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Subject: Imagine you'd been on the Titanic....

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Jul 04 12

Imagine you'd been a passenger on the Titanic's maiden voyage. Do you think you would have survived?

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Picture this: You're one of those passengers who knows their chances of survival are slim. You want to write a final goodbye letter to your family. What would you write? Here's mine:

To my special little family,
If you're reading this then it means I'm gone. Titanic is sinking and there's not much time left. I know you'll be saddened by my death but I want you to know that I gave my life so that others would have a chance. I'm proud to call you my family. Goodbye and love always.

Reply #21. Sep 30 13, 10:02 PM
Aussiedrongo star
To whom it may concern.

Please don't let James Cameron make a movie about this!

Reply #22. Oct 02 13, 11:25 PM
brm50diboll star

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No. I probably would've been in steerage.

Reply #23. Dec 02 13, 7:49 AM
Creedy star

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I would have survived for sure. Would have pushed everyone out of the way to get to the boats :)

Although I do hate the cold. It may have done me in.

Reply #24. Jan 18 14, 11:23 PM
Qmel star

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No, because I don't know how to swim.

Reply #25. Mar 04 14, 6:29 PM
mountaingoat star

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I have often wondered Creedy how many of us see ourselves as Seinfeld when in fact deep down we are George Contanza.

Reply #26. Mar 08 14, 10:45 PM
I would have hoped to have been "upper class" so I could have gotten on a life boat, it was horrifying. I've watched the James Cameron movie countless times. So sad.

Reply #27. Apr 15 15, 9:01 PM
If I had been in "steerage", I would have hoped to have been in my cabin in bed to pray myself to sleep and go in peace.

Reply #28. Apr 15 15, 9:03 PM
boxjaw star

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If I was in steerage I would have definitely tried to get to a lifeboat. If that didn't work I probably would have died of exposure in the water and not have gone to the bottom in my cabin. Of course. Those were different times.

Reply #29. May 13 15, 12:40 PM
13LuckyLady star

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Swimming is more like splashing and I cannot bear extreme cold. The clothing women worn then would have taken me to Davy Jones locker.

I would try to help those who had a chance to survive.

Then I would go down with the ship.

Reply #30. May 13 15, 1:08 PM
13LuckyLady star

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where did that come from


Reply #31. May 13 15, 1:17 PM
daver852 star

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I would have headed for the First Class Lounge and broken out a few bottles of the good stuff.

Reply #32. May 13 15, 2:04 PM
13LuckyLady star

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Oh, that is a wonderful idea!

May I join you?

Reply #33. May 13 15, 2:43 PM
Whether or not you could swim wouldn't have really mattered. I once saw a television series called 'The True Story'. One episode pitted the 1997 Titanic movie against the actual sinking. An experiment was done to see how well the human body coped with being in very cold water. The result: even though you would eventually die, you'd be better off keeping still rather than swimming because swimming would lower your body temperature, meaning you catch hypothermia faster.

Reply #34. Jun 05 15, 12:37 AM
C30 star

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As a seaman (as opposed to an Engineer, or Steward), I may well have been on watch when she hit Iceberg. If crew was anything like RN, in an emergency first on scene deals with it.....thus would quite possibly have been crewing one of the lifeboats anyhow and as such stand a good chance of surviving (provided it didn't capsize whilst being lowered).

Reply #35. Jun 24 15, 1:16 AM
dellastreet star
My father was, like his father before him, a chief engineer in the British merchant navy. Had he been on the Titanic he would most definitely have gone down with the ship.

Reply #36. Jun 24 15, 1:42 AM
Check out this story I just found.

Apparently (according to new research), a fire burned undetected in Titanic's hull for almost three weeks, causing significant damage to the exact area that would later collide with the iceberg.

Reply #37. Jan 01 17, 11:39 PM
Mixamatosis star

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If I'd been on the Titanic, though a woman, I would have been in steerage, so I'd have gone down. I can swim but I agree with those who say that would not be much advantage in the icy waters. Also I've found in recent years that swimming in very cold water brings on my asthma which would hinder me. I can't imagine writing to my family in those circumstances. I would probably have been travelling with my closest family, but if not I'd still probably be in a panicked state unable to concentrate on anything but how to get out or survive.

Reply #38. Jan 03 17, 6:13 AM
Creedy star

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To be on the Titanic in the first place, I'd insist on being very wealthy. Pooh-pooh to being poor. So I probably would have survived in a lifeboat, wearing my very expensive fur coat to keep warm. It's not pleasant to think of the alternative.

Such a tragedy it was. The end of an era and the old way of life really, before the fast approaching WWI. I guess the Titanic was symbolic of that great societal change.

Reply #39. Oct 17 17, 1:14 AM
C30 star

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ElusiveDream........Even if true, IMO, would not make the slightest difference, as no mercantile ship ever built would be capable of whacking into a huge iceberg at 20 knots plus, and surviving. A heavily armoured Battleship, with countless water tight compartments, MIGHT have survived such an encounter....MIGHT...but TITANIC was no Battleship.

Reply #40. Feb 21 19, 6:33 AM

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