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Team Board
Group Number: 34668, Team Leader: coachpauly

  There are 9 members.

  Lions are FAST (can run up to 50mph) -- Lions are LOUD (their roar can be heard 5 miles away) -- Lions are POWERFUL (can weigh anywhere from 400 to 800 pounds) -- Lions are ATHLETIC (have been observed jumping distances in excess of 11 meters). Most of all they are INTELLIGENT and EXTRAORDINARILY BEAUTIFUL animals. So if these qualities describe you.....then come join our PRIDE!

   Seen over the last 24 Hours:

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All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For May we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Daily Game   Easy Hourly   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailNewEasySmrt Score
1. Trivia Bubbles 44 /150 1 /150 5 /150 2 /150 3 /150 15
2. Worldwide Trivia Lovers 191 /150 8 /150 9 /150 3 /150 2 /150 23
3. The Astute Achievers 1111 /150 4 /150 1 /150 8 /150 1 /150 25
4. LIGHTHEARTED RETURN 117 /150 10 /150 6 /150 1 /150 5 /150 29
5. Scotland the Brains 192 /150 5 /150 7 /150 14 /150 6 /150 34
6. The Misplaced 919 /150 2 /150 4 /150 5 /150 4 /150 34
7. United States of Trivia 1014 /150 6 /150 3 /150 12 /150 12 /150 47
8. Ojibwe Lodge 420 /150 3 /150 14 /150 7 /150 8 /150 52
9. The Proud Peacocks 253 /150 7 /150 17 /150 21 /150 7 /150 55
10. Past Times 159 /150 15 /150 33 /150 6 /150 9 /150 72
11. USA West Coast 1918 /150 17 /150 15 /150 15 /150 19 /150 84
12. The Frost Dragons 425 /150 22 /150 13 /150 17 /150 14 /150 91
13. Children of Terra 1029 /150 9 /150 19 /150 19 /150 16 /150 92
14. Dynasty Dominators of Death 821 /150 18 /150 20 /150 20 /150 15 /150 94
15. New York State Folks 2115 /150 20 /150 23 /150 26 /150 13 /150 97
16. Music Moguls 1513 /150 23 /150 11 /150 18 /150 35 /150 100
17. Adz Mates 324 /150 12 /150 38 /150 9 /150 17 /150 100
18. TV Watchers Anonymous 1812 /150 34 /150 10 /150 24 /150 23 /150 103
19. The Titans 85 /150 26 /150 16 /150 30 /150 32 /150 109
20. Yes, We're Babes! 233 /150 11 /150 --- 4 /150 18 /150 116
21. Trivially Challenged 1032 /150 39 /150 2 /150 16 /150 34 /150 123
22. Sploofers 1234 /150 19 /150 22 /150 31 /150 20 /150 126
23. StarStruck 540 /150 14 /150 18 /150 33 /150 22 /150 127
24. South African players 523 /150 54 /150 42 /150 13 /150 10 /150 138
25. Trivia For Adults 917 /150 16 /150 8 /150 --- 84 /150 141
TeamActive Hero Dail New Easy Smrt Score
26. Flighty Bumble Bees 227 /150 13 /150 21 /150 61 /150 39 /150 150
27. Romania Team 922 /150 47 /150 24 /150 35 /150 24 /150 152
28. Trivia Garden 831 /150 71 /150 --- 11 /150 11 /150 153
29. Canberrans 837 /150 37 /150 46 /150 10 /150 28 /150 158
30. Bikers 510 /150 31 /150 36 /150 42 /150 42 /150 161
31. Totally Trivia 939 /150 25 /150 40 /150 23 /150 40 /150 167
32. Trivia Geeks 1426 /150 --- 43 /150 25 /150 29 /150 173
33. Supernatural Fans 146 /150 --- 28 /150 49 /150 55 /150 183
34. DC Team 241 /150 41 /150 35 /150 47 /150 21 /150 185
35. Laid Back Larrikins 128 /150 28 /150 54 /150 76 /150 53 /150 186
36. Texans 260 /150 24 /150 32 /150 36 /150 49 /150 191
37. The White Angels 457 /150 38 /150 55 /150 37 /150 30 /150 205
38. WWE Champions Team 661 /150 66 /150 31 /150 27 /150 66 /150 208
39. Indian Gang 730 /150 --- --- 34 /150 87 /150 214
40. TEAM B.C. 816 /150 74 /150 --- --- 72 /150 216
41. USS Enterprise 728 /150 46 /150 --- --- --- 224
42. Skelton House 246 /150 44 /150 --- 38 /150 47 /150 225
43. The Lost Connection 938 /150 50 /150 48 /150 40 /150 71 /150 226
44. Trivia Just For Fun 759 /150 30 /150 --- 93 /150 --- 230
45. Hardcore History Gurus 350 /150 33 /150 --- 89 /150 83 /150 233
46. Rising Stars of Trivia 536 /150 62 /150 --- 54 /150 48 /150 234
47. Inhabitants of Planet Earth 553 /150 --- 34 /150 69 /150 67 /150 234
48. the banana splits 448 /150 --- 51 /150 60 /150 38 /150 236
49. Red Sox Nation 2--- --- --- 39 /150 --- 239
50. THE JOY 263 /150 --- --- 41 /150 80 /150 241
51. Jane Austen Lovers 2--- 58 /150 41 /150 58 /150 62 /150 241
TeamActive Hero Dail New Easy Smrt Score
52. The Green Thumbs 2--- --- --- 83 /150 43 /150 243
53. 50+ And Proud Of It 5--- --- --- 43 /150 57 /150 243
54. Rednecks Do Have Grey Matter 344 /150 --- --- 62 /150 --- 244
55. Recycled Virgins 2--- 61 /150 44 /150 87 /150 52 /150 244
56. The Westerners 866 /150 51 /150 --- 56 /150 45 /150 245
57. The Wild Mutant Noggins 3--- 49 /150 47 /150 --- --- 246
58. Gamers 7--- --- --- 84 /150 46 /150 246
59. Maximum Effort 5--- 52 /150 --- 48 /150 54 /150 248

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Feb 29, 1:07 PMcoachpauly Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 40 multiple choice quizzes
May 16, 2:15 PMcoachpauly Challenge Mastery
complete 160 challenges having 4 prestige or less
Jan 17, 1:57 PMcoachpauly Who am I Mastery
earn 50000 Who am I points
Jan 17, 1:53 PMcoachpauly Mind Melt Mastery
earn 50000 melting points
Jan 17, 1:47 PMcoachpauly Daily Game Mastery
earn 50000 daily game points
Jan 04, 5:49 PMcoachpauly Authoring: Gallery
Author 12 photo quizzes
Mar 14, 6:34 PMcoachpauly Excellence
obtain 6000 excellent ratings on authored quizzes
Newest members: cardsfan_027 (Jul 24 15) kowahi (Mar 10 15) awesomeness3 (Nov 29 14) 12345678l (Nov 29 14)

LIONS! are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly --- --- --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
coachpauly Saint Charles USA79242693033301
rockpinkgirl 18464227201

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