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What is the difference between chance and luck?

Question #110911. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated Jun 02 2021.

BRY2K star
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BRY2K star
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Answer has 6 votes.

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Here is a quasi-scientific response:

There's a very important distinction between luck and chance. Chance events are those over which we have no control, like winning or losing the lottery.

Dr. Richard Wiseman:
But luck is different. I think luck in life; you know who we meet or whether we're in the right place at the right time. I think those are very much under our control.

Dr. Richard Wiseman conducted an extensive study of lucky and unlucky people the results of which are in his book The Luck Factor.

For example, a lot of lucky people will say, "I often have really chance encounters. I just often bump into people. We get chatting, and this person has a very positive effect on my life." It turns out that lucky people are the extroverts. They're the ones that are out there meeting lots of people.

And your expectations are also a critical factor in luck.

And those expectations have the power to be self-fulfilling prophecies. So, people who are lucky persevere in the face of failure, because in the long term they expect to do well. Also, it influences how others respond to them. They walk into the interview situation, for example, thinking they're going to be lucky. And we've seen in various experiments how the interviewer's behavior then changes towards them to give them more opportunity to do well in the interview.


Nov 21 2009, 6:22 AM
star_gazer star
Answer has 5 votes
star_gazer star
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Answer has 5 votes.
One observation is that luck tends to be supernatural, a word heard often spoken on the floor of a casino. Chance would be more natural, a word often used by a biologist explaining evolution.

This was Aristotle's take:

Luck is described by Aristotle as something that results from the actions of a rational agent (i.e. a human) that was not intended by the individual taking that action. In this way this result is felt by Aristotle to be "coincidental." He also determines that this category of luck is included within the broader spectrum which he calls chance (which shall be addressed below) but that it is limited to human beings, capable of cognitive thought.

Chance is described by Aristotle as being an event that takes place "pointlessly." That is that there is nothing in the nature of the activity that inherently begets the result that springs forth from it. For instance, if a deer wanders beneath a tree in order to eat some greener grass (an action based on instinct not as a result of rational thought) and the tree happens to have a broken branch from a storm the night before which then falls and hits the deer it could not be said that the deer going beneath the tree to eat the grass was for the purpose of being hit by a falling branch and yet this occurred.


Response last updated by satguru on Jun 02 2021.
Nov 21 2009, 7:27 PM
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