thank goodness or it could have been quite embarrassing. I'm learning a lot more about her now as she keeps wanting to see me, and understand her a lot better.

It is nice now Streetviewing and seeing other people's photos knowing I've got the red triangle sign now. I've posted the picture in the forum now I can't here. There's a real classic without a triangle which still appears to be in Ramsgate but can't see me making it there either although it's almost outside the station which would be more convenient if I did. It's still a long way though either way. So I can relax now, if anything more comes my way great but if not I'll find things to do somehow. I'm starting checking out alternative energy devices now as a few firms are still going after a few years so clearly genuine. I can't afford to buy them to test them so my current route is looking for someone who has. Sadly although wealthy or innovative people will invest in them few realise the significance and don't realise they could file a report with the media if they work and probably get more than their money back for an exclusive. If they work it's no use selling one at a time, they need the media behind them selling millions. That'll screw the oil companies who work together to keep the prices up.

Otherwise I'll just sit back and see what falls in my lap. Some call that irresponsible (ie most people I know) but it works for spiders. And you don't catch birds by chasing them either, but by holding some food and waiting for them to come to you. The active approach doesn't work for many things.

Reply #122. Jul 15 10, 5:10 PM

satguru star

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Another day another dropping. Like a parrot who can be timed to about 15 minutes a go. I feel the same, I go up and down with circumstances as nearly all do, and down even when circumstances aren't down at times as I've become so cynical. But as the outer and inner world are ultimately the same and my outer world (as described in the Bhagvad Geeta) has changed reflecting my own inner work.

The sign collection/ambition is complete and following that can announce (although the result wasn't acceptance) I appear to have had another offer of marriage. I only have a few requirements at 50, and this one ticks two boxes but a big space in the third. I won't go into more detail as it's not fair doing a character assassination here, but don't believe I'll be able to paper over the cracks despite having no better offers now or likely ahead. Alone is still better than feeling alone with someone else I reckon.

I have no idea what's ahead besides optional appointments for doctor and optician, a couple of work bookings and the 'second funeral' of my grandma (one's not bad enough, we have to do it all again a year later to unveil and bless the stone) and on top of it I have to do many of the prayers. I did the last time and although unlike my barmitzah (the last time it happened in public) had a crib sheet until the evening service where I was given the Hebrew alone having forgotten to learn it, although two day's notice of course wouldn't be enough if I'd tried.
I've had a year now but as there'll be a crib sheet would rather lead the service smoothly than show off what I can do and make mistakes in the process.

I think that's the lot so far, I've had plenty done this week, the books have been distributed from grandma's, a bit of work, my non date, and a few other little jobs. It's a pleasure to look on Streetview now and not care whether I find anything or not as I now have the last sign I needed, all more are welcome but it's not a problem now. Now I've got the sign I have many more ambitions that should follow. It's called manifestation and supposed to be the next stage of spiritual development. I suppose even having an opportunity for marriage, albeit probably unsuitable is a move in the right direction, maybe the others will follow.

Reply #123. Jul 16 10, 8:46 PM

satguru star

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It is odd that I can get variations of relatively useless offers and opportunities but the really good ones outside the area of business have all broken before completion. I do know an offer of marriage at all is something but unless the right person is going to end in disaster. If I could come half way and get something out of it I wish I could but people can't be different to how they are and I can't see that changing. I'll have to see what happens now I know though.

I've just found a copy of a sign I already had (apart from the direction signs which are unlikely to provide more as they can be found a lot more easily I have so many information types it'll be harder and harder to get new ones) but in good condition so should be off there tomorrow. I'll get a review at the gym as it's been over 4 years since the last one, and only added a few extras rather than change the routine, but then again there are only the machines on offer to use so can't see that much else I can do with them. My weights still increase but I don't look that different as a result so far.

