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Subject: What Is Your Town/City Like?

Posted by: AvrilBDT
Date: Jul 18 09

Mine is a small and quiet town, where everybody knows everybody and everybody's buisness. What's yours' like?

27 replies. On page 2 of 2 pages. 1 2
I really don't know that many people in my town as i went to school in York and the people i had met in the past have moved on. Most of the people are friendy enough if not quite nosey at times. Where i live and the traffic is awful too many cars and it's not a big town either they could easily walk the distances they drive.It has one of the lowest crime rates in the country as far as thefts are concerned i have never had a break in before. The night life isn't great though and there isn't much at all for young people to do so you see the congregating on a night can be intimidating at times.

Reply #21. Oct 25 09, 10:54 AM
Hermit007 star

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Well this place is so small we don't even have sidewalks. Population according to the sign is 900. No stop lights either. 2 gas stations, 4 motels, two which close for the winter, and 2 closed and for sale. The hub of commerce is the liquor store. One chip stand which only the tourists eat at, (we locals know better). You can see a lot of deer and bears at times. Fishing isn't bad. It's a nice and quiet place!

Reply #22. Jun 19 10, 3:37 PM
trojan11 star

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Santa Ana, El Salvador. Hot, dusty, busy, dangerous. I wouldn't change it for the world. Surrounding area; mountains, volcanoes, lush green plantations, beautiful lakes.

Reply #23. Jun 19 10, 4:05 PM
I live in a suburb smack in the middle. Ft Lauderdale (South FL) is about 30 miles south of me and West Palm beach is about 30 miles north of me. No, everyone is not in your business and I want to keep it that way. When I meet a friend who knows another friend that I know, I think WoW it's a small world. I feel like a minority because 90% of the people are either Hatian or Spanish. I like South FL because it's right near the beach. All the snow birds come here in the winter because of the whether.

Reply #24. Jun 19 10, 4:31 PM
My city is so, so wonderful. We have 130,000 residents, but more people work here in Bellevue, than live here. It is where I began my adult life. Bellevue is a major business center, as most people know. There are many tech and software companies, including the obvious, here; a major downtown center with dozens of skyscrapers; very friendly people; a strong sense of community; and physical beauty unlike anywhere. The cherries are nearly ready to pick; such blue skies; and Seattle is just 8 miles away. Most people are concerned about the environment, and helping others.

Reply #25. Jun 22 10, 9:53 PM
blindcat78 star

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My town is a medium size town that is always changing to make life for it's citizens more enjoyable.

Reply #26. Jun 23 10, 7:27 AM
frosty123 star

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Minot,ND, is small in stature. Quiet and polite people most of the time, but once it gets close to the state fair and the hostfest, is when the weird occurrence of accidents and public displays of drunkenness come out. Other than that, it is mostly quiet and quite peaceful, as long as a person stays sober, that is.

Reply #27. Sep 22 17, 9:12 AM

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