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Subject: immortal badge

Posted by: susandarn
Date: Jun 13 14

Hi there.... I am just an average player but trying for this badge..any tips?

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The Nada badgelet is for getting a 0/15 in Impossible in a certain amount of time. Would gladly trade mine for the duck of luckiness...anyone, anyone?

Yeah, that 1/15 yesterday was one of those times where I actually felt I did pretty good in the game, until I started scrolling down the answer page. :-)

Reply #161. Jun 28 14, 5:53 AM

player avatar
I was thinking the same thing yesterday (wish I could trade). Even though the 1/15 doesnt actively help me, it doesnt hurt either. Whereas you guys are still in the big race and could make better use of my occasional 6s and 7s
Ok fine! There was an 8 in there too one time :p Yes thats right, I actually got better than half right once, while trying to fail.

I know I will get it eventually (hopefully before this round is over because I think Ill be ready for a serious try for immortal next game) because most times I am in the range of 1-3 right...

Reply #162. Jun 28 14, 7:57 AM

player avatar
Oops bumped the post button before I meant to...
And I knew this wouldnt be a complete gimme..but it has proven a bit more elusive than I expected.
As for Lucky..Dire I have a deal for you. I will cease all complaints about immortal scores which are too high if you agree to not speak of that #%@*!& duck again! I stopped tracking the duck's movements after the 4th instance of watching it go to a FT hatchling with no other badges to speak of. There is no way they can appreciate how lucky they were at that stage nor the backlog of more seasoned players waiting (patiently?) behind them for the same.treatment.
I have a theory that the secret for those above level 30 who have yet to receive that downy that you have to forget about it completely for 24 hours and that is how you'll get it (of course that isnt foolproof even if true because there is only one winner per day and obviously more than one person could achieve that voluntary avian amnesia at the same time

Reply #163. Jun 28 14, 8:14 AM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
Sorry, answer, you have to forget the duck a lot longer than 24 hours, days, weeks or even months. It will come when you're least expecting it. It will come one day while you're asleep and when you log on to see that you have new messages you'll open your mailbox to see a series of messages from your team mates all saying "Gimme that DUCK you &*&^%£$! It's MINE!" or supportive, friendly things like that. And only then will you scroll down to find a note from FT saying that you got lucky. You got new enemies but you got lucky. ;)

Reply #164. Jun 28 14, 9:49 AM
"Whereas you guys are still in the big race and could make better use of my occasional 6s and 7s"

Those 6s and 7s are no help to me, I'm playing in hardcore mode.

Reply #165. Jun 28 14, 10:12 AM
"You got new enemies but you got lucky. ;)"

Any new enemies of mine will have to stand in line and take a number like everybody else. :-p

Reply #166. Jun 28 14, 10:15 AM
DeepHistory star
Flopsymopsy, this doesn't work! I have tried your remedy, but nerts, nerts, nerts!

Reply #167. Jun 28 14, 10:16 AM
flopsymopsy star

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My remedy for getting the duck? You're only a baby on FT, DireHistory, I had to wait *much* longer than a year for mine. Patience, grasshopper... read Aristotle while you wait, and maybe some Plato, a bit of Goethe, Dante from start to Inferno, and the complete works of Shakespeare, and only then should you even consider if that sound you heard might have been a duck landing.

Reply #168. Jun 28 14, 11:07 AM

player avatar
"you have to forget the duck a lot longer than 24 hours"

I am not sure about that though. Much like the nada bagelet It seems like an easy task at first glance but think first of all about how tough it actually is to try to not think about something specific on command. We are obviously all sunk today on account of this thread alone. But if we going to take the method seriously you've got to stay clear of all lakes, waterways etc....not to mention stray Aflac commercials (At least in the U.S) lest you make the connection and suddenly scowl for apparently no good reason as far as any random onlookers are concerned. They seem like a forgettable element of life but its hard not to cross paths with a duck during the course of a day.

Reply #169. Jun 28 14, 12:27 PM
Flopsy - "DireHistory"


How did I get involved in all this? Punishment for something that I did, or is it a preemptive strike for a future event?

It's probably already tomorrow over on Lizard's side of the globe. How about it Lizard, any news from the future? Do I start WWWIII tomorrow using only words and a computer mouse?