My investigations of alternative energy companies continues. I've got five left from the originals who have either survived for years or offer videos and explanations with nothing held back. It's like UFO reports, you don't care about the dodgy ones as long as one isn't, and they can't really all be. One has had an agent explain that despite being cheap they are (as I expected) a bugger to build (they appear not to offer the service themselves) and generate 24 watts, 5 or 6 being needed to power a house. That costs about £1000 according to their estimates, a fraction of a solar panel which would have the equivalent effect of sucking an extra strong mint when it's cold. I used to buy items to test them in the past, and can afford one of these but for sure whatever I tried to make half of it would end up on the floor or in pieces before it was complete. I can't make anything and aren't paying anyone else to. But my own earlier research discovering the potential of magnetic repulsion and electrolysis of water are behind them all as one is known but untried, and the other is unknown to science but tried many times now. Running a current through water with various items in it and poles of varying potential can rip the hydrogen from the oxygen and that generates vast amounts of heat from the stored energy in the bonds. So you're basically releasing energy from existing water and dissolved salts etc, so rather than creating it you're using a relatively small amount to release a lot more. That is cheaper than oil and a lot cleaner should you actually care about that as well (once lead was removed from petrol the CO (not CO2) is the worst pollutant but clearly not in dangerous levels as it's fatal. The rest is either messy but again in quantities too small to be noticed (I live in London, if we can't tell no one can), and the controversial CO2 which of course is part of nature's carbon cycle, essential to life and increases plant growth as it increases. And of course should the tiny amount we add to the atmosphere (3% of the total) more heat means less overall energy use= profit all round. That's the known part of the equation, the rest is no more than guesses.

Reply #124. Jul 18 10, 6:46 PM

satguru star

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Another day another what? The sign on Streetview turned out to be a copy with very little connection to the one it replaced. That was quite a long way as well but little else to do. Thank goodness it wasn't one I'd needed as I'd have done all that and still not had it. Part of the game though.

It's a free week so far besides a little work, at least I haven't a desperate requirement to get a sign which has one example every 80 or so miles any more, so can do whatever I like knowing I'm not missing any other chances. Then I have to think of somewhere to take you know who that will satisfy us both without being too demanding. Am I really only presented with people on the margin as I don't go to enough places to meet more? There are only so many people around locally and can't meet ones who don't exist however many places you spread yourself around.

I also read something which explains a huge amount about enlightenment theory, if you don't label your feelings with opinions then they are just feelings and no more. Now I get that, it was one of the hardest concepts to follow simply as no one till now had properly explained it. If that's out of the way I can't see any others bigger than that I need to understand to keep going. That was a relief I can tell you.

Reply #125. Jul 19 10, 5:32 PM

satguru star

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I need a surveyor for my current progress- I know I'm getting somewhere but no idea how much or how far. I am learning a lot with the help of various people I've bumped into online and also both being given some links which one by one affirm my own beliefs and position long after I came to the same conclusion. Plus the synchronicity is working full on, which as one of the few areas with witnesses around me is shared by everyone else involved who can't deny its reality either.

Today was good in that I was working and making some much needed money. Then I can justify more arse-sitting or park wandering when it all goes quiet. I have a client radar when new ones arrive, and nice as today's was I think she probably saw my room (it's like a museum, but then again so was Freud's) and any other shortcomings and decided she wanted someone in a suit and office. Last week's new arrival rebooked though and should do well together. I supervise other counsellors as well as working with clients and always learn a lot from case conferences which they mainly are.

I'm free now until some pest turns up or job is imposed on me, but probably OK for the time being. My strimmer has lost its ratchet so the front lawn and edges all round may suffer until that can be sorted, so it's going to Mr DIY (the shop not his name) in case he can save it from the dump, as apart from one cog the rest is fine. Other than that I'll just see what turns up. I expect Grace would be another to enjoy the tombstone service at the cemetery but as she didn't know my grandma wouldn't want to burden anyone else with it and need to look after her while my mother needs my full attention- we're the last two left on her side while my father and her split up nearly 30 years ago. She has lots of cousins but like so many others I know barely speaks with them now besides one from time to time, and like my father's our favorite one lives abroad and hardly ever get the chance to see him. He was born in America as his father got a refugee permit after the war so took my aunt there when they got married as he was already a citizen. He came to study in London when I was a few years old so used to see him at my grandparents (he's about 20 years older than me as a generation removed) and he visited from time to time on business and I went there once to see him and once to Florida to see his mother, although till then she stayed over here regularly until she became too old to do the journey at almost 90. Half my father's family are in Australia so as circumstances meant I never made it there only see them when they come here every few years (different ones each time usually) and like my mother her cousin's families have their own lives despite not living that far away and only see at funerals and the like (ie next week as well). The one I like the most isn't actually related as he married my cousin soon after he started working in our shop in about 1962. I used to wind him up constantly when my grandparents took me there and by 14 I was working there on saturdays and wound him up for 10 years there as well. He couldn't tell me off without making me laugh as he's a born comedian, and although made us work like slaves (he did and thought we all should, then he went away for two weeks and found most of it didn't need doing) and wore me out the rest of the time as if there weren't customers we'd be replacing and counting the stock. That's three floors of guitars, books and related items.

