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Subject: What badges have you won recently?

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Dec 12 12

I felt the need to make this thread because we all love winning badges, especially the difficult ones, am I right?! List the most recent badges you have won & feel free to brag if you would like! :)

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supersal1 star
Just got King of Most Trades. I started going for it when I had about 35 Champion Wins, but didn't really expect to get it as the competition is very stiff.

Reply #601. Jul 13 16, 3:18 PM
satguru star

player avatar
I've been playing pot of gold every day for months for the 50,000 points badge, and only just noticed there was one for the highest score of the week who hadn't done it already. I paid a bit more attention and got it that week on the final day after overtaking quite a few people on my last game.

Reply #602. Jul 13 16, 3:37 PM
brm50diboll star

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King of Most Trades is definitely a badge to be proud of.

Reply #603. Jul 13 16, 3:37 PM
MrNobody97 star

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Congratulations, satguru. The Pot of Gold Champ is very, uh, satisfying to achieve. Some weeks it's especially hard, if a lot of people are consistently scoring high.

Reply #604. Jul 13 16, 6:11 PM
MrNobody97 star

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I was absolutely stunned to find that I've just received the (Normal Mode) All-Rounder mini of the Global Challenge. File that one under "challenges I never thought I'd get"!

Reply #605. Jul 19 16, 12:51 AM
MrNobody97 star

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Now I've got the Hardcore Mode All-Rounder as well. Never thought I'd get one, much less both! (Or to be cliched about it: Never tell yourself never about challenges you don't think you can win!)

Reply #606. Jul 24 16, 7:52 PM

player avatar
Talking of challenges I never thought I could win, I woke up this morning to find I'd got the Daily Game Champ badge.

(I think I came close to getting this in my first few weeks on the site and initially foolishly assumed I'd have another chance soon...6.5 years later I finally got there!)

Reply #607. Jul 26 16, 4:15 AM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Congratulations -- that's one you can REALLY be proud of!

That one is probably among the "most unlikely" in my own list. Except Pot Of Gold, the daily games aren't a strong point for me.

Reply #608. Jul 26 16, 11:22 PM
MrNobody97 star

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Well, I COULD have won the Gold Madness Winner (six-hour set winner), but with five minutes left in the game, not one but TWO people, who already HAVE that obnoxiously-hard badge, come along and knock me off.

Call me a sore loser but it just rubs me the wrong way something fierce when someone plays a game and snipes the last-minute win (for a major badge they've already earned) from someone who otherwise would have won. *I* don't do that to other players because if all I have to gain is a few points, nothing more, I'd rather let someone else win the prize who hasn't done so before.

I don't know, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Call me petty. Call it "that's competition." Yeah, I know.

Reply #609. Aug 26 16, 11:07 PM
MiraJane star

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They may have been going for a different badge such as one of the Eic badges or the Everything badge that required them to play the Gold Madness game.

Reply #610. Aug 27 16, 1:07 AM
MrNobody97 star

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Yes, if I was playing for "Everything Challenge" or for an Epic with certain gameplay requirements, those would be (to me) good-enough reasons to revisit a game if I needed to. Same with someone else. If a challenge necessitates it, so be it. Otherwise, I don't like to be the spoiler.

As for Gold Madness, I've seen a small handful of people who in recent weeks/months have played the game nearly every single set, every day, and who 95% of the time completely decimate the opposition. How can someone possibly expect to have any chance against a handful of players who consistently score between 1200-1400+ in what's arguably the hardest game on the site?

Reply #611. Aug 27 16, 1:47 AM
brm50diboll star

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We've had this discussion (on other threads) about "swooping" before, but not for awhile so it's worth revisiting. I hate it when superstars come in five minutes before a game closes to grab a lead. It's not against rules or even unethical, but I personally will not play a game I've already won a badge for (like an Expert game when I already have Jack of All Trades and King of All Trades) even if I'm going for an Epic or something in the final half hour of the game. The fact is, a level 177 player like myself knows what time of day it is and is perfectly capable of playing a game early in its time period, not waiting to the last minute. In fact, I play all my Expert games in the first half hour they open. Other people can do what they want. But I don't buy the "I forgot" line. It's swooping. They're entitled to do it and I'm entitled to point out it's swooping.

Reply #612. Aug 27 16, 8:49 AM
MiraJane star

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Before this goes to far, this had been a fun thread to brag in. Let's bring discussions to another thread or a new thread please and let this go back to begin a fun thread. Thank you.

Reply #613. Aug 27 16, 11:11 AM
andymuenz star

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OK, to turn it back to bragging/fun, earlier this week, I won the Impossible badge, 1 that comes from a single play of 15 questions and then less than 12 hours later I won the Defrosted mini-badge, 1 that I'd been working on for about 8 months and one that takes an absolute minimum of 25 days to win.

Earlier this month, I won 4 badges, Ten Times Ten Times "Ten", Armchair Champ, Perfect Madness, and Challenge Mastery all within 3 days. 3 of those are long drawn out badges while 1 was another single play.

Reply #614. Aug 27 16, 12:05 PM
namrewsna star

player avatar
I hereby vote perfect madness as the ugliest badge on the list. It is a snot blob! Granted semi cute as snot blobs go...but still!

Great accomplishment though, along with Impossible, and the others too.

I just got crossword and crossword wizard at the same time. Nothing super spectacular but I purposely lined them up so that I arrived at 49 done in hard mode and 50 in easy mode so that I could do one more puzzle in hard mode and thus claim two full badges from completing a single crossword puzzle. Yeah, I am easily amused. ;)

Reply #615. Aug 27 16, 12:19 PM
Shadowmyst2004 star

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Not all that hard, actually got in on only my second attempt (I stopped the firs time when I lost power....)

But today I earned the 10 in a day mini. I'm happy with that.

Reply #616. Sep 10 16, 4:08 PM
Bob9491 star

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My most recent badge win was the "Author Challenge" badge. I usually have no trouble coming up with quiz ideas, but sometimes I like to challenge myself by selecting an "Author Challenge" My most recent one was "Name That Pizza!". The badge was a pleasant surprise!

Reply #617. Sep 10 16, 9:42 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Congratulations. One to be proud of for sure. People sometimes forget that one, along with the 5-10-15 Categories string, are doubly hard because you have to do what the challenge NAME says AND the quizzes don't count if they're not in the top 50%.

Reply #618. Sep 10 16, 11:07 PM
Bob9491 star

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Thank you so much for your kind words!

Reply #619. Sep 10 16, 11:27 PM
After fifteen years the Lucky Ducky has finaly come my way.

Reply #620. Sep 12 16, 7:54 PM

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