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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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sadwings star

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Hey, Jaz!

Remember when you were telling me how your mom didn't really sing that well but she did anyway? Well, that reminded me of this song by The Carpenters. I devote this lovely song to your mom. I bet she must be a very nice person.

Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong

Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad

Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long

Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Just sing
Sing a song

Sing a song
Let the world
Sing along

Sing of love there could be
Sing for you and for me

Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long

Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Just sing
Sing a song

God bless you, Karen Carpenter

Reply #61. May 19 17, 6:43 AM

flopsymopsy star

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"Flopsy! My friend from the holy land! No, I'm only kidding - but I really do kind of consider Birmingham the holy land in a fun and lighthearted and metal sort of way. But then, I would probably feel the same way about London and Liverpool and a bunch of other places over there if I found myself actually there."

Haha, that reminded me of the archetypal American (or Aussie) who when meeting a Brit for the first time asks where they live in relation to Place X and when told "about an hour's drive" then says "oh you must know my cousin Bob, he lives in X!". I live about an hour's drive from Birmingham but there are a couple of million people between me and there! Plus I bain't frum ere, I be a furriner in these yer parts. ;)

Reply #62. May 19 17, 10:15 AM
sadwings star

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A furriner! Hee hee! You remind me of a radio station personality from right here in my home town of Tulsa, Flopsy. His name is Roy Dam Mercer - he was named after the Hoover Dam - and he is quite a character. He makes prank calls on the phone to people, but not just anyone, the "victims" of these calls have all been carefully set up by listeners who contact the station and supply Roy with people to call.

They will carefully work out a story for Roy to go by when he makes the calls, and he will make out like, for whatever reason, the person he called owes Roy some money and Roy is either going to collect it or "somebody gonna git their butt whupped." Only Roy doesn't say "butt", he says that naughty "A" word.

It doesn't always involve money, but it usually does. Sometimes ol' Roy is just "dissatisfied" with the service or the goods that someone is providing, and Roy wants himself a little by God satisfaction by whuppin' somebody's butt! He's always saying things like, "I'm gittin' ready to come over there right now and get this took care of, or somebody's gonna git their butt whupped. You gonna be there all day?" He'll ask people things like, "You ever had yore butt whupped before over somethin' like this?"

If the "victim" happens to be a woman, ol' Roy will usually tell them that he's getting ready to send his wife Sharon Jean over there to get things resolved, and "she's about madder than a wet hen right now." Oh, he's got all his bases covered and this stuff is hilarious, flopsy. These calls Roy made were so popular that they went nation wide, and they made quite a few CD's of nothing but Roy's telephone calls to people all over the country.

You should check some of this stuff out. Just google Roy Mercer - the one from KMOD radio in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and you should get quite a few of these phone calls for you to listen to. They are normally only about 5 to 7 minutes long or so. Right about the same length as the average song. Only the "thump-thump-thump" that you hear ain't no drums, it's Roy thumpin' a pop-knot on someone's head! He told one guy, "I'll put a pop-knot on yore head so big it'll hafta have a separate haircut!" Heh heh!

Not only that, but while you are getting yourself a lot of laughs with this stuff, you will be able to hear what I sound like when I talk. No, I really don't sound much like Roy, but I can come pretty close when I'm playing around. I'm going to go see if I can come up with a couple of links for you and any other interested parties.........

Reply #63. May 19 17, 2:25 PM

sadwings star

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Well, flopsy, all of these Roy Mercer phone calls are on YouTube and some of them had bad language in the comments but some didn't. However, I suppose the bad language could pop up at any time, so I am just going to play it safe and not post any links. All you Have to do is Google Roy Mercer and this stuff should pop right up.

I also wanted to mention that sometimes the people that these calls are made to will get a little upset with Roy and swear at him, but all of that is bleeped out and it's often bleeped out with animal noises, like cows mooing or chickens cackling. Hee hee!

One more thing about ol' Roy. One of these CD's they released came out right before Christmas one year, and it had a bonus track of ol' Roy singing his version of Jingle Bells. The chorus went like this......

Jingle fist, jingle fist
Jingle all the way
Git yore fists to flyin'
End yore shoppin' woes today, hey

Jingle fist, jingle fist
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is
To whup some a** on Christmas day!

Then a couple of the verses go like so...

A day or two ago
I went to git a tree
When some ol' boy grabbed aholt of one
'Bout the same time as me

He wouldn't let it go
But much to his surprise
How quick he loosened up his grip
When I dotted both his eyes!

Anyhoo, all of you guys should check this stuff out sometime. Lots of laughs!

Reply #64. May 19 17, 3:42 PM

flopsymopsy star

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My parents weren't from Wiltshire and the local accent is quite soft so I never really had a strong accent and then I went to a very academic school where speaking dialect was decidedly frowned upon hence I acquired something we call "received pronunciation" - I don't talk like the Queen but maybe like a BBC announcer. However my parent's next door neighbour, Mr A, was definitely a local; he was a butcher by trade, with a missing finger. Or rather, without it. My mother always said she'd never eat his sausages just in case he lost another one. ;) Anyway, he had a very strong Wiltshire accent and I remember going home from university, dragging my luggage up the road, and as I got to his house I'd hear a voice "Ars snum, maidie? Ow's thee didlin?" For some reason, Roy Mercer's voice reminded me of that. My parents were definitely furriners though and I was the only one born there; my mum lived in that house for over fifty years but they still called her a furriner!

