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Subject: Malasian Air Flight 370

Posted by: paulmallon
Date: Mar 17 14

Theories of what happened to this plane have been flooding the airways for about 10 days.
What do you think happened to it and its passengers?

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I think the airliner was picked up by a VERY large UFO and taken to another galaxy, far far away!! But seriously, has anyone else seen the story on Yahoo that features Courtney Love's theory on where the airliner is? Unfortunately, I'm NOT making this up.

Reply #1. Mar 17 14, 9:39 PM
MiraJane star

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Unfortunately, I think it crashed into the water.

Reply #2. Mar 17 14, 10:17 PM
I agree with MiraJane. I think it crashed into the ocean & that is why it hasn't been found yet. I'm hoping that isn't the case & that the passengers will be found unharmed but it's not very likely, unfortunately. :(

Reply #3. Mar 17 14, 11:06 PM
paulmallon star

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rockinsteve: I saw it, and feel compelled to share it:-)

Love posted an image on her Facebook page of a body of water with the words "Oil" and "Plane" crudely drawn in Microsoft Paint with respective arrows drawn on the image.

"I'm no expert but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick," wrote Love. "Prayers go out to the families #MH370 and its [sic] like a mile away Pulau Perak, where they 'last' tracked it 5°39'08.5"N 98°50'38.0"E but what do I know?" (Now THAT'S a good question)!

Reply #4. Mar 18 14, 2:57 PM
Maybe it's not a question of WHERE the airliner is, but WHEN. Theoretically, time travel IS possible, but not probable. Then again, it's also theoretically possible that the Cubs will win the World Series sometime in the future and that Kid Rock does possess SOME kind of talent. Anyway, I always like to think that ANYTHING is possible!

Reply #5. Mar 20 14, 8:29 PM
paulmallon star

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I agree with most of what you say, but...the CUBS???

Reply #6. Mar 20 14, 8:42 PM
daver852 star

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What is most mysterious is that none of the passengers made a cell phone call, and the crew did not send a disress signal. This would seem to indicate a sudden, catastrophic event, but the plane was in the air for hours after veering off course.

Reply #7. Mar 20 14, 9:09 PM
rredman95 star

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I'd give a lot more credence to time travel than the Cubbiess!

Reply #8. Mar 20 14, 9:36 PM
rredman95 star

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I'd come closer to believing time travel than the Cubbies!

Reply #9. Mar 20 14, 9:37 PM
Mommakat star

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Well the latest reports say that the Australian Airforce has discovered the wreckage in the southern Indian ocean, thousands of miles off its proper course. Why it would be there is still a big question and to me is rather suspicious and smacks of terrorism. An experienced pilot could never be that far off course without a good reason.

Reply #10. Mar 21 14, 12:11 AM
MiraJane star

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The only good thing I see from this tragedy is that several countries are working together to find out what happened to the plane.

Reply #11. Mar 21 14, 12:48 AM
From what I've heard this morning, the Malaysian government have received new flight data which apparently confirms that the plane has crashed in the Southern Indian Ocean and it appears they've started relaying the news on to the friends and families of the passengers and crew. They're also more closely investigating one of the major theories into the crash: pilot suicide.

Reply #12. Mar 24 14, 7:01 PM
I think it flew threw a "time rip", like in the Stephen King short story "The Langoliers". Unfortunately, I think we may never know what really happened to the plane and its passengers.

Reply #13. Apr 17 14, 6:08 AM
daver852 star

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I've heard about the pilot suicide theory, but if you want to off yourself, why on earth would you want to take the lives of hundreds of innocent people along with your own? And why didn't the co-pilot intervene? And what was the purpose of changing the flight plan? It would have been just as easy to crash the plane right after takeoff.

Reply #14. Apr 17 14, 8:13 AM
mehaul star
Think not Suicide but Pseudocide, the faking of your death. In that scenario you would want the plane sunk in the deepest ocean so no proof of death (a body) can be found leaving the authorities to conclude you'd been on the crashed plane. It also links to the plane dropping to 4,000 ft, so someone could safely jump out with a parachute.

Reply #15. Apr 17 14, 10:26 AM
mehaul star
May I add that I think a better target to be looking for as a first retrieval, both in ability to find it and the wealth of information it would contain , is the nose of the plane with the cockpit and flight deck. The idea of saving data about plane performance was all done before the computer revolution. In those early days they monitored aircraft performance and then added pilot input data. Later came the cockpit voice recorders when it was found that determining the actual decision making process in crisis situations was valuable to know what happened in disasters. With the computer revolution, which definitely hasn't bypassed the airline industry, has put a big footprint in the instrumentation of the flight deck. All the commands by the pilot go through a type of kindle/tABLET AND THEN IS TRANSMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATESYSTEM WHEN THE PILOT ENTERS 'EXECUTE'(sorry about the cap locks - see commands are stored on a flash drive type of scratch pad before heading off to the appropriate destination). All the entered commands probably up to a thousand of them, are resident on that drive. Retriev e those EPROM computer chips and you'll have most of the commands that are on the black box media. Only the nose of the plane will be a lot easier to find than a square foot box in the silt. Yes, that center console of the flight deck is chock full of valuable data.

Reply #16. Apr 17 14, 5:28 PM
mehaul star
More memory sources on that aircraft: passengers' cell phones. Many may have typed text messages into their devices that didn't make it to a cell tower. But what they typed should still be in their memory chips.

Reply #17. Apr 17 14, 6:39 PM
mehaul star
I haven't heard anyone suggest robbery as a motive for what happened. Knocking everyone out with the climb to 40,000ft and then rifling their possessions would bring a couple of hundred thousand off 300 passengers. Was there a known currier service that frequented that flight with diamonds, other jewels or financial bonds? After collecting the booty the crook(s) jumped out at 4,000 ft and made their escape. What was the purpose of those false identity passport holders again? Getting a new identity? wouldn't that need some kind of funding? Did they have parachuting experience? What was the financial situation with the aeronautical engineer that was on board? He would know how to program the flight management system.

Reply #18. Apr 19 14, 4:14 AM
It seems we may finally know what happened to Flight MH370. Apparently, debris believed to belong to the plane, has been found washed up on Reunion Island near Madagascar. It's been sent to France for testing.

Reply #19. Aug 01 15, 11:00 PM
Most of us have probably been expecting this news. It's been confirmed that wreckage washed up on Reunion Island is from Flight MH370. Now it's just a matter of figuring out exactly what happened and why the plane crashed.

Reply #20. Aug 06 15, 12:05 AM

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