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Subject: Where would you like to live?

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Aug 13 08

I'm perfectly happy living in the city which I call home, but if I wasn't able for some reason to live here, I would like to live in Toronto (to be nearer to my son), in my childhood home, Machynlleth in Wales, or in the beautiful city of Hereford in the UK.

Where would you like to live, other than your present location?

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I would like to live maybe somewhere in Japan because the culture is so diverse.

Reply #1. Aug 13 08, 7:58 PM
Twodeez star
Hopefully, in about 11-12 years time I'll be living in Sant Feliu de Guíxols in Catalonia. I'll be looking to relax while I'm still fit and able to enjoy life. My language skills are coming on well. Failing Sant Feliu, I think it will be one of the Canary Islands like Tenerife or Lanzarote. It's quicker to fly to Spain than it is to get to London by train, so, if I hold onto a property, I can always dash back if I like.

Looking forward to getting my state pension in Spain in 24 years time.

Wonder if I'll qualify for the cold weather payments :)

Only kidding.

Reply #2. Aug 13 08, 8:46 PM
EllieBo star

player avatar
I am more than happy to be living exactly where I am in Northern Ireland - it's such a beautiful country - well named as the Emerald Isle (helped by all the rain we've had today)!

Reply #3. Aug 16 08, 2:52 PM
honeybee4 star
If I were young enough to enjoy it, I would love to live in Eireland or Scotland.

Reply #4. Aug 16 08, 3:38 PM
For me, I love US and Sweden as my choices for my second country. But I am now residing in the Philippines, though.

Reply #5. Aug 17 08, 4:47 PM
Percytherat star
Aberystwyth - may be going there soon

Reply #6. Aug 17 08, 5:13 PM
borddog star

player avatar
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington D.C. I think I could get some tihngs done there.

Reply #7. Aug 19 08, 6:52 PM
borddog star

player avatar
Or perhaps the Hamptons.

Reply #8. Aug 19 08, 6:56 PM
I would like to live somewhere warm, but not humid. Not even so much for the weather, though, as for the relaxed attitude. Northern European culture is way too uptight sometimes.

Reply #9. Aug 20 08, 4:26 AM
The Greeks certainly know how to live a chilled lifestyle and are nothing like their AR northern European fellows.

Yes, DD, you do still get your £200 winter fuel payment wherever in the world you live.

Surprised you want to retire to a nasty EC

Think I would prefer to live in Southern Germany - warm summers, great skiing in the winter and clean and well regulated with a decent health service (as long as the money doesnt run out). OH can draw his German pension, English pension and me mine - housing is much cheaper, so all in all a pretty good place to retire.
Can't stand the extreme heat, droughts, forest fires and tourists you get in southern Europe. Lovely in the winter, but hell int he summer.

Reply #10. Aug 20 08, 4:37 AM
Twodeez star
I'd say Catalonia is one of the best places in Europe Sherry, not like the nasty big bullying places.

For instance, it still retains it's traditions and culture, Britain didn't.

It still has democracy, bar owners decide what goes on in their own property, can't do that in Britain.

It still has discipline, policemen not afraid to use the tools they are given to protect members of the public and themselves, British police will be repremanded for doing so.

Just a couple of reasons why I'd like to live in Catalonia, or should I say, will live in Catalonia.

I hope from this day until then, it doesn't change, unless the majority want it to.

Sorry, no LOL's from me.

Reply #11. Aug 20 08, 9:39 PM
TheRambler star

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If I had the money I would retire to the highlands of Scotland just now. I don't, so I'll just have to be patient. Then I'll buy a nice big house, with a nice big garden and good central heating! I'll get a few more dogs and me and my husband will spend our days walking the dogs and eating lots of good Scotch Broth and big Steak Pies!

Reply #12. Aug 23 08, 8:24 AM
mjws1968 star

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Iceland between March and September, and the Algarve for the other six months. I am not a fan of the cold or crowds and so you avoid both in both places at those times. Wonderful.

Reply #13. Aug 24 08, 11:42 AM
I'm not sure if I'd want to live there, but I've always wanted to visit Spain. Who knows, if I end up liking it as much as I want to go there, I may stay.

Reply #14. Aug 24 08, 12:27 PM
sherry75 star
Oh my goodness, I thought you said Catatonia... a big lol from me.

Reply #15. Aug 24 08, 12:47 PM
Though most people would probably not agree, my ideal place to live would have to be Kentucky. I have visited there several times and find the land to be just beautiful, the people are so down to earth and mannerly, and life down there is just less stressful than here in Illinois.

Reply #16. Sep 10 08, 10:10 PM
Dee30 star

player avatar
Home is where your heart is. We live in a small town and
feel comfortable here however our economy has been getting
such that lots of folks are moving away. Therfore we may
want to relocate closer to our children for security reasons. Arkansas is a beautiful state, we live in the pine
forest area. We have lived in NM and Texas and they are beautiful but lacks the green we are used to.

Reply #17. Oct 30 08, 9:46 AM
I Have To Say Gatlinburg Tennessee Heart of the Great Smoky Mountains

Reply #18. Nov 12 08, 10:55 PM
Honestly, I don't know. I loved seeing ND when we were there years ago, but I couldn't handle the winters. I love Georgia, but the summers are insane if you have allergies and asthma both. I love Virginia and Wisconsin and Michigan, and I'd love to see more of the world, but I'll always come home to my family.

Reply #19. Nov 21 08, 10:54 AM
I don't really mind. Somewhere cold since I'm used to it.

Reply #20. Dec 04 08, 5:35 PM

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