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Subject: Random acts of kindness

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Mar 27 16

Have you ever performed an act of kindness towards either an animal or another person? If you have, please tell us about it.

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HairyBear star

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Too many to count. Never anything as dramatic as removing a thorn from a lion's paw, but I have extracted a sandspur from a dog's paw.

Reply #1. Apr 01 16, 12:32 PM
rayven80 star

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I helped a girl change her tire yesterday. I was having a crap day, wondering why we keep playing the same useless game every day and stopped to get gas. She came in and asked if anyone knew how to change a tire and I said yes. Honestly it made me feel a lot better.

Reply #2. Apr 01 16, 5:55 PM
Blark14 star

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I have taken in and nursed several abandoned animals.

Reply #3. Apr 12 16, 9:02 PM
Mixamatosis star

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I forget my random acts of kindness but I don't forget those received from others.

Reply #4. Jul 26 16, 1:40 PM
Quite a few years back, I was leaving the local Walmart parking lot when I saw an elderly man standing in the hot sun holding a sign that announced he was down on his luck & would work for food. He also had a dog with him. I drove across the street to a convenience store & bought the man & his dog some food & beverages. I handed him the food along with a $20 bill. He was so overcome with emotion that he started to cry. I've heard that a lot of people pretend they are poor just so they can cheat other people but I could tell he was truly needing some help. He sat right down & he & his dog were eating as soon as I handed him the food! I was so glad that I was in the right place at the right time to help a suffering human being & animal. I help whenever I can. I also make donations to charities when I can.

Reply #5. Jul 26 16, 3:00 PM
I carry spare lighters around with me and when someone asks me for a light, i can say keep it. Many smiles and thanks received for a very small thing.

Reply #6. May 24 19, 4:33 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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I try to do nice things for others as often as I can, just because I was raised that way. I've looked after several sick and injured birds, and once I spotted a little toad that had just come out of brumation and was so thin his skin was stretched tight over his tiny bones. I took him home, set him up in a spare viv and fed him store-bought crickets until he was fat and lively, then put him back exactly where I found him.
But; my husband is the real hero. Every year when it snows, he digs out the driveway of every single house in our cul-de-sac without saying a word about it to anyone. All our neighbors just wake up to find their paths miraculously clear.

Reply #7. May 24 19, 11:51 PM
THartmann9374 star

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I opened doors for strangers.

Reply #8. Sep 26 19, 4:52 AM
bananapeel39 star

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Going into evening, my new neighbor from across the street came over to tell me our garage door was open. I thought that was nice because we had never met.

Reply #9. Jan 13 21, 6:49 AM

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There was a woman and her little girl asking for money on the street. My mom gave them 40 dollars and the woman started kissing my mom's hands.

Reply #10. Jan 17 23, 6:18 PM
Why should I be kind to people anyway?

Reply #11. Jan 25 23, 11:25 AM

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AJ_Cooper.......I am ashamed of you.

Reply #12. Jan 29 23, 8:18 PM
Radom acts of kindness are lame!

Reply #13. Feb 22 23, 9:35 AM
Cymruambyth star

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RAOKs are a way of paying it forward, and that's the best way to lift one's own spirits..

Reply #14. Aug 06 23, 5:15 PM
MiraJane star

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I've always felt these are the type of things that yes, tell about a few of them now and again, but in general it's best simply better to do them on a quiet, regular basis rather than brag about "Hey! Look at me and what a great person I am for doing this kind thing for a stranger!"

I don't like the asking for praise behavior our culture has fallen into.

Reply #15. Aug 06 23, 7:31 PM
Catreona star

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Seems to me, if you don't see the point of kindness, maybe you don't deserve to receive it.

I agree with Mira that one is not kind, considerate and thoughtful for bragging rights, but because it's the right thing to do. At the same time, I for one find it inspirational to read anecdotes like the ones on this thread. There's so much hatred in the world, it's heartening to hear about goodness and love once in a while.

Reply #16. Aug 17 23, 3:26 PM
MrNobody97 star

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I only just found this thread and how I wish I'd seen it sooner -- what a really nice idea. A lot of really good-hearted folk here on FT, and I couldn't agree more with the sentiments about finding (and sharing) good or uplifting news or stories. You can get depressed just from watching the nightly news -- they always highlight what's gone awry in the world. It's not good to be constantly hearing about all that ... stuff.

Reply #17. Oct 27 23, 10:38 PM
This is a nice thread.

Reply #18. Oct 28 23, 9:14 AM
Qmel star

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As I post this, November 13 is World Kindness Day.

Reply #19. Nov 13 23, 3:10 PM
Why is that even a day?

We need to have a day where we can be mean to people!

Reply #20. Mar 13 24, 2:21 PM

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