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Subject: Grade the kings and queens

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Jun 01 10

Assign grades of A, B, C, D, E, F to rulers throughout history. Let's confine this to absolute monarchs, not the emasculated constitutional monarchs of the present-day or the past 200 years. Here's my list:

A - Queen Elizabeth I. Probably the best absolute monarch ever to sit on England's throne. She managed to maintain peace in her realm and in her international alliances. Honorable mentions to Alfred the Great, William I, Edward I and Edward III

B - Richard III. Too bad he had only a short run as king. He was well on his way to proving himself to be one of the better sort.

C - Charles II. No great shakes as a king, but at least he cheered everyone up after 11 dismal years with Cromwell running the show.

D - Charles I. Hadn't a clue on how to share power. No wonder he lost his head. unner-up: Louis XVI, who hadn't a clue as to why the French Revolution came about.

E - Henry VIII. Probably the most selfish, self-centred person to occupy England's throne, although Richard II runs him a close second, along with Mary Queen of Scots.

F - It's crowded in this file. Take your pick - Caligula, Nero, Richard I, John, Louis XIV, and many others.

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brm50Diboll. The implication of what you are saying, if I've interpreted your words correctly, is that in the USA congressmen, senate, can be more connected to what their local voters think than to what their party leaders think. That may be good for democracy - more democratic. MPs in the UK system can sometimes go with the views of their local voters and local party rather than the party leadership, particularly if they have a slender majority and wish to be re-elected at the next election, but you are probably right in suggesting that party discipline is generally stronger in the UK. If MPs are ambitious to become Ministers, that promotion usually only happens if they follow party discipline. I mentioned Ireland earlier because they have a mix of Parliamentary and Presidential systems with a Prime Minister and the President acting more in a monarch type role without the trappings and the heredity aspects of that. These are all variations of democratic models but each has its pros and cons. There probably is no perfect system.

Reply #61. Oct 11 17, 7:17 PM

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