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Subject: Funny Police Story

Posted by: wwe84
Date: Nov 26 15

I've just read this funny police story of what happen a week ago when police were called to a house in Sydney cause there were reports of a man & woman screaming but when you read this story at the link below it is funny


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wwe84 star

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Ok right address this time

Reply #1. Nov 26 15, 9:38 AM
rockinsteve star

player avatar
Thanks for the link. That's a very funny story!

Reply #2. Nov 26 15, 6:15 PM
Creedy star

player avatar
Sounds like me. I called the fire brigade last year to get rid of one once. It was HUGE, bigger than my hand - and it kept trying to jump on me.

I hate spiders.

Here's an image of one on a toilet seat.

Reply #3. Jan 03 16, 11:32 PM
Mommakat star

player avatar
I would have died of fright Creedy, spiders are the one thing that freak me out and one that big I would not be able to cope with.

Reply #4. Jan 03 16, 11:53 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Creedy I know you're up north but you're seriously pulling my leg! *lol*

At the same time I'd want to run faced with 'that', I'd be looking over my shoulder waiting to be ambushed.

Do you reckon you could harness train it?!

Reply #5. Jan 03 16, 11:54 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Hilarious, WWE.
Nice change for the boys in blue. I can only imagine how sheepish the bloke was!

Reply #6. Jan 03 16, 11:55 PM
C30 star

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Absolutely true story:-

I was heading home after visiting friends, it was about 0100 in morning, and the local Constabulary, feeling bored that time of night, decided to flag me down.
Conversation went along these lines:-

"Good morning Sir, is this your vehicle, and have you been drinking"?
Sometimes my sense of humour will get me in trouble!
"Let me put this to you Officer, I have not been drinking, thus am stone cold sober..........Now if you were stone cold sober, and looking to steal a car, would YOU pick a Reliant Robin"? (3 wheeler)
Policeman cracked up laughing!

Reply #7. Jan 04 16, 1:17 AM
Mommakat star

player avatar
I think I can top that....30 years ago when I moved to this town it was a sleepy laid back sort of place. So to get into the swing of things I joined, at the suggestion of a neighbor, the local Weight watchers group. Each Monday night we went from 7 till 8. One Monday night driving back home with two other members in the car we rounded a corner and there at a crosswalk in the CBD was a constable with a torch and flagged us down. I wound down the window. "Good evening Madam", he began, "have you had anything to drink tonight"....."Don't be silly" I replied, "we've just come from the Weight Watchers meeting". With that he waved us on without further ado. The next week we rounded the corner and there he was again (remember this was a small town in those days). I stopped, wound down the window and the same question was put to me. I gave the same answer and recognition dawned in his face so he waved us on. The third week one of the members had her 70th birthday so came to the meeting with a cake and two containers ( a sort of plastic box affair) of white wine called Fruiti Lexia, so all could have a birthday celebration with her. I had one drink but was warned by one of my passengers that our Police constable could be in place again. I pooh-poohed it. Surely not three weeks in a row in the same spot. We left for home. Rounded the corner and there he was. one of my passengers said, "Oh hell, you're gone". I stopped wound down the window. He walked up and began, "Good evening Madam - Oh you again, - on your way" and waved us on. The following week we again rounded the corner and he was nowhere to be seen. One of my passengers quipped he probably gave it a miss in case we invited him to join Weight Watchers.....LOL

Reply #8. Jan 04 16, 2:19 AM
Creedy star

player avatar
Tough not the demon drink, Mommakat :)

It's true, March Hare - the biggest, most hideous one I've ever seen in my life. And they JUMP on you. Even the Fire Brigade man looked a bit wary.

Spiders gives me the creeps. Not the little ones, I don't try to kill those poor little things, but those big hairy things are a horror. There seems to be a lot around here.

Oh erky, my toes are starting to twitch - must check under the desk

Reply #9. Jan 04 16, 6:13 PM
Creedy star

player avatar
I think that's a trick photo though. If they were that big, I'd have to use a potty instead. This is more their size:

Reply #10. Jan 04 16, 6:21 PM
Creedy star

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(And that man has to be insane)

Reply #11. Jan 04 16, 6:21 PM
MiraJane star

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He's. ...... Smiling at it!
Well, I guess it's his best friend and closest relationship.

Reply #12. Jan 04 16, 6:40 PM
MiraJane star

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Creedy, I just looked at the one on the toilet seat. If I found something like that in my bathroom, I would shut the door, call 911, board up the house, have it declared uninhabitable.

Oh wait ....

Reply #13. Jan 04 16, 6:42 PM
Mommakat star

player avatar
As Creedy says, he has to be insane. Having been bitten by a redback several years ago, the resultant pain and trauma has made me very careful, very wary, and a hater of all spiders no matter what size.

Reply #14. Jan 04 16, 8:30 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

So painful Mommakat. :(

But here's what you need for spider control. A Waspinator. We have a few of these around here. They are pretty awesome to watch in action.

Reply #15. Jan 06 16, 12:16 AM

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