A note on Cheating
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FunTrivia takes playing fair seriously. While we have no prizes, and you can't really GAIN much from cheating, players who cheat do devalue the competitive spirit of our games and will be banned.

One Account Per Person

We allow a maximum of one account per person. Players using more than one account will have all of their accounts closed. We use a number of methods to track whether players are playing with more than one account or not, so please don't try to test us. You will eventually get caught and banned from our website.

Do Not Share Answers

Players may not share, distribute, copy/paste, or otherwise convey answer information to another player.

Players From the Same Household

If you are playing from the same household or on the same computer as someone else, please follow this basic guideline: you must play hourly and daily games at different times of the day. This will make it clear to us that you are indeed two different people. If you play the same games at the same time one after another, you risk being considered "one person" and receiving a household ban.

Also, you are NOT to share information with other household members. We can clearly see when two different players get served the same questions, so using one account to read questions/answers and a different account to score 100% on everything is ill-advised.

Thank you for following these simple rules.