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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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thegiantbrain star

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I grew up in Minnesota, in the 50's. It was the best time to be a kid. Life was so easy and simple, compared to what our kids have to live through now.

Reply #61. Sep 26 12, 6:00 PM
superfan123 star

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When I was in kindergarten, I went to a daycare called BCC. They gave you a piece of candy, like Jolly Ranchers and stuff, whenever you were picked up. My dad was picking me up while my friend's dad was picking him and his older sister up. I picked a lollipop while he chose a Life Saver. Immediately he swallowed it, and it got stuck sideways in his throat. He almost suffocated.

Near death by Life Saver. How ironic.

Reply #62. Sep 26 12, 7:34 PM
cairnster star
We had the Formula 1 in town last weekend. I had two visitors from home and when I woke up on Sunday, they surprised me with a guided visit to the pit lane. We got to see the cars and drivers up close and were treated like super VIPs :) It was AWESOME.

[a bit sad I can't think of anything more exciting that has happened recently, hmmm]

Reply #63. Sep 27 12, 12:12 AM
mberry923 star

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Several years ago, when my daughter was 2, I had turned on the TV for her so that I could go check my email in another room. Well, you know how that goes--one thing leads to another & a bunch of time passes without realizing it. I DID realize that things were a little too quiet. So I tiptoed around the corner to find: our great dane (Oreo) caught halfway in/halfway out between the sliding glass doors, my daughter tossing dogfood into the air so that it landed in front of Oreo, & Oreo wagging her tail with delight. Almost the entire 40lb bag of dogfood was covering every square inch of the dining room carpet. When my daughter saw me, she exclaimed "O-we-o did it!". Henceforth, Oreo got blamed for a great many things--even mistakes my hubby & I made.

Reply #64. Sep 27 12, 6:31 AM
rayven80 star

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Five or six years ago a new co-worker noticed that my hat was dirty. She asked me why I didn't go home and run it through the dishwasher. When I told her I didn't have a dishwasher she looked at me like I fell off the moon. She honestly thought everyone had a dishwasher. I still don't have one.

Reply #65. Sep 27 12, 10:59 AM
ghosttowner star

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My father, Al Hall, was a 4-time Olympian in the hammer throw and myself, Shawn Hall, was an active long jumper and triple jumper, who also messed around with the hammer. While in high school, we would compete in track meets together. There was this track meet in Bangor Maine and I decided to throw the hammer with my dad for fun. The man officiating the event had a thick Scottish accent and on his sheet it only had the first initial and the last name. I was throwing right after my dad in the competition order. So, when Pop was up, I was "on deck." Thing was when he said "Hall" it came out "Hole." Everyone nearby would start laughing when he said "A. Hole" up, "S. Hole" on deck!!

Reply #66. Sep 27 12, 1:27 PM
Dear Fellow Fun Trivers. A short story about my favorite resteruant I have eaten in so far. I have been fortunate to travel to a number of fantastic cities as part of my career. Sao Paulo Brasil has a place called Figaria which is one of the worlds largest fig tree. You dine under the leaves of this immense tree enjoyinga 3-4 hour meal of the fresh local seafood and beef. If you are ever in Sao Paulo I highly recommend the place.

Reply #67. Sep 27 12, 9:40 PM
adam36, that sounds wonderful! Provided there are NO bugs dropping out of the tree, and we don't have to eat figs...The setting does sound lovely. :)

Reply #68. Sep 27 12, 10:03 PM

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I already told this story to my team, but my plan after dinner tonight was to walk about fifteen minutes to the grocery store before it closed to go and buy a dollar chocolate bar.

When I arrived, I bought an entire pumpkin pie-- eight times more in price. What the...?

It's things like this that make me think I'm horrible with money (I am). I didn't even realize I didn't buy a chocolate bar until I'd gotten halfway home. :s

Reply #69. Sep 28 12, 12:15 AM
countrygirl68 star
One of the signs that autumn is here is that my dog sit near my bed and stares me, of course she wants to jump on it and sleeping near me. Even thoght i'm sleeping i can feel her stares and of course after few second she's sleeping soundly next to me. The funny thing is that she waits till i turn off my bedside light, before that she sleeps on the other bed, or under the desk

Reply #70. Sep 28 12, 4:32 AM
pollucci19 star

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At work today a mate and I were discussing our reading books when we were back in grade 1 .... the conversation centred around Dick and Dora and their pets Nip and Fluff ... the boss walked past and caught the back end of the conversation which sounded a truck load worse than what it really was .... he walked away shaking his head, wondering what the heck he had employed

Reply #71. Sep 28 12, 7:46 AM
honeybee4 star
I am going to be a great grandmother for the first time. My grandson Tyler and Jordan are expecting around March 4th, 2013. Very excited.

