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50+ And Proud Of It
Group Number: 4049, Team Leader: hilltopper67

  There are 28 members. 5 are considered active.

  This is for all the 'Silver' Trivia players. The teenagers have their group as do the retired folk, so this one is for those who are 50 and over and wish to chat about life in general.

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: hilltopper67, bocrow000, shar1on, laybom
Ranked #61 in League D last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For May we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Daily Game   Easy Hourly   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailNewEasySmrt Score

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Mar 26, 3:39 PMRaven44 Old Timer
play 17 years and be at least rank 8a
Feb 29, 1:06 PMAuszev Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 17 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PMckharding Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PMmmaryj Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 29, 1:01 PMpeachy_1 Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Feb 20, 9:36 AMbocrow000 Point Emperor
score 3000000 FunTrivia points
Jan 18, 3:34 PMbocrow000 Quizzer
complete 3000 quizzes
Newest members: Queenharts (Mar 17 22) Gabrielle67 (Jan 26 21) bored63 (Dec 29 20)

50+ And Proud Of It are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly --- --- --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
integral50 Albany USA3550116631200
Sepuku2 Arkansas USA3786656961194
vickit10 Southgate USA3765182811087
shar1on Ravenna USA4139035671062
Raven44 Decorah USA2874109511041
mmaryj Jasper USA32329911011035
ckharding Washington USA9672291091031
peachy_1 Madison USA259019780962
Auszev Perth Australia120721475941
bocrow000 West Melbourne USA323040435813

You can create your own group here, and invite your own friends / family / co-workers to join it.

Your Membership: You are not a member of this team.