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Subject: VBW's Personal Lounge

Posted by: VBookWorm
Date: Feb 26 23

It's VBookWorm! My username says it all! In this blog, I will talk mostly about the books I have been reading, but will also talk about films, my cats, and Adrien Brody. Feel free to comment!

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Catreona star

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Don't let Sports intimidate you.

I have two Sports quizzes online and another on the back burner that will get written and submitted...sometime. Want to take a guess at how much yours truly knows and cares about sports? Bingo, got it in one - *zilch*!

In the first case, I had a specific goal. Having done a special quiz for my twenty-fifth, imaginatively titled "Silver", I wanted to do the same for my fiftieth. A title came to me. I checked and found, to my surprise, that no quizzes existed on my chosen subject which, by the way, is very specific. I'm not interested in ice skating in general. I'm only interested in Torvill and Dean. I studied and worked, and submitted the quiz. And, not only was the quiz accepted, it earned me an Editor's Choice. Like I told the editor who awarded it to me, that was the best Christmas present I'd gotten in a long time.
Here's the quiz:

The second one was an accident. Some time after my Torvill and Dean quiz, I wrote a quiz for the 'Breakfast Food' subcategory of Hobbies that ended up not fitting there. . The editor suggested I try it in Sports. I did, rather doubtfully, and it was accepted.
Here's the quiz:

The moral of the story is: Sports is just like any other category. You might fall into it by accident or you might find a specific topic, like an athlete,/team, a particular competition or some aspect of a game/sport that intrigues you. Drilling down through the subcategories and sub-subcategories can be helpful too, to see what the category as a whole embraces. There's no telling what you might find.

Reply #81. May 15 23, 6:26 PM

player avatar
That's very interesting, Cat! Thank you so much for sharing!

Reply #82. May 15 23, 6:29 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
You're welcome.

Reply #83. May 15 23, 6:47 PM
Hey! After a long break from FT (due to school), I'm finally back, as is summer!

I'll definitely try to write more quizzes, although the ideas I have are very, even extremely niche. But I've embraced writing niche quizzes as that's what adds to FT's variety.

Anyway, my "Three Musketeers" and Adrien Brody fangirl days are over. I'm now obsessed with a Jewish a cappella band called Six13, and I'm even seeing them in concert in six months!! I started listening to them in December 2023, and I don't think I was very active at FT back then. My two other favorite bands are The Maccabeats and The Y-Studs, they're also Jewish a cappella. I'm currently writing a quiz about Six13, but I can't say when it'll go online, or even if it'll go online at all. *fingers crossed*

Anyway, I'm very happy to be back!

Reply #84. Jun 09 24, 6:33 PM


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I've always enjoyed a capella. Even as a child, I liked barbershop quartets. And a good cantor is a pleasure. The voice as the sole instrument in a musical piece makes me happy :-) I am annoyed with the 'guitar riffs' that many enjoy... just get back to the *words*, please!

I'm not very familiar with Y-Studs, and their style. I do enjoy both the Maccabeats and Six13. Six13, especially, is quite diverse in their ability to mimic a variety of musical styles, which, as a lover of musicals, and an 'oldies' person, I appreciate. 'That Shabbos Feeling' is very upbeat, and it's so much fun to watch the video, and see people all over the world celebrating family and friends, and appreciating a well-deserved rest from the work done all week.

No, I don't have a favorite singer, but as with many groups, the whole is generally much better than any individual probably would be, on their own.

Reply #85. Jun 10 24, 10:14 PM
OMG, Postie, it's so cool to find another fan!!! My BFF dubbed me as a SixThirtqueen, which I think is perfect!

I agree, Six13 is the best of the three bands. My favorite song by them is "Era-lution of Taylor Swift (Chanukah's Version)" although I adore and know all their songs by heart. They released an ABBA parody two months ago, and I was literally so excited I lost sleep over it! (Of course I watched the premiere, I was logged on to Youtube an hour in advance).

I refer to myself now as the resident SixThirtqueen, Y-Stargirl, and Macca-fangirl!

(I promise not to let this obsession get crazy outside of my blog.)

Reply #86. Jun 11 24, 7:30 PM

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