So my family I actually see is down to two now as every few years we lost one until only my parents were left. Officially my other friends who adopted me into their family before going to Florida are due back in two years if their visa isn't renewed, but may not be able to afford London this time. I started in 1972 with Peter and his parents, and then he got married, had two children and moved back with his mother when his father died. When I had a girlfriend I'd usually take them there and they simply joined my second family as I had so many years earlier. But as Buddha says we can't be attached to anything as it's all temporary.

So basically I need to increase my family again, whether natural or acquired, as there's a safety net there and not enough for me at this level. Marriage is the solution for most, but the opportunities so far haven't passed the required level. If you get the wrong one then you'll never get the right one.

Reply #126. Jul 20 10, 6:57 PM

For some of us David, the 'third time' is the charm. I was married twice, before I got it right. The last was 31 years together, 29 years married. Keep on the look-out, and NEVER give up. :)

Reply #127. Jul 20 10, 7:41 PM
satguru star

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That's my plan VM, but reality either sent me the odd ones or the right ones too early before their parents would allow them any freedom 30 plus years ago. I've been relatively close a few times but something always happened to wreck it before it got serious.

Today's little entry: I always find as we are also taught if you stop trying to get or find anything that's when you free it to appear. That can only mean we're connected to events so influence them by our observation just as at quantum level. So when I was told to stop caring about global warming (it brings out the worst in people for some reason and turned me into the sort of person I used to give warnings to) the two places responsible for spinning the yarn were discovered to admit it's both very uncertain and they'll use might over right to get the message across. Now I couldn't have said it for them, so only when they say it themselves will anyone believe it. I wish the media would publicise these massive holes in the movement as they are from the source and not from the ctitics, and a rotten tree will produce rotten fruit or none at all.

I've been working more this week (money greatly appreciated) so little else to report, my friend actually warned me about Grace some ten years ago as he could see how I could get sucked in even back then, and now his words come to me every time I think of her. Am I being tested in some way or is it to teach her how to deal with men a lot better? Both maybe but probably more for her benefit. I've done a few more folk music videos on Youtube (same name as here) and been reading IPCC reports which are a lot less certain and one sided than reported and acted on. That shows the fault is less with them than the naughty politicians who use it as an excuse to clip our wings and pick our pockets. David Icke described 'problem-reaction-solution' long before where a solution is wanted, a problem created to make people react and call for one, and then produce it as if saving the situation, when in fact all you wanted was to bring it in but couldn't without a damn good excuse. I'm not saying this about 9-11 as the evidence isn't nearly enough, but they did use it to go to two wars and had it been a setup would be a pretty good example.

I'm certainly learning a lot if nothing else at the moment. I've cleared my biggest current ambition after over 2 years to complete my sign collection, but of course doesn't create anything new for me besides the relief, fact it's no longer needed and the photo itself. There's a letter in my old local newsletter asking for a photo of the one on my block but no calls as yet although the chances would be remote. I can't see what's ahead but hope it's interesting.

Reply #128. Jul 22 10, 7:49 PM

satguru star

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This entry reminds me of when my mother used to ask me what I'd done that week and I usually said very little. I was pleased to earn some money last week and that does come first or I wouldn't be able to type this without paying for the internet. I borrowed a card reader for the camera last week as I was away and forgot my cable, and a few days later the card deleted or hid half the photos on it including some I'd just taken and hadn't uploaded. As the rest were backed up I wiped the card and the first new set has just appeared so fingers crossed. Besides long zooms (I have an SLR for them) the camera can do everything else I want and no need to have to get another one after nearly 5 years.

It's all work next week and little paid- one booking plus shopping to get the stuff for my grandma's memorial service before the event on Thursday. If I could change any rules myself I'd get rid of that one, one funeral is enough without the same thing a year later. I doubt many other people want to cancel work or lose half the day for them either. It'll be nice to see the friends and relatives after but a shame someone has to die before you see most of them.

I'm thinking of other photos to take again now, no longer feeling guilty if I don't find more old signs as I have enough for the full collection now and looking for houses and anything else of interest considering it's 5 years of searching already and hard to find much new. I expect something will happen, it usually does sooner or later.

