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Subject: Women, Which Man Would You Choose?

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Apr 02 10

Here's the premise, ladies. Looking back over the the aeons of human history does any historic male strike you as being a good choice for a life partner. If so, who and why?

I would not object if Sir Philip Sidney showed up on my doorstep with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates. Think of all the lovely poetry I could have dedicated to my eyes and other attributes. Not to mention the fact that for a man of his time, Philip was relatively civilized.

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Creedy star

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Lol, Cyndonia, I just love that expression.

Reply #21. Aug 14 10, 8:51 PM
TheRambler star

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Aye, Rob Roy McGregor would do me fine. Or William Wallace, now there's a man. The thing is the real Rob Roy and William Wallace were quite ugly brutes and looked nothing like Liam Neeson and Mel Gibson!

Reply #22. Feb 20 11, 8:29 AM
gracie3 star

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Charles II,always likes his easy going way with women...

Reply #23. Feb 20 11, 10:01 AM
Wild Bill Hickok, please.;)

Reply #24. Feb 20 11, 11:07 AM
Godwit star

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Rodin (the drama, the trauma of the romantic artiste!).

Then when I'm old enough to know better, Norman Borlaug (Founder of the Green Revolution, increasing crop yields in developing countries). Guys who like dirt and plants are rugged, but appreciate gentler things, like the stars. And so, perhaps their wives.

I might go with Nebuchadnezzar. My own hanging gardens, and all. :)

Lots of fun to consider. And read your answers.

Reply #25. Mar 05 11, 9:57 PM
Godwit star

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The men's twin to this question reminds me why I never want to be a fly on the wall in a men's locker room. It's a little frightening over there. But it their place so I said nothing.

Is there a man in history famous for his respectful, warm, supportive treatment of women, or a woman?

There's enough famous for the opposite.

I would like to have been married with an intelligent, visionary man who wanted my own ambitions and happiness achieved as much or more than he wanted his own. I know there were such men. But perhaps not so many.

Reply #26. Mar 05 11, 10:17 PM
sooz888 star
My choice varies with whatever historical novel I'm reading at the time - Currently, 'Burning Bright,' by Tracy Chevalier. I reckon William Blake was a good bet - Original mind, focused on his work, but devoted to his wife, Catherine.

Reply #27. Mar 10 13, 9:56 AM
Mixamatosis star

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None I'm sorry to say because they all treated women as inferiors until the 20th century.

Reply #28. Jul 21 15, 10:30 AM
Creedy star

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I've reassessed my choices.

As long as they had a bath every day and had clean fingernails, and didn't have the pox, I'd like any of the following:

- Charles II of England (great sense of humour)
- President Jefferson from the States (excellent mind, an inventor of sorts, humble enough to wear pyjamas to the front door of the White House)
- Mozart (his musical abilities were breathtaking, his arias exquisite)
- Albert Einstein (Brilliant mind, humble, great sense of humour)
- Prince Charles of England (for his love and design of gardens, his love and maintenance of historical homes and furniture, his knowledge of English history, and his sense of humour)
- Chopin (so he could play his beautiful piano music for me)
- Andre Rieu (so he could play his violin for me)
- Mark Twain (excellent biting sense of humour)
- Michio Kaku (for his futuristic vision and science discussions)
- Benjamin Carson (to give fascinating lectures on neurosurgery and the potential of the brain)
- William Shatner (he makes me laugh like crazy)
- Any of the writers of the assorted "Star Trek" series
- And a cook

Reply #29. Jun 03 16, 9:49 PM
Mommakat star

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Andre Rieu would be my choice, however no one could ever match my late first husband....LOL

Reply #30. Jun 04 16, 2:03 AM

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