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In the Peanuts world of Charlie Brown what was the name of his school?

Question #44125. Asked by gable.
Last updated May 21 2021.

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Answer has 11 votes
24 year member
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Answer has 11 votes.
This is complicated so I'm just copying from the site below.

4.21) Where do the kids go to school?

Like many other "facts" in the Peanuts universe, this deceptively simple question triggers a multiplicity of answers. The first official acknowledgement of a school name came in the April 16, 1981, strip (reprinted in "You're Weird, Sir"); it quite clearly shows Linus entering the James Street Elementary School. If we therefore assume that Linus, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lucy, Schroeder and a few others attend classes in the same place, then this would seem to be their school. This information is consistent with an as-yet unreprinted strip from all the way back in 1952 - August 14 - in which Schroeder tells Charlie Brown that his address is 1770 James Street (and he can remember the number because that's the year Beethoven was born.)

It has been established that Peppermint Patty, Marcie, Roy and Franklin attend a different school together, but we don't yet know its name.

Feb 07 2004, 6:53 PM
Answer has 13 votes
Currently Best Answer
24 year member
3694 replies avatar

Answer has 13 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.'s not that simple. The January 22, 1986, daily strip (reprinted in "By Supper Possessed) shows Charlie Brown and Sally riding a school bus with the upper portion of the letters PINEC visible on the side of the bus. A few years later, in the January 8, 1990, strip (reprinted in "Make Way for the King of the Jungle"), this apparently new school name was verified, as Linus told Sally that they were (as usual) riding the school bus to Pinecrest Elementary School. So what happened? We do know, from her days of talking to her school building, that a horrified Sally once confronted the brick-strewn rubble that had been her school, after it quietly tumbled down. (It had "had all it could take.") For awhile, during the transition, Sally and everybody else apparently attended Peppermint Patty's school (where Charlie Brown wound up sharing a desk with the "rare gem," with limited success). Could it be that, rather than returning to James Street Elementary, they all went "back" to a different school, specifically Pinecrest? Nice thought...except that the tired school building "committed suicide" on January 9, 1976...which means that, five years later, the kids were already in James Street Elementary. And, so, the mystery remains: Why did they switch? Beats me, sports fans...

Just to make matters worse, in the television specials the kids attend Birchwood Elementary School. While the TV specials are not "canonical," this seems a needless bit of additional confusion...


Response last updated by gtho4 on May 21 2021.
Feb 07 2004, 6:54 PM
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