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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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My great grandma had a calcium deposit.

Reply #141. Oct 03 12, 3:49 PM
Radain star

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We caught a ferry today, from the island to Oban. Waiting at the small harbour, the ship towered over the jetty as it manoeuvred alongside, turning carefully to enter stern first, and without running onto the nearby rocks. Several vehicles drove off before we were able to go aboard, climb up to the passenger deck deck and watching the loading and casting off from the stern gallery.
When all was loaded, we moved smoothly away, gathering way even before we had cleared the harbour wall, and heading out across the calm sea. The crossing would take a couple of hours and we headed forward to the restaurant to buy some lunch and watch the mainland draw nearer.

Reply #142. Oct 03 12, 4:24 PM
cinefan star

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OK, this is what is annoying me. On the day of the first presidential debate, I have a suggestion that may reduce the constant stream of partisan arguments. Let's hear only from those people who either did not vote in 2008 or who are changing their vote from what they cast in 2008. Everybody else (90%) seems to be rehashing the same viewpoints that everyone has heard, i.e., my guy can do no wrong and the other guy is a moron. How refreshing it would be to hear from people who are truly undecided!

Reply #143. Oct 03 12, 5:10 PM
I have about a dozen ducks that come to my house over the course of a day, several times each, so I spend a lot of my time breaking up bread, wetting it and throwing it out on the front lawn.

Reply #144. Oct 03 12, 5:27 PM
froggyx star
Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you're going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going?
But instead of just turning round and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first do something like check your watch or phone or make a grand arm gesture and mutter to yourself to ensure that no one in the surrounding area thinks you're crazy by randomly switching directions on the sidewalk.

Reply #145. Oct 04 12, 12:42 AM
scarlet1977 star
My husband and I got married last year. The weather was cloudy and rainy in the morning, but at least the rain stopped in time for the photographs to be taken. Afterwards we had a three course meal and the catering staff at the pub made a gorgeous wedding cake. It was a brilliant day.

Reply #146. Oct 04 12, 1:09 AM
eyhung star

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Speaking of weddings, I am going to France and Spain for my honeymoon, and spent my evening researching excellent restaurants in Paris and Madrid. I'd love to hear suggestions on places to eat in these two cities (in private mail, so that this thread isn't hijacked -- unless you have a story of dining in one of these places).

Reply #147. Oct 04 12, 1:42 AM
James25 star

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A great place to go in Budapest is the Gellert hill. You can climb all the way up to the Citadel and overlook the entire city.

Reply #148. Oct 04 12, 2:16 AM
Rowena8482 star

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This weekend, we are going to collect a new addition to our family - a tortoise named Mortimer :-D
I've wanted one for years and years, and this one was in urgent need of a new home, so he's coming here on Sunday.
A friend of mine has made us a beautiful habitat for him indoors, and when the weather is good he will have the run of the garden outside too.
My children are beyond excited and I have to admit I'm pretty happy myself too :-D

Reply #149. Oct 04 12, 2:36 AM
AlexxSchneider star

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On Tuesday, I began volunteering with PDSA, which is an animal charity here in the UK which offers vet services for pets. I worked in the storeroom this week in a local PDSA shop, and it's been so interesting seeing what things people have donated to the cause. One weird donation was a bottle of golden syrup! I've only just started with the shop, but I will definitely return each week, as it's very enjoyable, I love the people I work with, and it's helping towards a great cause. :)

Reply #150. Oct 04 12, 9:41 AM
tigasrule star
When I was 8, my cousins told me a story about a mysterious beast, called the "dahu", that they had supposedly spotted in the neighborhood. Of course it was a prank, but I believed it because of hard material evidence: the dahu had left a trail of (stolen) candy behind, and you could even see the marks of its little pointy teeth in the candy! That was enough to convince me.

In the evening, we went in the garden and I am sure that I saw a white thing running very fast between the apple-trees. My cousin, who was the same age and was also a victim of the prank, could swear he saw the beast's shiny eyes!

That was a great day and one of my best childhood memories. They never told us about the prank at the time. We found out the truth when our grandfather showed us what he had found in the back of the garden: a white rag attached to a long rope. We felt ashamed, all the more because he told us that we were daft for believing it. Of course we should have known better!

Interestingly, I had my doubts even at the time, but it's really the bitten candy (that I held in my hand, mind you!) that made me forego all critical thinking. (I knew a lot about various animal species even then, and I had never read about such an animal). That, and the fact that they were a lot older, and some of them not the type to tell tall stories. ("They wouldn't lie to us like that! Well, Jean would, he always does that sort of thing, but not the others surely?")

