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How do they get Neapolitan ice cream into the tubs?

Question #97902. Asked by Baloo55th.

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BRY2K star
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BRY2K star
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This sounds reasonable:

These are prepared by putting ices of various kinds and colours into a mould known as a Neapolitan ice box, which, when set and turned out, is cut into slices suitable for serving. However, small the pieces, the block should be cut so that each person gets a little of each kind; to do this, slice downwards first, then cut the slices through once or twice in the contrary direction. They are generally laid on a lace paper on an ice plate.

Four or five kinds are usually put in the mould, though three sorts will do. The following will serve as a guide in arranging: First, vanilla cream, then raspberry or cherry or currant water; coffee or chocolate in the middle; the strawberry cream, with lemon or orange or pine-apple water to finish.

A cream ice, flavoured with any liqueur, a brown bread cream flavoured with brandy, with a couple of bright-coloured water ices, form another agreeable mixture. Tea cream may be introduced into almost any combination unless coffee be used. Banana cream, pistachio or almond cream, with cherry water and damson or strawberry water, will be found very good.

The spoon [Neapolitan Ice Spoon] has a double use; the bowl is for putting the mixture into the mould, and the handle is for levelling it; naturally, it is equally useful for other ices. The boxes may be had in tin at much less cost than pewter; they are also sold small enough to make single ices, but these are much more troublesome to prepare.

After filling the moulds, if no cave, "bed" in ice in the usual way.


Jul 24 2008, 5:40 PM
Baloo55th star
Answer has 2 votes
Baloo55th star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Nope - that's Victorian hand made stuff! I saw that one. I mean how do they get it in the 2 litre tubs like the one illustrated in Wikipedia. (I'm currently investigating one closely...) I can't work out how in a factory they get the three colours side by side with no visible join or merging.

Jul 25 2008, 11:02 AM
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Answer has 3 votes.
I don't have a website but it is the same way they use to put peanut Butter and Jelly together in the 80's. The ice Cream is extruded through a form and the forms are placed side by side in the configuration of the containers. Like tubes. So the forms are side by side. A push rod pushes the icecream through they meet up at the ends of the tubes and enter the tubs that are pushed by on their sides on a belt.
I watched this on the Discovery Channel program How it is made.

Jul 25 2008, 11:35 AM
Baloo55th star
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Baloo55th star
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I still can't see how there is no mixing where the colours come together, and no gap. These tubs are cheap, so it can't be anything really complicated.

Jul 25 2008, 12:35 PM
zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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Answer has 3 votes.
The tubes that mymanu refers to -- Actually conform to the container -- Be it round or square. The tubes (each containing a different flavor) are placed into the bottom of the container and are pulled straight up or out -- filling the container as the tubes are removed.

I can't find a link -- I also saw it on a t.v. show but can't recall the name of the show.

Jul 25 2008, 7:10 PM
Baloo55th star
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Baloo55th star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Ta folks. They must have to get the consistency just right to flow it then freeze it.

Jul 26 2008, 6:02 AM
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