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Team Board
WWE Fans 4 Ever
Group Number: 10609, Team Leader: sammy222

  There are 445 members. 1 are considered active.

  WWE Fans 4 Ever

Join this group if you are a die hard fan of the WWE.

Below is the list of people who are in the lead in my tournament. In my tournament I sent a message to all of my team members to join this team. Anyone else is eligible to join as well. The URL for my tournament is:

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: Rockhound6165
Ranked #79 in League D last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For May we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Daily Game   Easy Hourly   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailNewEasySmrt Score
1. The Misplaced 916 /150 1 /150 1 /150 4 /150 1 /150 23
2. The Proud Peacocks 232 /150 3 /150 11 /150 9 /150 9 /150 34
3. LIGHTHEARTED RETURN 115 /150 12 /150 10 /150 1 /150 8 /150 36
4. Trivia Bubbles 47 /150 2 /150 4 /150 19 /150 13 /150 45
5. United States of Trivia 1018 /150 5 /150 6 /150 16 /150 3 /150 48
6. Worldwide Trivia Lovers 191 /150 9 /150 17 /150 20 /150 4 /150 51
7. The Astute Achievers 1114 /150 7 /150 7 /150 23 /150 5 /150 56
8. Scotland the Brains 204 /150 6 /150 2 /150 54 /150 2 /150 64
9. USA West Coast 189 /150 13 /150 18 /150 8 /150 17 /150 65
10. Ojibwe Lodge 420 /150 4 /150 36 /150 7 /150 11 /150 78
11. Children of Terra 1045 /150 15 /150 14 /150 5 /150 7 /150 86
12. TV Watchers Anonymous 188 /150 19 /150 3 /150 48 /150 14 /150 92
13. Adz Mates 331 /150 10 /150 31 /150 11 /150 18 /150 101
14. Romania Team 93 /150 39 /150 13 /150 30 /150 20 /150 105
15. StarStruck 526 /150 18 /150 19 /150 21 /150 31 /150 115
16. Music Moguls 1528 /150 26 /150 34 /150 2 /150 26 /150 116
17. New York State Folks 2129 /150 11 /150 8 /150 46 /150 22 /150 116
18. Past Times 1419 /150 16 /150 --- 3 /150 30 /150 118
19. The Titans 811 /150 17 /150 27 /150 22 /150 42 /150 119
20. Dynasty Dominators of Death 917 /150 42 /150 21 /150 14 /150 28 /150 122
21. Sploofers 1227 /150 8 /150 23 /150 51 /150 15 /150 123
22. Trivia Garden 810 /150 --- --- 10 /150 6 /150 126
23. Jane Austen Lovers 2--- 20 /150 15 /150 15 /150 33 /150 133
24. Trivia For Adults 912 /150 23 /150 9 /150 --- --- 144
25. Yes, We're Babes! 225 /150 14 /150 --- 24 /150 36 /150 149
TeamActive Hero Dail New Easy Smrt Score
26. The Frost Dragons 421 /150 48 /150 20 /150 34 /150 27 /150 150
27. Trivially Challenged 1039 /150 44 /150 5 /150 28 /150 38 /150 154
28. Trivia Geeks 1415 /150 --- 22 /150 38 /150 32 /150 157
29. Canberrans 835 /150 32 /150 --- 6 /150 39 /150 162
30. Laid Back Larrikins 126 /150 24 /150 --- 41 /150 61 /150 171
31. South African players 633 /150 40 /150 --- 31 /150 21 /150 175
32. The White Angels 444 /150 21 /150 --- 64 /150 10 /150 175
33. Bikers 524 /150 27 /150 33 /150 43 /150 50 /150 177
34. Totally Trivia 941 /150 36 /150 --- 18 /150 40 /150 185
35. Skelton House 2--- --- --- 26 /150 19 /150 195
36. Flighty Bumble Bees 236 /150 34 /150 28 /150 56 /150 48 /150 196
37. WWE Champions Team 652 /150 52 /150 29 /150 17 /150 62 /150 196
38. Indian Gang 723 /150 --- --- 29 /150 60 /150 202
39. DC Team 242 /150 51 /150 --- 60 /150 12 /150 204
40. Supernatural Fans 1346 /150 --- 26 /150 36 /150 53 /150 208
41. TEAM B.C. 813 /150 57 /150 --- --- --- 213
42. Texans 2--- 28 /150 --- 39 /150 54 /150 217
43. The Lost Connection 922 /150 50 /150 --- --- --- 222
44. Trivia Lovers 101 2--- 22 /150 --- --- --- 222
45. The Green Thumbs 2--- --- --- 52 /150 24 /150 224
46. Maximum Effort 5--- 29 /150 --- 47 /150 55 /150 226
47. X Squad 3--- --- --- 33 /150 46 /150 229
48. Stay at Home Moms & Dads 330 /150 --- --- --- --- 230
49. The Westerners 10--- 30 /150 --- 59 /150 59 /150 230
50. USS Enterprise 832 /150 --- --- --- --- 232
51. Inhabitants of Planet Earth 5--- --- 37 /150 65 /150 52 /150 237
TeamActive Hero Dail New Easy Smrt Score
52. Trivia Just For Fun 7--- 38 /150 --- --- --- 238
53. The Woof Pack 2--- --- --- --- 43 /150 243
54. Hardcore History Gurus 351 /150 46 /150 --- --- --- 246

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Mar 23, 8:51 AMRockhound6165 Author Rainbow: Artiste
author 2 quizzes in the Entertainment category
Mar 17, 1:03 AMRockhound6165 Author Rainbow: Coach
author 8 quizzes in the Sports category
Mar 16, 12:02 AMmaddog53 Mind Melt Winner
win your division 4 times
Mar 15, 3:36 PMmaddog53 Point Emperor
score 1000000 FunTrivia points
Feb 29, 1:06 PMSwanton_Bomb Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 12 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:03 PMRockhound6165 Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 5 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:03 PMAnaconda728873 Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 5 multiple choice quizzes
Newest members: DanPhillipsWWE (Nov 29 18) KushV (Mar 02 15) LoveAnimals555 (Jan 03 15) deafjenny58 (Mar 02 14)

WWE Fans 4 Ever are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly --- --- --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
maddog53 Indiana USA103326661622
hbkid17 Enid USA48415712277
mick_is_god Walsall UK27890412248
Animegurl New York USA12429934241
Rockhound6165 New Jersey USA592099155
Swanton_Bomb La La Land USA455716141
Anaconda728873 Newport Beach USA4238018133
Loseeveryone Essex UK353605100
sammy222 Kentucky USA381722396
heypeople Bartlett USA38831473

You can create your own group here, and invite your own friends / family / co-workers to join it.

Your Membership: You are not a member of this team.