Oh, I left out the best part: the dahu was supposed to have shorter legs on one side, in order to run upright in mountainous country (!). But we were told this was the apple-tree variety, not the mountain variety. And why not? There are such things as giraffes or platypuses. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio"...

Reply #151. Oct 04 12, 9:57 AM
AdamM7 star

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In an attempt to complete my medium challenge today, I've been racking my brains to try and think of something interesting to post. I'm not really a very interesting person, and don't actually do very much other than watch the TV and play on this site. The best thing I could come up with: our toilet.

We've had our toilet since we moved into this house, so about 10 years. It was there a while before we moved in as well. Now, (and this is the bit where you might want to stop reading if you're eating) it's not been flushing properly for a while. So we ordered a new one and are going to get the plumber to install it in a couple of weeks. But about a week ago (just a few days after the new one was ordered), the handle snapped when I flushed the toilet. I didn't push it abnormally hard or anything, but it just snapped. And it snapped in the most awkward place. It's hard to describe, but it wasn't the whole handle that broke - just most of it. So now we have to pull a lever inside the toilet to flush it.

It lasted for years and years. Why couldn't it have just lasted a month longer?

Reply #152. Oct 04 12, 10:14 AM
RufusDufus star

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My half-sister is into genealogy, and recently traced my husband's line. Discovery: she and my husband have a common ancestor, they are 20th cousins 4 times removed (whatever that means). How weird is it that my husband and my sister are related! Too funny!

Reply #153. Oct 04 12, 11:46 AM
Tan72 star

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Before leaving work you really need to check you have put everything in your bag. It is very embarrassing to get to the checkout in the supermarket only to realise your money and cards are 45 minutes away!

Reply #154. Oct 04 12, 11:57 AM
boombaby star
I have understood for a while how much social media--Facebook, Twitter, etc--have consumed our lives. My appreciation of that fact increased last night. The first debate between the two major American presidential candidates began at 9:00 my time last night. I spent the first hour or so reading tweets about the debate, not actually listening to a word either candidate was saying. Only in the final half hour did I actually listen to the debate itself. When you are monitoring what people are saying about an event rather than watching the event, you know social media are gaining a stronger and stronger hold on your life.+

Reply #155. Oct 04 12, 12:25 PM
chriswatts star
Just read the thread about making sure you have your money with you before going to the supermarket and it reminded me of a little escapade I had a few weeks ago.
My wife had not been sleeping very well so when I woke up on Saturday morning to find she was sound asleep I decided to be a good husband and go and get the weekly shop.
I spent about an hour filling a huge shpping trolley, only to discover that I had left my wallet at home (about a 15 minute drive).
So I pushed my shopping into a nice quiet cool corner of the frozen food section and legged it for the car.
Twenty five minutes later I had retreived my wallet from home and was delighted to find my shopping was exactly where I had left it.
So off to the the checkout, pay and home with the goods.
It was only when I started to pack away the items that I found that there were a few item I did not remember picking up. Well actually I couldnt remember picking any of them up.
I'd only gone and collected someone elses shopping. Fortunately, my wife was stil asleep and didnt know I had gone out. She still does not know what happend, so dont tell her.
To make matters worse, we had to go out Saturday afternoon to do the real shopping.

Reply #156. Oct 04 12, 12:40 PM
I have an urge to live in Iceland. You may say 'ugh' but I think it is a beautiful country. It has a very small population, and large towns aren't that large. It has the most amazing scenery. I know it's bleak and cold in the winter, but I don't like hot weather, and the summers are just the right temperature for me.

Reply #157. Oct 04 12, 5:06 PM
A horrible thing happened today. My sister called and asked where we used to get our Halloween pumpkins... and I couldn't remember! Neither could she! We both remember what size and shapes we picked out - and how we made the faces. I think we were abducted by aliens who removed our pumpkin shopping memory banks.

Reply #158. Oct 04 12, 5:30 PM
rb6359 star

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Driving home one day some years ago, I saw a friend parked by the side of the road looking a bit distressed. I pulled up and found that she had locked her keys in the car. She had called for Roadside Assistance and, as we chatted waiting for them to arrive, I discovered the rear car door was unlocked. Quite pleased, I told her she would be able to ring and cancel the assist and be on her way... but she ran over, locked and closed the door saying she would be too embarrassed to cancel the callout! She was even more embarrassed when I related the story at a recent school reunion ;-)

Reply #159. Oct 04 12, 9:32 PM
Monkman star

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For years I owned a 1939 World's Fair book without a cover and first 8 pages; still, it filled me with a wonder about a fair I wish I'd gone to. I'd attended the 1964 World's Fair and saw the Pieta. Today I was able to buy a pristine 1939 World's fair Book, complete with cover and the missing 8 pages. Life's wonderful.


Reply #160. Oct 04 12, 9:35 PM

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