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What happened to Major League Baseball fan Alice Roth on August 17th, 1957?

Question #149762. Asked by serpa.
Last updated Sep 06 2023.
Originally posted Sep 06 2023 2:46 PM.

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Alice Roth who was the wife of Philadelphia Bulletin sports editor, Earl Roth, was struck by a foul ball twice on consecutive pitches. Richie Ashburn of the Philadelphia Phillies was the unfortunate batter who hit these extremely unlikely foul balls to hit the same fan. Alice Roth broke bones in both her nose and leg due to the foul balls, ouch.


Sep 06 2023, 3:04 PM
Answer has 3 votes
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Answer has 3 votes.
It is often said that lighting does not strike twice at the same place, but that was not meant to be for MLB fan Alice Roth, wife of Philadelphia Bulletin Sports Editor Earl Roth, who was attending the match between Philadelphia Phillies and New York Giants on August 17, 1957, with her two grandsons when Phillies player Richie Ashburn fouled successive pitches with the first ball hitting her face, breaking her nose, and the second ball finding her again, injuring her knee, as she was being taken care of after being hit the first time. The team administration and Ashburn, of course, did everything at their disposal to mitigate this bizarre mishap, and it is believed the Roth family took everything in their stride eventually and things came to a normal soon.


Sep 06 2023, 3:13 PM
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