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Subject: Small but annoying things

Posted by: darthdragon
Date: Sep 29 07

What small and stupid thing has recently gotten your goat?

Mine would be spell checks that never give you the right suggestion for what you want even though you only barely misspelled something.

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MiraJane star

player avatar
I find it annoying when I tap on this thread and the posts don't appear.

Reply #4241. Jan 18 24, 9:34 PM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
I have just played Brain Twist and one of the answers has a spelling mistake, which prevented me (and many others I'm sure) from a perfect score (grrr). How does one get this corrected, as there isn't an option at the end of the game, there is only provision to send the author a compliment? Also the author hasn't be seen since 2016.

Reply #4242. Jan 26 24, 12:34 AM

player avatar
You can send a correction, but it's counter intuitive. Going to the compliment box also brings up the option to send a correction. Or make a note of the quiz, wait a day to replay it and send a correction then.

Reply #4243. Jan 26 24, 3:36 AM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
Sending Corrections to Players who are no longer active does not seem to fix obvious errors. It seems to stay there and not escalate.
I have sent many, but none have been acted upon.
I know FunTrivia and their Moderators,Editors, Admin etc. take pride in the accuracy and integrity of Questions on their Site.
Perhaps a dedicated Volunteer could fix such glaring errors, especially when the Question/Quiz submitter is no longer active.

Reply #4244. Jan 26 24, 5:27 AM
Lottie1001 star

player avatar
The editors are the only people who can make changes to quizzes which have been online for a certain time (a year I think). And they see all the correction notes which are sent. I believe they often fix minor things like typos before the author sees the note. So they can certainly fix problems with quizzes where the author has moved away from the site.

Reply #4245. Jan 26 24, 5:57 AM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
Over the several years I have been on this Site, I have sent between 20 - 30 Spelling and Grammatical errors to Players. Very Impressive when you realise how many Questions were Perfect.
I later realised that most of these Players were no longer active.
If the Editors see all Correction Notes (Quizzes and Questions), why have such simple errors not been corrected?
Perhaps they see Corrections to Quizzes, and not Individual Questions.
I love FunTrivia, and have a lot of respect for those who volunteer their time to make it better.
Simple Spelling and Grammar mistakes are annoying, and become very frustrating when not corrected.
There is always room for improvement, to what already is a great Site!

Reply #4246. Jan 26 24, 6:27 AM
Donald67 star

player avatar
My gripe is too many exclusively American questions, such as baseball players and teams, USA road numbers, basketball questions and TV shows that as a as I know have never aired outside the USA. No problems with American history or politics, but feel disadvantages in competitive quizzes. Although Fun Trivia is produced in the USA it is now a truly international quiz site.

Reply #4247. Jan 28 24, 2:50 AM

player avatar
The editors deal with the vast majority of CNs sent, as most of them apply to quizzes where the author is no longer active. We very rarely communicate with the person who has sent the CN, though.

If you have sent a CN that does not appear to have been acted on, there are a few reasons why this might be. It’s possible that no one has gotten to it yet - sometimes they sit for quite a while. If you saw the error in a private game, it may already have been fixed, as those questions are cached and don’t immediately update. Lastly, it’s possible that an editor saw your CN and did not agree with you that a change needed to be made. For example, we often get CNs from Americans saying that British spellings are incorrect, and vice versa.

I can assure you, though, that every CN is seen by an editor, and is not cleared until that editor has decided what to do with it.

Reply #4248. Jan 28 24, 5:44 AM

player avatar
Correction notes on single questions go directly to an editor - the author will only see them on those rare occasions where the editor can't make a decision. This might happen because of question content, not spelling or typos.

If you send a correction, being specific helps a lot. A correction saying 'there's a spelling mistake' isn't great, but something like ' there's a typo in the second sentence of the info' or 'the question has a spelling mistake' will mean the editor is looking at the same issue you have spotted.

As agony said, editors look at every correction and typos and spelling errors are easy to fix.

Reply #4249. Jan 29 24, 2:50 AM
Fill in the Blank is probably my best game... yet I don't have tier 7 on it. And today, I got .91 seconds away from it and know I could've gone low enough to get it if not for one stinking typo!

Reply #4250. Feb 05 24, 2:02 PM
carolmitch star

player avatar
A Frightful Ten Years
Why hasn't this badge been given to anybody?

Who's Next?
Why doesn't this badge show up on the RECENT WINS line on your profile page?

Reply #4251. Feb 09 24, 10:14 AM
rahul0 star

player avatar
For Fill Me In T7 I find that the best strategy is to always aim to finish each run in sub 45s - which includes just throwing up a random guess if you don't immediately have it in a few seconds.

Going to lead to quite a few bad scores, but if you're a good Fill Me In Player(which honestly I'm not), 10 sub 45s runs will probably have at least one lucky 15/15 in there.

Reply #4252. Feb 09 24, 3:59 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
Though on the topic of T7s I find it really funny that the number of overall wins needed for the hourly games is:

Piece of Cake: 7
Mixed Game: 200
Smartest: 7

ah well. 30 down, 170 to go.

Reply #4253. Feb 09 24, 11:06 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar

Who's Next? is a recent badge addition. If you check again you will people have been busy adding it to their profiles.

Reply #4254. Feb 11 24, 9:22 AM
fado72 star

player avatar
A Frightful Ten Years
Wesleycrusher can answer this.

Who's Next?
I think because it is a minor badge not a major one.

Reply #4255. Feb 11 24, 11:41 AM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
@MJ - I was also wondering about the Who's Next badge. How does one add it to one's profile?

((Who's Next? is a recent badge addition. If you check again you will people have been busy adding it to their profiles.))

Reply #4256. Feb 12 24, 2:27 AM

player avatar
I have reported the "missing" badge as a bug. Please wait patiently with your butterfly nets. :)

Reply #4257. Feb 12 24, 10:45 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Rocky, it's in the New Badges thread in the teams message board. Basically there's a list of quizzes and some crossword puzzles to play and the badge is yours.

It's fairly new badge. There's no mystery to the "ten year" complaint. Badges get added. People do what is necessary to earn them. Badge is added to person's profile.

Reply #4258. Feb 12 24, 12:23 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar

Who's Next? is *not* connected to the Who Am I? Daily game. Who's Next? is gold members only badge that is about two weeks old.

How to find it? The same way you find all badges. Go to your profile page. Click or tap on Challenges. I like to sort alphabetically. Then look for the badge. Thers a list of quizzes and crossword puzzles to complete to earn the badge.

There is no need to "ask Wesley" why no one had the badge for the "ten years" before the badge was created. But hey, if you've got time to waste and want to annoy him, go ahead and do so.

Reply #4259. Feb 12 24, 12:51 PM

player avatar
Okay, the issue with the 'Who's Next?' badge has been fixed. It was because, as Fado mentioned, the badge was originally meant for the mini-badge bracket - and they used to be coded so they didn't show in the Recent Badges list. Now all badges should be treated the same but some of the code remained so... small hiccough, no need to panic... should be fixed now.

Then of course, in relation to something else, a tiny bracket was left out and we all went italic for a minute or two. Like getting cream cake when you ordered Bangers and Mash, it gave half the site a frisson of je ne sais quoi. All gone now.

Reply #4260. Feb 12 24, 1:44 PM

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