Reply #129. Jul 25 10, 2:31 PM

satguru star

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While I'm here I'll sum up a couple of the chat threads in case anyone hasn't seen them and wants to add anything. If you go on a supernatural forum (where I spent my first two years online while occasionally dropping in here with trivia questions and answers) half the members were involved personally so I wasn't unusual, here there are a handful of us but I've both been the one to offer my own stories there and also spent 20 or so years actively researching it as that was what I've always wanted to know about.

It is very interesting how much interest it's attracted from nonbelievers- normally if you don't believe in something and it's not taking your money (ie like global warming is) you keep away, but even when you don't believe it's fascinating to many people, as it should well be. It offers an end to the boundaries and limits we think we have, but so very often find we don't when things don't happen as expected. Normally people dismiss those times, but if not, or if they keep happening so you can't ignore them then it becomes a reality.

As I just said there if I'd found after a while it was all explainable I'd have given up, but 20 years on I've got a very clear picture what is possible and a hope for more. The 'more' is so rare and hard to find it's not worth chasing it, if it comes along somehow then I'll check it out. But expecting the supernatural to follow conventional rules means it wouldn't be supernatural would it?

Back in the known world I went back to my late grandma's supermarket with my mum today for the first time I think since I took her a week or two before she died. They built it a few years earlier, and not just saved me taking her to the big place (2 hours or so to complete) in Finchley meant most of the time she went on her own or we'd get stuff she asked for there. I'd taken her there a couple of times again as she liked it when I did the first time and she was hoping it would be regular again. She said hello to one of the staff who worked in the carpark after not seeing him since before she went to hospital some time earlier, so he managed to see her one more time as he always helped her with the shopping when she went on her own (in the Mercedes until she was 98) and a great fan of hers. I spent a small fortune on items I hadn't seen elsewhere and have to enjoy the money sometimes however much the special items cost. Tomorrow's currently free besides one late visit, and then the cemetery trip. I would have gone to football in the evening but probably need to conserve my energy as doing too many things at once is no longer a good thing for me. Beyond that is currently freedom, the time and space to get to the bloody doctor's (I won't get any more tablets otherwise and prefer my safety net), the optician and who knows what else. And Grace of course, that's another weird issue I never expected to happpen, especially after 16 years of trying with no success. My side of the bargain would be to give her a trial period but she's so far sticking where she began. Maybe she'll move next time I see her, but either way I'm not getting in any web while there's a chance the spider will eat me in the end. Not that she means any trouble but I like to talk about things and I don't actually think she can beyond the basics. Not her fault or my fault but a pretty major block.

At least it's not the dentist now, still a pain but a different sort. I really wish we could opt out of certain obligations after a certain number, I'm sure I've easily reached mine by now.

Reply #130. Jul 27 10, 4:04 PM

satguru star

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Another day has passed, last night my friend arrived nearly 1am (when he always arrives) on his annual trip home from India where he's been for nearly 10 years and ended up with three people here till well after 3am but didn't have to work till late so managed it all. What was left of the day I went on a quick photo trip and returned for TV and my booking. I'll try and get to bed a decent time tonight for obvious reasons, and at least will see many old friends and family back at my mum's house afterwards.

Otherwise I am pretty well free after that, no need for bright ideas, someone turned up a few previously unseen red triangle signs about 50 miles north but near a station, but at least I don't have to get them now. I'll keep looking, the fact more are being unearthed means there must be more we haven't yet seen as there are thousands of roads left I can get to at least.

More than that I don't know. Sometimes all it's about is survival, and as my mind expands over time my body weakens. It happens to all of us and you can't beat nature.

Reply #131. Jul 28 10, 6:41 PM

I really loved the stories of your Grandma. My DaD is 92, and still jumps in the Dodge Ram for a run to 'town.'

You WILL find your perfect person, sometime...

I'll always read your stuff, even if I don't have a response. ;)

Reply #132. Jul 28 10, 8:57 PM
satguru star

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Thanks VM- without the official comment box it seems to deter people here now but every now and then someone tells me somewhere else what they read and sure the same people drop in here as did before. I hope...

Reply #133. Jul 29 10, 2:41 PM

satguru star

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The week is officially over, I am officially free and as woken up by a cold caller too tired to appreciate it at the moment. Nearly 30 people turned up to say goodbye to my grandma for the last time, all pretty close friends and cousins so as expected was nice to see them all regardless of the reason. My only friend turned up for the food afterwards as the cemetery was miles away so at least one person from my side as the others were busy or away.

