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How did Thomas Paine--author of 'Common Sense'--die?

Question #19384. Asked by Tim.
Last updated Aug 10 2022.

Answer has 18 votes

Answer has 18 votes.
After giving everything he had to America, France, and in fact to all humanity in the most altruistic way, Thomas Paine died . His friend Clio Rickman wrote concerning his death, 'On the eighth of June, 1809, about nine in the morning, he placidly, and almost without a struggle, died, as he had lived, a Deist.' Because his public ideas regarding religion were so radical and in direct opposition to superstition (superstition equalling all man-made revealed religions), he died virtually alone. Only seven people attended his funeral, and the Quakers refused to allow his burial in a Quaker cemetery, so he was buried on his farm. Ten years later a one time adversary turned admirer, William Cobbett, dug up his earthly remains and brought them to England, where they were later lost.


Response last updated by gtho4 on Aug 10 2022.
May 26 2002, 7:09 AM
Answer has 29 votes
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Answer has 29 votes.

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Given his age of 72, anything associated with 'old age' would probably serve as a cause of death. Apparently, he suffered with alcoholism, but this first notation is the closest I found to an actual cause:

The rent was paid by his friend Walter Morton, who also paid for house calls by Dr. James Manley, a Christian physician who kept his beliefs mostly to himself. One biographer suggested Paine had arteriosclerosis of the brain.

Derided by the public and abandoned by his friends, he died in 1809 in New York City, a drunk and a pauper. The whereabouts of his remains are unknown today.

Hooted upon the streets, lampooned in the newspapers, deserted by his political associates, he lived a wretched existence. He was buried on his farm in New Rochelle, but his remains were removed to England in 1819 by William Cobbett. What became of them is unknown.

Increasingly neglected and ostracized, Paine's last years were marked by poverty, poor health and alcoholism. When he died in New York on June 8, 1809, he was virtually an outcast. Since he could not be buried in consecrated ground, he was laid to rest in a corner of his small farm in New Rochelle.

Response last updated by LadyNym on Aug 22 2016.
May 26 2002, 12:54 PM
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