Roy Mercer was very funny, I enjoyed that. If you google for "Wiltshire accent" there are a few videos that are also not politically correct, especially in the USA, but it will give you an idea of how people talked in the area where I grew up.

Reply #65. May 19 17, 5:06 PM
sadwings star

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Wow, flopsy, 50 years is an awfully long time to live in the same place and still be called a furriner! I suppose that if there was some kind of significant difference in one person and the majority who lived around him or her, be it speech or skin color or whatever, it probably wouldn't take much for people to feel that way about him or her. Especially in my country. I have a sneaky feeling that folks in the UK and pretty much everywhere else are a lot nicer to each other than they are over here in Murderville. ;-) At least I would certainly hope so and like to think so.

Thanks for the video tip, it looks like there is a lot of stuff that brought up on the screen that I will definitely be checking out later. Especially this one with 17 different English accents. I was a little surprised that there would be that many, but then I thought about how we probably have that many or more over here. One of the few talents I have that I would have to say is modestly more noteworthy than the average person, is the different things I can do with my voice, and I like to think that I can do a fairly decent English accent, but I don't know if I could get away with it over there. Probably not! :-p

I was kind of expecting this Wiltshire accent to maybe be hard to understand or something but it couldn't have been easier, really. I don't think I even know the names of any of your accents over there other than Cockney, and I just love to listen to people talking in that accent! :-) Yes, I am very much looking forward to checking out these 17 different accents. There's another one about how to speak with a Scottish accent that I really want to see as well, along with quite a few others.

In fact, the sooner I make my rounds and get caught up on everything, the sooner I will be able to do that. Later, 'gater!

Reply #66. May 20 17, 3:04 AM

ClaudiaCat star

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Don't forget me mate

Reply #67. May 20 17, 5:40 AM
sadwings star

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You mean the animal videos? Yeah I just came from there. Cool stuff. Now I have tons of videos to watch for a while! :-)

Reply #68. May 20 17, 6:52 AM

sadwings star

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Okay, time to throw down another quick segment of Misunderstood Lyrics starring me, Mr. Sadwings of Destiny. The subject of this hilarious episode: Evil Woman by ELO.

This is a case where I believe I always knew what they were saying right from the beginning, but when they sing the title over and over, it honestly kind of sounds like they are saying "he is a woman."

I challenge one and all to listen to this song and imagine them saying "he is a woman" all the way through it, and see if you can keep from laughing or at least smiling broadly and being very amused. Don't do it right after you have had some kind of unpleasant experience, do it when you are in a happy, lighthearted mood.

Reply #69. May 20 17, 1:13 PM

sadwings star

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I failed to mention this in the blog description, but made up song lyrics can be just as fun as misunderstood lyrics. Who hasn't made up their own lyrics to something at one time or another? One time I did it just like sneezing - it just really couldn't be helped.

Remember the song Abra Cadabra by Steve Miller? Part of the chorus goes like this.......

Abra, Abra Cadabra
I wanna reach out and grab ya
Abra, Abra Cadabra
Abra Cadabra

Well, the infamous Black Sabbath have a song called Sabbra Cadabra, and the very first time I ever heard this Steve Miller song, what song title do you suppose popped into my warped mind like instantly? You got it - Sabbra Cadabra. Just a couple of added letters and the song instantly had a very special meaning to me. It forever changed the first, third and fourth lines to that particular verse, but what about the second?

I couldn't just leave it at that, something had to be done. With the line being "I wanna reach out and grab ya" I instantly zeroed in on the word "grab". I knew I had to change that word with one that rhymed with it. Now let me ask you, considering the change that had already been made, how in the world is it possible for me not to have the word "stab" come to mind instantly? Talk about a no-brainer!

So now we have....

Sabbra, Sabbra Cadabra
I wanna reach out and STAB ya
Sabbra, Sabbra Cadabra
Sabbra Cadabra

Ah, the joys of music are never-ending! :-)

Reply #70. May 21 17, 1:50 AM

sadwings star

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What was the wildest or the best concert you guys have ever seen? I've never seen anything too wild as far as people getting out of control or anything, but I suppose the best concert I ever saw was Metallica with Suicidal Tendencies about 25 years ago. I do believe that the elegant, sophisticated wall of hellfire metal thunder that both of them laid down was quite exquisite indeed. What say ye?

Reply #71. May 21 17, 12:21 PM

Blackdresss star

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First Chris Cornell and now Gregg Allman. Good Lord, I feel like I'm dyin'.

Reply #72. May 27 17, 5:25 PM
sadwings star

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I saw that on your profile and I thought, hey, something is different here, she didn't have that stuff before! Hee hee! It's about time for me to change the silly comments part of my profile, too. Right now I have some lyrics to some of that devil music by those long-haired, drug-smoking, devil-worshiping Anthrax hippies who need a bath.