Reply #72. Sep 28 12, 9:20 AM
I was called the other day by a fishermen that we do business with that he might have some fish the next day. Seeing as how all of our official vehicles had already been signed out since the beginning of the week I was in a bit of a quandary. I wound up having to run a "Vehicle Request Form" all over campus looking for various signatures from all of the different bureaucracies only to find out that the people who had our department truck signed out couldn't go out due to the weather.

As I was driving the truck to meet the fisherman, it started raining and I discovered to my dismay that the truck's wipers were malfunctioning. I managed to get to the shoulder and I had to wait the storm out. I was going to call the fisherman to tell him and he called me to say that he didn't actually get any fish. So I had been driving for nothing.

I eventually got the truck back to campus and I had to take it down to motor pool so that the next poor soul to take it out didn't experience sudden driving rain with no wipers while going 60 mph. The life of a graduate student, sigh...

Reply #73. Sep 28 12, 9:46 AM
A man trying to understand the nature of God and asked him: "God, how long is a million years to you?" God answered: " A million years is like a minute."

Then the man asked: "God, how much is a million dollars to you?" And God replied: "A million dollars is like a penny."

Finally the man asked: "God, could you give me a penny?" And God said, "In a minute."

Reply #74. Sep 28 12, 9:52 AM
Cece1952 star

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Would you think me weird if I said I missed my mother? I am 60 years old and my mother passed in 1988. She always knew what to say when I was sad, and there was always a huge hug after. One month ago, my husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. It's bad and my only stray from worry is quizzing on FT. The Daily Challenge has become, in a way, therapeutic. My mother would approve! I still miss her terribly.

Reply #75. Sep 28 12, 12:24 PM
It was 1972
August 7, 2012 by ydnarman
They were a young couple; she, a 17 year-old slender, long haired blonde; he, a shaggy-haired 19 year-old dreamer. They were madly in love and planning a get-away to the beach.

A couple of weeks prior to their intended departure, and while having a sandwich and cold beer at The Blackhorse Grill on Whitehorse Road, he asked her if she wanted to get married on the way to the beach. SHE SAID YES!

So on Monday morning, August 7 (the day after she turned 18), he went to her house. She passed her suitcase to him from her bedroom window. He quickly stowed it away in his 1964 Buick Special, walked to the front door and knocked. She answered, invited him in and told her parents he was taking her out to breakfast. They had made their escape!

Next, a quick 1 hour trip down I-85 to the Hart County Courthouse (after a stop for her to change into the bright floral print dress she had selected for the occasion). Then paperwork, identifications, blood tests and the ceremony was arranged. They stood in front of a colorful old Ordinary named A. E. Ertzberger and officially became Mr. and Mrs.

Four hours later the newlyweds found themselves at The Buccaneer Cottages on the Isle of Palms. $15.00 per day, $75.00 for the week! It was a small two room cabin consisting of a bedroom and a dining/sitting area with very few additional amenities. Later they would rent a television set for something like $15.00.

Soon pangs of anxiety for their parents set in and they did what any concerned children would do. They went to the Western Union office and telegraphed their new status without divulging much else.

So began a new life of two becoming one!

Reply #76. Sep 28 12, 1:30 PM
pagea star

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I've spent most of today packing because I'm going back to university to start my 3rd year tomorrow. After packing solidly for 2 hours my mu came in with her contribution - 144 Jaffa Cakes. Thanks mum!

Reply #77. Sep 28 12, 6:32 PM
Buddy1 star
One year when I was in elementary school (can't think of the grade off the top of my head, but it was one of the upper ones), I decided to have my classmates sign my yearbook. What usually ended up happening was we would pass one yearbook to multiple people rather than trade, sign, then immediately trade back. Anyways, I gave my yearbook to have someone sign it, others signed it, I got it back, and then I signed my own yearbook thinking it was someone else's and tried to give it back. The student who gave me my yearbook back told me it was mine. Then, I continued with having other students signing my yearbook, and for a second time, I signed my own yearbook thinking it was someone else's. After being told it was my yearbook, I put my name in the upper part of my yearbook, so I would know it's mine and it wouldn't happen a third time.
(As you might have guessed, our names weren't printed on the cover of the yearbooks.)

Reply #78. Sep 29 12, 12:16 AM
weissmarc star

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I was enjoying a walk through the older section of Santa Fe years ago, waiting for a friend to get out of work. A group of tourists near an old church noticed my long hair and asked if I was a native American. Without skipping a beat I strolled past them saying, " Yes, I'm from Brooklyn."

Reply #79. Sep 29 12, 1:26 AM
I used to live in Greenland. 1500 guys and 25 girls. Yes, I found a husband with those odds!

Reply #80. Sep 29 12, 2:58 AM

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