So I'm back to Streetviewing just in case, spent most of the afternoon making business calls with more to come as one number is permanently engaged and needs contacting urgently, and will just see what is prepared for me by the great cook of chaos in the sky. Sometimes you get the chips and sometimes the beans. Or cockroaches. It all depends.

So idle hands are now in place and I certainly don't need the devil guiding them, at worst to pick my nose anyway. I have all the silly little jobs I can do tomorrow like scanning my prints in, making a music video, emailing people photos I have of them, basically a nice long day sitting on my tuchus for a change. I've put the correct word in twice on the crystal ball since the last win on Tuseday but know it happens to people when I do it. Timing is vital there as waiting too long will always lose a game at a certain stage, and I am a bit too cautious as it has often worked in the past but more people are using a similar system to me.

I have my little notes on a pad I retrieved from my grandma's and hadn't seen since she got it. They travelled the world and had souvenirs from many hotels, and this has 'Indianapolis Hilton' on it, got in 1980 but one I was actually there myself and probably had one as well I used at the time. She stored things for decades (including food I must admit) and we have all my grandpa's diaries from the 1920s onwards. That runs in the family.

I've already learnt that although freedom alone feels good for a while the old crap starts sooner or later and unless you find something decent to do or it happens itself the novelty can wear off. Most I believe is out of my hands, and can only do my little bit and hope the rest follows.

Reply #134. Jul 30 10, 7:02 PM

satguru star

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I am free currently, and will make the next few appointments at my leisure. Although I've covered most roads on Streetview and got more or less all the old signs I needed it would be nice to find a few more if they are there. Not that I expect to get all the way to Foxton but still many reasonable areas to complete before it's all over.

After about 4 months I just got a message asking to check my article for the new UFO magazine for publication in October. I heard nothing till then and unless something goes wrong I may actually be published in something available to the public at last. If I get the go ahead I'll put it up here and in the forums if allowed. No celebrations yet but nearly there.

Otherwise I'm just making the most of the freedom, I haven't got round to calling Grace yet but will, may go to Enfield if bored this week for an unusual but probably not official sign, and just see what else turns up. I can't think of any specific housework besides moving stuff to the new filing cabinet, and get my deadlock fixed as I've been told a small part flew out when I opened it when it jammed, and without that it's a new one plus four keys, no thanks. I don't remember seeing it go, which of two rooms I opened it in and an hour of looking hasn't located it so far. And there's a new woman in the gym (the last never returned in my presence), who has not just been twice but knows a couple of people I do there, and am waiting to learn if she's single. Looking like an ex is usually the likeliest reason to make a move, and this ex was easily one of the best of the lot despite only lasting days. There was too much competition for them back then.

I've noticed people getting quicker at the crystal ball, I've missed a good few this week including two I typed in while someone else did, so will now have to enter mine earlier than I have up till now. Timing is half the job as well as working the right word out. And the other benefit of my grandma's cemetery service is all the spare food, I will have cake and crisps for at least a week now, although my mum didn't want me to as I'm overweight. You only live once and I can spread them out rather than have them every day actually. And was just one of 33 people who got the sg word right, can you guess what it was?

Reply #135. Aug 01 10, 6:30 PM

I don't want to jinx it, but it looks like good news about the article - possibly even better if you can get into a new magazine on the ground floor.

Why is your mother still attempting to dictate your diet?

The sg word? No, haven't got a clue. Something Italian and musical or painty? Please tell me in the morning. It's ten to three. Night! :)

Reply #136. Aug 01 10, 7:52 PM

Reply #137. Aug 01 10, 8:35 PM
satguru star

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sgraffito it was, besides the plural they did manage to find about 20 others although I'm not sure they were all real words.

My mother won't stop her role however old I am, her mother didn't till my mum was 75, ie for her whole life. She's trying to help but I do actually buy my own crisps if she doesn't donate them. Probably a few control issues as well of course but who's perfect...

Reply #138. Aug 02 10, 10:50 AM

Well, I guessed the word, but only with the help of Lesley's "something Italian."

When my mother was bedridden and in a nursing home, and I stopped to see her on my way to a big interview, her main concern was with what I would wear. Forget that it was my first [and successful try} at a tenure-track position ...

It is said that the poor are always with us, David. So are mothers. (I am one.)

I gave up on the Crystal Ball long ago, by the way. Glad you enjoy it, though.

Reply #139. Aug 02 10, 11:15 AM
satguru star

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Considering my grandma asked what my mother (a judge) knew about law or gardening (as a gardener of many years) these habits seem to pass unconsciously from generation to generation. I got similar remarks from her about my work as well but quite used to it.

