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Subject: Baby On Board the Underground

Posted by: 13LuckyLady
Date: Nov 02 15

Imagine being entitled to a seat on the Underground due to being pregnant and a fellow commuter demands proof of 'the baby'.


Times have really changed and not for the better.

Does anyone remember a time when someone needed a seat, they were offered one with a smile instead of a scowl and demands of PROOF?

Kindness has been replaced with contempt and derision.

9 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
supersal1 star
My oldest daughter is pregnant and is supposed to carry her ante-natal records with her at all times. It's a shame that the lady didn't have hers on her, she could have proved it then!

It may be that the man concerned didn't understand the 'baby on board' concept - perhaps he thought it meant if you were carrying a baby (not in the pregnancy sense). I notice that he intervened because another lady went to take the seat and perhaps he couldn't understand why the woman in question had priority - the badge is quite small after all.

Or he may just be a bit of a git!

I'm afraid I don't remember a time when seats were given up willingly. My friend suffered from a very severe curvature of the spine when she was younger and underwent major surgery. She had to go up to Great Ormond Street Hospital for check-ups and her mother was constantly told off for letting my friend sit down instead of giving up her seat for an adult. This was around 45 years ago.

Reply #1. Nov 02 15, 9:12 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
When did it become the business of everyone if a woman was actually pregnant or not?

"My oldest daughter is pregnant and is supposed to carry her ante-natal records with her at all times."

Why? To provide medical information in case of emergency? To prove to others she is really, actually, truthfully, honestly, with child?

Being pregnant is supposed to be beautiful in spite of morning sickness, weight gain, endless questions, people wanting to touch your belly for luck. It is not to be fraught with insecure people who believe they have the right to demand you PROVE you are pregnant.

The man should carry proof he is really a man. From his attitude, it is questionable.

Reply #2. Nov 02 15, 9:24 AM
postcards2go star

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In the first trimester - which is usually before the pregnancy 'shows' - a woman is most prone to morning sickness (which happens at all times of the day). It would behoove anyone to give up their seat, rather than have a not-showing yet, 1st trimester, pregnant lady standing over them :-0

Reply #3. Nov 02 15, 9:43 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
From discussions with others, it seems to stem from people thinking everyone lies.

Rather than fall for a lie, like someone stating they are pregnant when not, many people prefer to demand and attack than just go on faith.

If someone lies to me, that's on them and not on me.

I would rather give up my seat and allow someone who needs a seat to receive one than to be unfeeling toward another person.

Reply #4. Nov 02 15, 9:59 AM
postcards2go star

player avatar
Your last line says it all:

"I would rather give up my seat and allow someone who needs a seat to receive one than to be unfeeling toward another person."

Reply #5. Nov 02 15, 10:41 AM
Jabberwok star

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Of course, many of us have probably had the experience of offering a seat on a crowded tube to a pregnant lady, only to find out that she isn't.
And now she's furious with you and stands and glares at you for the rest of the journey.

I've done a lot of travelling on the underground, pregnant and/or with small children. I've only ever had kindness and consideration and help, including one chap that helped me with a buggy and a toddler up and down several flights of stairs, who then got back on the train as he lived at the other end of the line and was too much of a gent to say so.

Reply #6. Nov 02 15, 1:46 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
If she glares at you for the rest of the journey, at least her view will be a beautiful one....unlike the scowl she would be giving.

Reply #7. Nov 02 15, 1:52 PM
supersal1 star
She's supposed to carry her medical records with her in case of emergency. Not too inconvenient, a medium rucksuck covers it!

The cynic in my wonders how many people will be purchasing themselves one of these badges now after all the publicity.

Reply #8. Nov 02 15, 10:38 PM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
If a guy is wearing one, odds are he is NOT pregnant.

I'll bet at least one guy

Reply #9. Nov 03 15, 6:55 AM

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