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Most Knockout Points

The following chart displays the players who have the most knockouts over the history of this game.

Scoring: 1 point per player you eliminate. You get a bonus knockout pt if you win your 16 player tournament, for knocking everyone out!

Thus, a division winner will earn 5 KO points (Tue + Wed + Thu + Fri + WINNER bonus). If you make it past round 1 but then get eliminated, you will earn 1 KO point. Lose in the final, you get 3.

Players will tend to be matched up against players with similar KO histories.

KO Champ Badge: 50 KO points.
KO Hero Badge: 200 KO points.
A player does not lose KO Champ if he/she earns KO Hero.

Leader Board

PlayerLevelTeamTotal Knockouts
1. strnog1228 No Team here... 1561
2. markwync68 --- 1420
3. PDAZ289 The Joli Llamas 1329
4. genoveva271 The Devious Demons 1248
5. jimhutch13206 The Devil's Advocates 1219
6. mcdubb268 classicalmusic/mensan 1195
7. daver852273 Worldwide Wizards 1181
8. Upstart3288 The Internationals 1162
9. colinu-nyc213 Red Hot Silly Beggars 1124
10. burnsbaron213 Canadian Players 1096
11. Barbarini263 Red Hot Silly Beggars 1086
12. Ampelos258 The Mustard Seeds 1048
13. 1995Tarpon230 All 50 States 1038
14. DomiNeyTor181 The Devious Demons 1001
15. BarbaraMcI249 CLIQUE-KICKERS 989
16. tikal700176 Red Hot Silly Beggars 986
17. mrexley197 The Bee's Knees 958
18. MikeMaster99259 Phoenix Rising 936
19. bubblesfun180 The Devious Demons 930
20. Fifiona81259 Phoenix Rising 921
21. matthewpokemon252 classicalmusic/mensan 920
22. magijoh1224 Trivia Bubbles 910
23. timmacg190 classicalmusic/mensan 909
24. eyhung223 Olympians 907
25. alan56209 The Devious Demons 899
26. Triviaballer291 Phoenix Rising 895
27. GoodwinPD257 The Calculators 894
28. rossian297 Trivia Bubbles 892
29. MargW237 Wisdom of the Fool 889
30. samak241 Triviabiz 884
31. garrybl196 Triviabiz 878
32. bottle_rocket199 The Joli Llamas 864
33. looney_tunes276 The Joli Llamas 864
34. LadyNym267 The Devious Demons 863
35. wjames260 The Usual Suspects 860
36. stedman270 Quiz Makers Guild 858
37. mathesond95 Scotland the Brains 853
38. DaMoopies198 Pi in the Sky 853
39. wellenbrecher268 European Players 853
40. j2cp2147 The Joli Llamas 853
41. Rizeeve274 Phoenix Rising 846
42. rainbowriver242 classicalmusic/mensan 835
43. Emma-Jane210 classicalmusic/mensan 835
44. camhammer235 Worldwide Wizards 835
45. buckeye52179 The Calculators 832
46. Indonesia129195 CLIQUE-KICKERS 828
47. cardsfan_027259 Phoenix Rising 828
48. montug47114 The Devious Demons 827
49. jules44174 classicalmusic/mensan 826
50. demurechicky244 Heaven's Angels 826
51. postcards2go251 The Regal Beagles 821
52. alaspooryoric216 The Regal Beagles 821
53. muzzyhill3239 Quiz Makers Guild 819
54. Samoyed7186 --- 819
55. Zippy826246 The Bee's Knees 819
56. boon99199 classicalmusic/mensan 819
57. MaggieG147 The Joli Llamas 817
58. crossesq217 Funsters 817
59. VivTriv168 Wisdom of the Fool 816
60. chcchc154 The Moops 816
61. Mark1970231 Quizaholics Synonymous 816
62. tiye246 The Cat People 816
63. poodle78117 Triviabiz 814
64. Quizaddict1183 The Moops 813
65. nikkitem176 Quizaholics Synonymous 810
66. adam36191 Wisdom of the Fool 807
67. Kabdanis260 Canadian Players 806
68. astrohip57 --- 805
69. kasteel1167 Faithful and True 805
70. ramses22211 Kindred Spirits 804
71. Fifiscot188 No Worries! 803
72. ozzz2002273 Phoenix Rising 801
73. donkeehote187 New Horizons 801
74. lg549188 Phoenix Rising 800
75. mensa58131 classicalmusic/mensan 800
76. kevalex34185 The Cat People 800
77. shrinkster109 Ultimate Opportunists 799
78. Juggernaut314193 Red Hot Silly Beggars 797
79. turtle52239 The Devious Demons 797
80. Jorgy4131 Canadian Players 797
81. maninmidohio256 The Joli Llamas 797
82. poetkah203 The Cat People 796
83. frend1170 Canadian Players 793
84. Picard25225 Movie Buffs 793
85. fifi63151 The Moops 792
86. Mikeytrout44177 CLIQUE-KICKERS 792
87. Aerobubble126 classicalmusic/mensan 791
88. themonarch198 The New England Alliance 791
89. TimBentley153 The Devious Demons 791
90. mfc188 Skelton House 790
91. sportsherald149 NHL Hockey Fans 788
92. simontheodore102 Wisdom of the Fool 788
93. mikey40uf169 --- 788
94. alfisti1130 Wisdom of the Fool 788
95. martin_cube213 classicalmusic/mensan 788
96. mccarp149 The Moops 787
97. MrSheen142 The British 785
98. hitch4688 Funsters 783
99. vlk56pa202 Wisdom of the Fool 783
100. Reamar42205 All 50 States 783