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Subject: What badges have you won recently?

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Dec 12 12

I felt the need to make this thread because we all love winning badges, especially the difficult ones, am I right?! List the most recent badges you have won & feel free to brag if you would like! :)

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Fantasy knockout is essentially Funtrivia gambling (except you don't put in a stake).

Just as with gambling on sports, the more statistics one has, the better one can be. The blurb is detailed enough to paint a reasonable picture about how each tournament is likely to go. Obviously there will always be 'upset wins' every now and then but I think those who are good at predicting based on stats will be fairly consistent.

So while you can win the fantasy knockout badges by blind luck just as I have done, some players are able to give themselves a better chance on average. There is also a player on my team who seems to do well most weeks.

Reply #701. Jul 06 17, 11:07 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
I'm with nasty_liar on this one. Yes, the Armchair Champ badge can eventually be won by random guessing and sheer persistence. But that is an inefficient way to go about it, and I personally dislike inefficiency, especially when there is a better way. It is possible to win many long-term badges by random guessing if you do it long enough, but statistical analysis, while certainly not perfect, is a much better way.

There are some people who play Fantasy Knockout by choosing names of friends and/or teammates. That is their prerogative, of course, but choosing players that data indicate are more likely to win (favorites, in other words), is, in the long run, going to get the Armchair Champ badge quicker than other methods. The reason I got the Underdog badgelet but not the Underdog 2 badgelet I think, but cannot prove, is that I genuinely had a better view of the candidates than "the field" the week I won the Underdog badgelet, but the chances of outthinking "the field" on two choices in one week are very small, and I go for the choices I consider most likely to win. One exception would be on weeks where I myself am in Fantasy and am forced to pick myself, even though I may think there are better choices out there. That rarely happens nowadays as I rarely play Knockout or Fantasy anymore (occasionally, just for old times sake.)

I am a fan of Game Theory and statistical analysis, and evaluate many games rigorously mathematically (depending on how much I enjoy the game and how much free time I have available.) There really is an element of skill in much of FT that some people are convinced is all random. Why, there is even *some* element of skill in picking answers in a Manga Duel you know absolutely nothing about. (Some answers can be eliminated as "joke answers" and some questions you may remember from the previous times you played it.)

Reply #702. Jul 06 17, 1:11 PM
lonely-lady star

player avatar
I won the Armchair Champ badge last. I choose players without looking at statistics and usually support UK players unless there is a player that I know.

Reply #703. Jul 07 17, 3:10 AM
namrewsna star

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I am lucky in that most of my team is stocked with pretty solid bets so in a week where the spotlight games are laden with Fools, I can take the lazy road and just pick them instead of researching because about 8 times out of 10 they end up as favorites anyway and will usually win at least tuesday and wednesday.. So I can be team spirited and strategically sound all at once.

My biggest trouble there is when it lumps two or three of us in a single bracket...I am notorious for picking the least successful teammate that week.

As for underdog 2...I think it is a fairly straightforward conclusion that to maximize your chances for that have to employ a strategy at odds with the best general strategy for amassing points toward your total/Armchair badge. your ideal theoretical pick is the sixth most likely to win...ostensibly...the strongest non favorite player and therefore the most likely to pull off the upset.

Of course that cannot be reliably achieved and would be fairly worthless even if it could because player picks do not perfectly indicate strength of any given player. Even if someone is worthy of the "#1 seed"...maybe they have a head cold or got attacked by rabid squirrels on Monday so the blurb says they are tip top but they are a disaster in the making for FT "gamblers". Likewise on the other end, maybe someone who hasnt won in 2 years ate their Wheaties that Friday and came a'crackin' skulls. It is not so improbable as it seems at first glance... Maybe they are not completely outclassed but have just been the textbook example of the Peter principle, dropping out often on Wednesday or Thursday, not perpetually Tuesday...and if you scrub all the favorites including their wednesday win against Captain Head Cold, suddenly they are the "team to beat" once again.

At the very least your potential to win that badge is best realized when you can pick all seven games as official underdogs. Again in direct opposition to point acfrual strategy because if you pick a have failed...that is an immediate dead end.

Of course this also comes at the price that most people research fairly effectively and the favorites are favorites for a reason. It is somewhat easy to predict which 5-6 players will end up as the most popular choices, but not always as easy to say which of the other 10-11 has the best chance to win if disaster strikes and all the favorites fall.

Often you will find when pursuing can misjudge the fantasy voting field and have an expected dog end up as a favorite....but even though you are playing against the odds right out of the gate going all still want to keep it semi-sane, apply your same criteria to the rest of the field and pick the "best of the rest" and not throw darts and end up with the guy/gal who has been at it since 1912 and has yet to win a week.

