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Subject: Thoughts on Bali as a holiday place

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Aug 21 16

I went to Bali with my family last year, and even though there were some things that I enjoyed, Bali didn't seem to be as wonderful as everyone says it is.

Have you ever been to Bali? If you have, what did you think of this place?

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aliceinw star

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I've been to Bali a few times now passing through. Although I think it is beautiful in places nature wise - the stress I've had through being overcharged has influenced my view - okay I know I won't get local rate but there is a balance. If its your one time in Indonesia - it does sell beer, it's a little bit more Westernised than the other islands and I still have a soft spot for Padang Bai. But I think the other islands I have been to have more character...Flores and Sumatra would be my pick.

Reply #1. Nov 05 16, 7:19 PM
The one thing I didn't like about Bali was the fact that when we visited some the tourist attractions, the safari and marine park, for example, our bags were searched and any food or water we'd brought with us was taken away. This meant we ended up having to spend money on food and water inside the park. When we went to spend a day at the local water park, I'd prepared a sandwich for lunch, and probably would have had it taken off me, but to save that from happening, my stepdad told the staff I'm on a special diet.

I also didn't like the fact that we had to make sure we had a constant supply of bottled water because you can't drink the tap water.

Reply #2. Nov 16 16, 5:36 AM

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