Reply #170. Jun 28 14, 1:14 PM
"WWWIII" is not a typo. It stands for World Wide War #3.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-)

Reply #171. Jun 28 14, 1:16 PM
flopsymopsy star

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Oops, I'll let you start a World Wide War as long as DEEPHistory doesn't join in. ;P

Reply #172. Jun 28 14, 2:27 PM
If the next world war starts, we'll all be history.

Reply #173. Jun 28 14, 5:19 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar

Nope - it is indeed tomorrow (and a half) and still no WWWIII so far as I can.....bzzzzquirrrrrrizzzzbekwheeeeeepuuuuh!!!!.......

Oh, no worries. That was a coconut dropping on my computer. You would think I have been here long enough to know better than to sit under a coconut tree.

Our wars are fought with banaras = bow and arrows. Huge tribal wars. Hundreds of warriors on each side facing each other. Shooting arrows assiduously. Then when someone actually gets hit - not frequent since everyone has a shield - not even killed, just hit, that is the end of the war. Time for negotiations.

That is the fun part. It is something the West hasn't sorted or has forgotten. The real reason for war is not to kill people or even to gain territory, it is to have an excuse for negotiations, for exchanging scarce goods. Compensation. One side has a lot of pigs. The other has a lot of goats. Let's trade a few pigs and goats. Anyone over there not married and looking for a husband/wife? Let's cement relations (literally speaking). That crocodile been giving you trouble - hey, we got crocodile hunters. Let's get together and fight the enemy of our enemy....And much more efficient to do so before anyone actually gets seriously hurt.

The Mouse that Roared. Go directly from the declaration of war to the negotiations. So much more civilised....

Who was it - Einstein - that said "I don't know what World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.." Damn, we already fight wars with sticks and stones (and banaras) - so who, exactly, is advanced here?? We get to skip WWWIII and wait for the rest of the world to catch up (or down....).

As for the duck - I don't want the duck. I don't like feathers. I don't like quacking. Waddling disgusts me. I HATE bills. I don't give a darn about the duck....

How am I doing? Think I have a chance??

Reply #174. Jun 28 14, 10:11 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
And I think Flopsy had an epiphany of sorts - what Jung would call synchronicity. Two seemingly unrelated elements co-occur in seeming serendipity, but in reality are fundamentally causally linked.

I mean, how else to explain it when two gurus such as DireWolf and DeepHistory are involved in a discussion that ultimately leads to consideration of WWWIII, and in consequence (purely unrelated, of course...) Flopsy generates the moniker "DireHistory".....?? I love it.....

Reply #175. Jun 28 14, 10:25 PM
Wizard of Lizards - "Who was it - Einstein - that said "I don't know what World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.." Damn, we already fight wars with sticks and stones (and banaras) - so who, exactly, is advanced here?? We get to skip WWWIII and wait for the rest of the world to catch up (or down....)."

LOVE this quote from Einstein. But will any of the nations these days heed his warning?

"DireHistory" - Yep, Flopsy stumbled on to something there. In fact, one might call her statement "Deep".

Reply #176. Jun 29 14, 5:48 AM
Eraucci star

player avatar
While I was playing the idioms category this morning, my cat jumped up on the computer and stepped on the return button. So my game ended after only seven questions (I *would* have answered all 15 correctly). I was so mad. If I don't make Immortal, I'm blaming my cat!

Reply #177. Jul 01 14, 6:00 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
Eraucci... The same thing has happened to me twice in this round of the GC. And I cannot even blame it on the cat! Just my pinkie on the right hand straying a bit too far. Seems a bit of a design fault - just not sure if the design fault is in the game or in myself......

Reply #178. Jul 01 14, 6:13 PM
lizarddrinking star

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And by the way Eraucci, no pussy is going to deny you Immortal! You are doing great! I just keep trying to stay within five or ten of you and figure I am all right... And as for Dire, well, you are just remarkable. I mean, already Immortal, already HC Champ, and in the top ten of HCs. Jeez. As long as I can see you guys in the near distance I know I am all right.....level 8 is only two days away......

But, hey. Today I got a 1901 in Knockout! Yeah, buddy. Dig that. Some of the questions were kind of sixties-ish, if you know what I mean, and I had some particularly timely flashbacks.....

Reply #179. Jul 02 14, 1:44 AM
The best I ever did in Knockout was 1836. I also have "helpful" pets, small dogs and cats, who make playing FT interesting unless I remember to keep them out of the computer area. Which does NOT make for happy fourlegged campers!

Reply #180. Jul 02 14, 5:39 AM

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