I was actively pursuing underdog 2 for a while and got pretty good at it. The bonus if you do the full dog tactic mentioned above is there is an outside chance you can sneak into the upper tier of the rankings anyway..because from time to time you have those disastrous weeks where many #1 favorites go down early. If you get your two dog winners plus 2 other non favorites who lose on Friday...and no #1 choices end up winning...that might just do the trick for winning the week. Odds are pretty long obviously...but...probably slightly better than picking 6 out of 7 right straight up. Which has only been done..what is it now?...still under 10 times even with ~500 people playing it every week since the game launched, how many years ago?

I started employing a hybrid "half dog" tactic...picking 3 or 4 dogs purposely and going for straight favorites in the rest. It eventually worked to get Dog 2 and I very nearly pulled off the weekly win (i got 2nd place) as described above due to the underdog counteradvantage in a busted bracket week even though those two were my only weekly winners. Before you say "see!! the person who beat you probably had some top picks to boost their total ever so slightly ahead of you!" Nope...they did the same thing but had 3 dog winners! :p

But yes generally the most efficient pursuit of points and of Dog 2 cannot be done in the same week. If those are the only two things you look at in the game and you try and thread the needle and do both you are looking for trouble and it is likely best to focus full bore on whichever one you want more...and then shift to go after the other later.

If you do go hybrid though, statistically the lower divisions are your best bet for dog hunting. There you have mostly new players and the dominance of the frontrunners is not as firmly established.

Exqmple: tourney #4..if a player has 70 weekly closest is 42 and the average of the other 14 players is 25 weekly wins...ok yeah that is a no brainer. The 70 time winner will at least make it to Friday...~90% of the time.
Contrast with tourney 86; if the head of the class has 7 wins, and everyone else has 0-3, yes, the 7 time winner will be and should be the #1 favorite...but the gamble there going for someone else is much smaller. Their making it to Friday odds would usually be more within a range like 25-50% depending on how long they have been playing.

Reply #704. Jul 07 17, 10:31 AM
AcrylicInk star

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I recently got Question Quest. I like coming up with one-off questions when my workload is excessive and I don't have time to focus on a quiz. And I like writing questions for topics I know a bit about, but not enough to confidently write a quiz on without doing a ton of research first.

Reply #705. Jul 08 17, 4:40 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Regarding Fantasy Knockout, I always found the lower tournaments to be more predictable than the upper ones. Very often, in the very lowest tournament (say #88 or so), of the 16 choices, there is one that is an absolute standout. Frequently, this is the very first featured Fantasy appearance for most of the players in that tournament and when you look through "the program", you will see most players listed have 0, 1, or 2 Knockout Tournament wins, but there may be one (typically a relative newbie who has only been on FT a few months) who already has something like 8 Knockout Tournament wins, and, when you look at the rest of his/her profile, you see things like 32 Expert wins already. Such a player is a "rising star" and won't stay at Tournament #88 for long. I always pick standouts like that, especially if I see they've already played that Tuesday when I get around to making my choices.

Reply #706. Jul 08 17, 10:02 AM
I've played on here 11 years and finally won my first monthly badge by accident, not intentionally! The Fill Me In Monthly Badge, also by surprise, after all these years, Perfect Score!

Reply #707. Jul 09 17, 12:22 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Just won Daily Conqueror. I know it's "just a badgelet", but it seems like it took me forever. (Actually, I'm not even an OldTimer yet - 4.5 years.)

Reply #708. Aug 01 17, 11:49 AM
ARose08 star
My proudest achievement recently was getting Obscure Knowledge without even trying! All I was trying to do was complete a daily challenge of getting a cumulative number of points in that game, and I apparently achieved both with a lucky combination of easy (for me) questions and good guessing.

Sometimes the most fun badges are the ones we win by accident. :-)

Reply #709. Aug 03 17, 9:35 AM
lonely-lady star

player avatar
I got the Three Keys this week

Reply #710. Aug 03 17, 2:29 PM
ARose08 star
7 years on this site (off and on), and I finally got the Perfect Score badge today! :-)

Reply #711. Aug 05 17, 8:45 AM
Creedy star

player avatar
The Everything Badge :)

Reply #712. Aug 20 17, 6:12 AM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Wow, Creedy, that one really takes some near-perfect playing. Congratulations. (Too bad the finish text is so anticlimactic, huh?)

Reply #713. Aug 20 17, 1:56 PM
blake_aus_nsw star

player avatar
Monthly gold madness,Whozit.

Reply #714. Oct 08 17, 3:21 AM

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