Another day, I've played tennis for the first time again in a few years for various reasons (lack of opponents mainly), and half the shots went randomly around the boundaries while others were quite successful. I hope to play more again now if possible, and golf if I can get round to it. I'm still dealing with all my business calls and doing well so far, and presume as I didn't hear from the magazine editor last time till he needed something maybe lack of a reply will mean the comments I made on my article are OK. I wrote it a few years ago which turned out to be mentioned in the beginning (I missed that bit) and wasn't used so had it waiting in readiness. It was updated and more or less current so shouldn't make any difference.

I must phone you know who tomorrow or she'll think I've gone off her (it's not as simple as that) and carry on little jobs like reading the electricity meter at my grandma's and although I usually take the camera with me it's hard to think of where to go after covering a route over 1000 times (they lived there for 35 years) but find the odd house or little path from time to time I've missed till now. My friend's back from India for a bit, and after arriving last week has been around London yesterday and today when I was busy. I was out today when invited in the opposite direction as I'm not at home to get there, and am not going out of my way and missing things I had to do to rearrange it. Life's too short to cause so much disruption when you don't really need to.

The new woman or her friend weren't at the gym this week so can't find out anything until they are. That may take months considering how likely it is the same people are there together. Maybe there'll be guidance in that area now as well, it'll be the first time I'm aware of. When someone asked why I wasn't married I still don't know. Despite a 30 plus year plan the number of women who were equally interested in me can be counted on the fingers of one hand, one's parents banned her from seeing me again, one lived too far for me to make the effort in the end, and was married when I changed my mind, one's ex heard I was seeing her and got her back, and there must be a couple more but can't think of them. But in common every one was ruined by other circumstances.

In the bigger world I am reading more and more opposing views and stories on global warming. To anyone on the outside who has no fear of changing climate it's a simple invention by those who want to control us, take our money and destroy capitalism. Even the IPCC reports are mixed and don't predict disaster. The politicians have taken them (knowing barely a person will check despite all being online for free) and pretended they almost guarantee doom (albeit in 100 years which in itself should ring alarm bells so loud you'd be deaf for two days) while in fact they say the changes will barely be noticeable. Everything I've said- variation on existing weather, not possible to pin down single or general events on global warming, impossible to claim anything while temperatures are less than a degree higher than 150 years ago, and while CO2 slowly rises (within the normal range no one except me and Time-Life mention) the temperature link broke in 1998. This clearly shows the other influences (the sun, the currents, the 30 year cycles etc) have to have more influence but they carry on as if nothing's changed.

This is the biggest test of our lifetimes. The disregard for the truth and promotion of policies designed to destroy civilised society are still not only being accepted but voted for more. Plenty of people see it as obvious, the evidence is obviously hollow and empty, yet one by one voters (not in the UK as all parties agree) choose the left who will bring in green taxes. If you eliminate CO2 as a pollutant coal and oil lose their status as evil capitalist materials which will destroy the planet. I don't think burning coal was invented by the Victorians, there's plenty on the surface and probably found thousands of years ago. And besides the CO2 which is actually good for all life on the planet (two separate studies by universities showed a vast improvement in plant growth and no other effects to mention) the other pollutants are mainly filtered out at source. There's no lead allowed in petrol and the acid rain which was de rigeur before they thought of global warming is part of the last millenium now.

These scares build, peak and quietly die, this has lasted the longest and widest, the inherent faults are now all coming out, it's not that we're inferring now, quotes have been made and theories confirmed. Post-normal science (it's another phrase for lying where the facts don't fit the policies, nothing new there), the IPCC admission we'll still be a lot better off even at the peak of the predicted rises after we're all dead in 2110, the fact CO2 and temperature have not been connected since at least 1998, and when push comes to shove the scientists have to admit they can't pin a single event on man, or even prove CO2 is the cause of the warming, but act on it anyway. What? Why exactly? Because if we don't and we spend trillions (real trillions not exagerrated ones) trying to stop something which isn't happening anyway we'd only be 8 times better off at worst not 9 times. But spend these trillions and we already know the results, Britain's broke, Spain's broke and we are the two who have had the toughest green laws so far. Cause and effect. This way they'll guarantee instead of 8 times better off we can only be worse. How much depends on how long enough people welcome these idiotic policies.

Reply #140. Aug 02 10, 4:02 PM

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