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Subject: What badges have you won recently?

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Dec 12 12

I felt the need to make this thread because we all love winning badges, especially the difficult ones, am I right?! List the most recent badges you have won & feel free to brag if you would like! :)

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Buzzy Bee! At last. K

Reply #681. Apr 07 17, 1:02 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Congrats! The Buzzy Bee can be easy for some, and a real nuisance for others. By the time I finally got it, I was more inclined to whack it with a rolled-up newspaper than to "catch" it as a badge!

Reply #682. Apr 07 17, 9:04 PM
Thank You. If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your cousin Andrew? K

Reply #683. Apr 08 17, 9:39 AM
MrNobody97 star

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K / krabbitt [which do you prefer?] -- no, I don't at all mind your asking. It's nice of you to ask. Just in the interest of keeping this thread on-topic (about badges), though, instead of answering your question directly here, I'll give you this link where I originally posted about my cousin:

You can read the story there. Of course, if you have anything you want to say or ask after reading it, feel free to either post a reply there or even send a FT Note.

- MrNobody97 / George

Reply #684. Apr 08 17, 7:57 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Perfect Madness and Gold Madness in the same game. Those are two I thought I had a minimal chance of winning because I rarely play the game.

Reply #685. Apr 09 17, 6:14 AM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Wow! Great job! Both of those are no easy feat.

I'm still (unsuccessfully) trying to understand, however, why the Perfect Madness badge looks like an pile of green muck.

Reply #686. Apr 09 17, 4:49 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Oops. Make that "*A* pile of green muck."
("Better that I say it before someone else," said the illeistic and incorrigible perfectionist regarding a typo nobody else on Earth would care about.)

Reply #687. Apr 09 17, 4:53 PM
brm50diboll star

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I would never criticize another player's typos. I do make them occasionally myself. But I am very glad to see a player who is distressed by them, as I am when I make them. It bothers me when players consider typos unimportant. Attention to detail is a sign of a focused mind, and, conversely, lack of concern over constant, gross errors is a sign of general carelessness. At a university I once attended, a group of students were walking across campus and one was bragging to the others how he had failed Math 099 five times. That is nothing to be proud about or brag about, and even taking a course with a first number of "0" indicates a lack of the seriousness one would expect of a university student, to say nothing of failing it 5 times. (0 indicates a high school level remedial course; in this case, high school Algebra I). All I could think is: can the standards of this university be so low they would not kick out a student who failed a remedial class 5 times? (Apparently so.) Confusing homonyms is not something to shrug off. "Their" and "there" are very different words and not caring at all about constantly getting them wrong (to pick one common example) tells you something about a person who does that. If I accidentally bump into someone, I'm sorry about it and say "excuse me", not laugh it off and say "I'm just clumsy and do this all the time - haha! What's the big deal?" Similarly, I don't like making typos and if these boards had an edit function, you wouldn't see them coming from me. They're embarrassing. (*Not* their embarrassing.) It's nice to see someone else out there cares about typos.

Reply #688. Apr 09 17, 6:00 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Group was, subject-verb agreement needs to be better.

Reply #689. Apr 09 17, 6:03 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Thanks, Brian. Very interesting thoughts on your part.

As for what you said about "embarrassing" ... oh, I can do you one better. When we moved to Illinois in 1994, I was in 7th grade. I really liked the junior-high school I attended, had some great teachers, but ... the next year, the school had hundreds of T-shirts made, with the school's name on it. And there in big block letters: "WHEATON CHRISTIAN *GRAMMER* SCHOOL."

Nobody noticed until I pointed it out.

Needless to say, I refused to wear the shirt!

Reply #690. Apr 09 17, 9:05 PM
MiraJane star

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I make typos because I can't feel the keys on a touch screen. Often I don't go back to check what autocorrect has oh so nicely changed for me. And yes, I often have an unfocused mind. That is something I cannot help at times so I don't stress over it nor do I stress over the small mistakes I make when the conditions of my life make it impossible to have a focused mind.

Reply #691. Apr 09 17, 9:25 PM
namrewsna star

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Heh that reminds me of a time many moons ago I was working a job where we would take customer calls interspersed with data entry. There was a quality assurance department and one time they devised, produced, and distributed a "motivational" placard to all of the roughly 500 computer workstations in the place which read, "100 percent quality is the MIMIMUM expectation." (Best part is I didnt just put that word in caps to emphasize the mistake, that was exactly how it was printed)  It was all in house so not quite as embarassing for them as t-shirts but still, needless to say the quality department never lived that one down the rest of the time I was there. ;)

Reply #692. Apr 09 17, 9:37 PM
namrewsna star

player avatar
"I'm still (unsuccessfully) trying to understand, however, why the Perfect Madness badge looks like an pile of green muck."

Almost missed this behind the grammar talk.

I was similarly baffled when I first spotted the badge but he (don't know how from that picture but he is definitely a he) has grown on me...You have to admit he is the cutest little blob of snot you've ever seen!

Reply #693. Apr 10 17, 7:21 AM
andymuenz star

player avatar
I try and avoid typos too but I'm much more forgiving of them in myself in a forum like this where I can't go back and correct than in somewhere where I can. Given that I'm often typing something quickly here and wanting to get it posted while I'm waiting for a job to finish at work, it's relatively easy for them to slip in.

Reply #694. Apr 10 17, 11:55 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
"Blob of snot." Yeah. That's about right. Perfect Madness is a very impressive badge, but the reasoning behind the design escapes me.

Reply #695. Apr 10 17, 12:24 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
I think we'd better get this thread back on track (nevermind that I was the one who derailed it to begin with). It's starting to remind me of the last time I had the flu.

Reply #696. Apr 10 17, 10:01 PM
slytherinwitch star

player avatar
Perfect Dueler.

I am still happily in shock to have won this little badgelet. I had already won 12 of the duels (enough on its own to have me smiling in satisfaction and, to be honest, surprised at the day's successes) and three were hanging in undecided status when I called it a night. The next morning was the most pleasant surprise in a long time when I saw notice of winning the badgelet.

Reply #697. Apr 14 17, 7:11 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
That's super! Congrats! I'm frankly in awe of anyone who can nail a perfect Duel day.

Reply #698. Apr 14 17, 7:39 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
How funny (well, to me -- I'm easily amused) ... I received the Armchair Champ badge and didn't even realize it until just now.

Not exactly a badge to feel particularly proud of, quite frankly! It's pretty much a "keep blind-guessing without actually doing anything and eventually get a prize for it" badge.

But, a badge is a badge is a badge...!

Reply #699. Jul 06 17, 3:47 AM
namrewsna star

player avatar
Equally or likely more from the funny to me but probably not so much to yous file, is the coincidence that I was just about to message a teammate on the very subject of fantasy knockout.

it is related here because, a year ago I would have agreed it is fairly random but I have noticed she is quite good at it and regularly finishes in the upper 10% of the field. So much so that it cannot be just coincidence/luck.

As for the armchair champ badge, the picture on it simultaneously makes me laugh and hurt. I know "that guy" in the picture, and the threat of both having to hang with him regularly, or worse the threat of becoming him is at least 20% of the reason I am not a sports fan ;)

Reply #700. Jul 06 17, 7:45 AM

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