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Team Board
Actaris Itron Workers
Group Number: 6500, Team Leader: Nitefog33

  There are 6 members. 1 are considered active.

  Past And Present Workers And Friends.

   Seen over the last 24 Hours:

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All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For May we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Daily Game   Easy Hourly   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailNewEasySmrt Score
1. Trivia Bubbles 41 /150 1 /150 6 /150 2 /150 3 /150 13
2. The Misplaced 912 /150 2 /150 3 /150 4 /150 1 /150 22
3. Worldwide Trivia Lovers 206 /150 5 /150 12 /150 3 /150 2 /150 28
4. LIGHTHEARTED RETURN 1110 /150 10 /150 5 /150 1 /150 5 /150 31
5. The Proud Peacocks 253 /150 3 /150 23 /150 7 /150 7 /150 43
6. Scotland the Brains 195 /150 9 /150 7 /150 16 /150 8 /150 45
7. The Astute Achievers 1220 /150 6 /150 4 /150 9 /150 6 /150 45
8. Past Times 158 /150 14 /150 16 /150 5 /150 4 /150 47
9. Ojibwe Lodge 416 /150 4 /150 11 /150 8 /150 10 /150 49
10. Music Moguls 152 /150 11 /150 10 /150 13 /150 19 /150 55
11. United States of Trivia 923 /150 7 /150 1 /150 12 /150 15 /150 58
12. Dynasty Dominators of Death 718 /150 12 /150 15 /150 15 /150 12 /150 72
13. TV Watchers Anonymous 1615 /150 31 /150 9 /150 18 /150 9 /150 82
14. USA West Coast 1719 /150 20 /150 14 /150 17 /150 13 /150 83
15. The Titans 74 /150 21 /150 17 /150 28 /150 23 /150 93
16. Yes, We're Babes! 228 /150 8 /150 46 /150 6 /150 11 /150 99
17. Sploofers 1321 /150 16 /150 18 /150 23 /150 22 /150 100
18. Adz Mates 322 /150 15 /150 34 /150 10 /150 20 /150 101
19. New York State Folks 1913 /150 19 /150 30 /150 29 /150 18 /150 109
20. Trivially Challenged 1232 /150 32 /150 2 /150 22 /150 28 /150 116
21. Children of Terra 1031 /150 13 /150 35 /150 26 /150 16 /150 121
22. StarStruck 739 /150 18 /150 24 /150 34 /150 29 /150 144
23. Supernatural Fans 159 /150 48 /150 21 /150 31 /150 39 /150 148
24. Trivia For Adults 924 /150 17 /150 8 /150 113 /150 104 /150 149
25. Canberrans 930 /150 28 /150 41 /150 19 /150 32 /150 150
TeamActive Hero Dail New Easy Smrt Score
26. Trivia Geeks 1717 /150 63 /150 60 /150 14 /150 21 /150 152
27. Trivia Garden 827 /150 85 /150 --- 11 /150 14 /150 152
28. The Frost Dragons 433 /150 39 /150 33 /150 25 /150 24 /150 154
29. Romania Team 929 /150 45 /150 22 /150 37 /150 30 /150 163
30. South African players 825 /150 58 /150 39 /150 24 /150 27 /150 165
31. Bikers 57 /150 36 /150 37 /150 50 /150 55 /150 180
32. Flighty Bumble Bees 235 /150 24 /150 36 /150 53 /150 44 /150 189
33. DC Team 243 /150 40 /150 40 /150 55 /150 17 /150 190
34. The Lost Connection 940 /150 38 /150 20 /150 43 /150 68 /150 191
35. Laid Back Larrikins 1111 /150 35 /150 47 /150 72 /150 49 /150 192
36. Indian Gang 926 /150 88 /150 --- 21 /150 75 /150 197
37. Totally Trivia 1046 /150 41 /150 44 /150 35 /150 33 /150 199
38. WWE Champions Team 557 /150 62 /150 28 /150 30 /150 61 /150 208
39. Skelton House 251 /150 44 /150 55 /150 36 /150 31 /150 211
40. TEAM B.C. 714 /150 70 /150 --- --- 96 /150 214
41. Hardcore History Gurus 336 /150 33 /150 --- 103 /150 98 /150 219
42. The White Angels 544 /150 46 /150 53 /150 38 /150 42 /150 220
43. Trivia Just For Fun 860 /150 25 /150 --- 93 /150 78 /150 225
44. Inhabitants of Planet Earth 466 /150 --- 29 /150 77 /150 67 /150 229
45. USS Enterprise 634 /150 51 /150 --- --- 101 /150 234
46. the banana splits 441 /150 --- 68 /150 54 /150 43 /150 234
47. The Green Thumbs 2--- 76 /150 --- 73 /150 38 /150 238
48. The Wild Mutant Noggins 3--- 47 /150 43 /150 96 /150 77 /150 240
49. Maximum Effort 553 /150 52 /150 --- 44 /150 48 /150 242
50. Recycled Virgins 2--- 59 /150 42 /150 63 /150 60 /150 242
51. Rising Stars of Trivia 449 /150 54 /150 --- 47 /150 47 /150 243
TeamActive Hero Dail New Easy Smrt Score
52. Red Sox Nation 2--- --- --- 46 /150 --- 246
53. THE JOY 379 /150 --- --- 49 /150 79 /150 249

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Jan 15, 1:41 PMNitefog33 All Tied Up
scored 5 ties in FunTrivia Duel
Dec 16, 5:17 PMNitefog33 Old Timer
play 9 years and be at least rank 4a
Oct 19, 9:35 AMNitefog33 Point Emperor
score 1000000 FunTrivia points
Newest members: None recent.

Actaris Itron Workers are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly --- --- --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
Nitefog33 Felixstowe UK159356216488

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