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Subject: Hated Team Heroes Topics

Posted by: Terry
Date: Sep 08 23

I have just added a handful of new Team Heroes topics that I believe have enough universal appeal as to work for the game.

On the other side of things, I'm curious if there are any universally reviled Team Heroes topics that (nearly) everyone wishes were removed from the game.

"Paganism" and "Universities & Colleges" are two that I have seen mentioned.

Any others that don't make great Team Heroes topics?

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We're all in the same boat, though.

Reply #81. May 14 24, 6:45 PM
bubblesfun star

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It seems like at least four out of seven days a week have been “wacky”, but what seems strange to me is that we have been getting more than a few repeats within just weeks of each other. Does the system need a quick kick in the pants, lol?

Reply #82. May 15 24, 2:03 PM
Barbarini star

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bubbles, you are not alone in thinking that. We were wondering why the "wacky" isn't limited to just Wednesdays. A kick in the pants might be timely.

Reply #83. May 15 24, 2:19 PM
I've been looking at my calendar just to make sure it isn't a Wednesday. Seems more like "Groundhog Day" the movie, only this one could be called "Wacky Wednesday" Day.

Reply #84. May 15 24, 8:36 PM
gracious1 star

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Today I learned that I know next to nothing about Terry Pratchett and his works.

Reply #85. May 29 24, 8:06 PM
Same. More and more days seem like Wacky Wednesdays in Team Heroes, no matter the day of the week anymore! I almost feel like there should be two heroes games running each day: a more general topic, and a more specific one. Lately, the game has skewed a lot more towards the latter.

Reply #86. May 31 24, 11:44 AM
While I have a plethora of topics I dislike, I would like to argue for the opposite and ask that you bring back Sports & Television categories, despite the fact that I will never do well in them. They're in the list for the team's history, but we have no chance of improving on our old scores because the topics never come up again.

Reply #87. Jun 01 24, 1:00 AM

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