I need to unplug my laptop and fold it up and take it to bed with me and maybe catch a little nap before I do my Duelies, I'm about to pass out. Hey, thanks for stopping by, Elle, I had been wondering about you. I'll be back soon with a funny musically-related story, and it's not just me clowning around, it really is a true story for real. :-)

Reply #73. May 27 17, 11:14 PM

SisterSeagull star

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Coal Chamber, Napalm Death and Machine Head at Wolverhampton Civic Hall in the mid 1990s... Stunning show.

Reply #74. May 28 17, 1:26 AM
Michael Boulton and Kenny G. Hey... it was a long time ago, before I branched out into tons of different stuff.

Reply #75. May 28 17, 7:01 AM
sadwings star

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Wow, Steve, that's some pretty heavy stuff, brother. That heavy stuff scares the crap out me and makes me have a tummy ache. NOT! No, I'm just clowning around.

You know, I have heard of all three of those bands but I'm really not sure if I have ever heard any of their stuff, except for a Machine Head song/video that one of my teammates posted on one of our team threads. If it's the one I'm thinking of, they did a cover of an Iron Maiden song and I was quite impressed, which almost always takes me by surprise because I like the originals better I would say around 80 to 90% of the time, and I feel I am a very objective listener. I remember thinking that I seriously needed to check out more of Machine Head and I may have, I can't remember now. I'll have to look them up and check more of their stuff out sometime soon.

Jaz, isn't Kenny G. a kick-butt sax player and Michael Bolton sings and plays piano, right? My aunt really likes Michael Bolton and has some of his stuff, and she may even be into both of those guys, I'm not sure.

I guess I have never seen anyone in concert except those headbanging renegade outlaw metalheads who stink and need to bathe a lot more often, which is kind of sad because I know there is so much more to music than the loud heavy stuff, sure. Guess I've just never been in the right circumstances to go see any of the many artists who perform really great, worthwhile music without trying to blow your brains out.

Besides bar bands I've seen over the years, I guess the mellowest band I've probably ever seen in a concert environment would be Candlebox. You know the post I just made up there about the Metallica/ST show I saw? That was the same show where I saw Candlebox. Can you believe that? I found it kind of a strange lineup but I enjoyed their stuff.

Anyway, thanks for posting, you guys, I just love talking about music! :-)

Reply #76. May 28 17, 10:15 AM

sadwings star

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Okay, you guys, time for the funny, musically-related story I promised Elle. It isn't the most hilarious story ever, so don't get your hopes up for that, but it forever changed a classic rock n roll song that I like to one that I like even more because of the special memory I have about it now.

Anyway, I was doing a little casual shopping at this Dollar General store and they had music playing over the intercom from some classic rock station. You guys remember the song Secret Agent Man? I can't remember who originally did it but it was made popular by a groovy cat named Johnny Rivers.

So this song is playing and one of the store employees strolls by me and he says, "What is he saying right there? Is he saying secret 'Asian' man?" Well, I busted out laughing and told the guy what the song was actually saying, but from that moment on, that song became Secret Asian Man to me and it will always be Secret Asian Man to me.

Secret......ASIAN MAN
Secret......ASIAN MAN

Ha! Woo-hoo! Man, I love that! Not only is it a lot of fun to sing along with it like that, it's even more fun to think about that awesome Jackie Chan guy. I mean, that cat would pretty much be the ultimate secret Asian man, ya know? Anyway, try it out sometime if you guys don't believe me. Bet you can't sing along with it like that all the way to the end without laughing! :-)

Reply #77. May 28 17, 1:30 PM

Kenny G does indeed play sax. All I know about Michael is his singing (I had some of his stuff years ago).

And I have a funny story too. When I used to work at um... bAgging deodorant cakes... we listened to the radio a lot, and my one coworker would always sing the following when this one song came on:

"Give me the Beach Boys and free my soul..."

Hehehehehehe, that's what I hear every time that song plays (OMG... everyone must have tried singing that, because if I'm not mistaken Michael did a rendition too... unless it's the original. It is to me,being fthe first time I heard that song. But I'm sure it's a remake of someone else's. Just as at least one of his albums was made up of renditos. "Timeless Classics." First album of his I er had.

Reply #78. May 28 17, 3:19 PM
Blackdresss star

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Yeah, my heart really is broken. And my mountain bike's name really is Butch Trucks, and has been for a long time.

I'll lighten up soon and tell you about funny misheard lyrics (I've got a million of 'em, most of them I swear are right) and maybe toss in a concert or two.

Right now, I'm still sick and injured, and now I'm in mourning, too. Like I've been tied to the whipping post.

Reply #79. May 28 17, 3:48 PM
Blackdresss star

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Jazzy, "Drift Away" is one of my favorite songs of all time, and Dobie Gray made it famous.

He also sang Bill Wither's "Lean On Me," another of my favorite songs. I love Bill Withers, mind you, but Dobie Gray melts my little heart.

They make me happy, when skies are gray.

Reply #80. May 28 17, 3:56 PM

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